Unmasking PTSD: Discover Your Understanding

How often do you experience flashbacks or intrusive memories?
Multiple times a day
Rarely or never
Do you actively avoid situations or stimuli that remind you of the traumatic event?
Yes, I avoid them as much as possible
Sometimes, but not always
No, I don't actively avoid them
Are you easily startled or constantly on edge?
Yes, most of the time
Sometimes, depending on the situation
No, I rarely feel this way
How would you describe your sleep patterns since the traumatic event?
Frequently disturbed by nightmares or insomnia
Occasionally disrupted, but generally able to sleep
No significant changes in my sleep patterns
Do you often experience intense mood swings or emotional instability?
Yes, frequently
Sometimes, but not too often
No, my moods are generally stable
How would you rate your overall level of irritability and anger since the traumatic event?
Very high, I struggle to control my anger
Moderate, I occasionally have outbursts
Low, I rarely feel irritable or angry
Have you noticed any difficulties with self-esteem or feelings of worthlessness?
Yes, it significantly affects my self-esteem
Occasionally, but it doesn't dominate my thoughts
No, my self-esteem is relatively unaffected
Are you able to concentrate and focus on tasks without being easily distracted?
No, I struggle to concentrate for extended periods
Sometimes, depending on the task
Yes, I can maintain focus without much difficulty
How often do you find yourself feeling detached or emotionally numb?
Frequently, it's a constant state for me
Occasionally, but not all the time
Rarely or never
Do you experience difficulties with forming or maintaining close relationships?
Yes, it's a significant challenge for me
Sometimes, depending on the person or situation
No, I don't have major issues with relationships Scoring: - Type 1: The Reliving Warrior: 10-15 points - Type 2: The Avoidant Survivor: 8-12 points - Type 3: The Hyperaroused Fighter: 4-7 points - Type 4: The Emotional Rollercoaster: 9-14 points
{"name":"Unmasking PTSD: Discover Your Understanding", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How often do you experience flashbacks or intrusive memories?, Do you actively avoid situations or stimuli that remind you of the traumatic event?, Are you easily startled or constantly on edge?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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