Circulatory system
Circulatory System Quiz
Test your knowledge of the circulatory system with this comprehensive quiz! Dive into various topics related to blood vessels, capillaries, and the heart's structure and fun
- Explore different types of blood vessels
- Understand the role of capillaries in circulation
- Identify key components of the heart's conducting system
True for elastic lamina
Modified cardiomyocyte
Present only in epicardium
Present in tunica media of large blood vessels
Present in tunica intima of large blood vessels
True for pericytes
Characteristic for large blood vessels only
Endodermal origin
No basal lamina
Have their own basal lamina
What is true for endothelium
Not present in wall of veins
Found in intima of artery
Found exclusively in capillaries
Produce endothelins
True for discontinous capillaries
Form blood-organ barrier
Form tissues-blood barrier
Endothelial cells form discontinous layer and are separated by wide space
Also called sinusoid
True about CS
The heart and blood vessels make up CS
Heart pumps blood and substances around body in blood vessels
Capillaries do not have tunica media
CS carries blood and dissolved substances to and from diffrent places in body
True for pericytes
Mesenchymal origin
Own basal lamina
Located outside elastic artery
Contain myosin, actin, tropomyosin and protein kinase which are related to contraction
True for endothelial cells
No wall in lymphatic vessels
Produce endothelins
Found in intima of artery
Endothelial cells are metabolic inactive
Connect arterioles with venules
Are sites of metabolic exchanges between blood and tissue
Continuous participate in formation of blood-brain-barrier
Sinusoidal have discontinuous basal lamina
Pericytes can be found in their wall
Are the smallest vessels in the bo
Discontinuous capillaries (sinusoids)
Are present within bone marrow, liver, spleen
Their basal lamina is highly discontinuous
Pericytes can be found in their wal
Have discontinuous endothelium but continuous basal lamina
Permit maximal exchange of macromolecules, allow easier movement of cells between tissues
Permit interexchange between blood and tissues
The endothelial cells are penetrated by numerous fenestrations
Their basal lamina is continuous
Are characteristic for bone marrow
Are typical for spleen
Have large fenestrations within basal lamina 1
Muscular arteries:
The tunica media contains up to 40 layers of smooth muscle cells
Vasa vasorum are found in the tunica adventitia
External elastic lamina is present in the larger muscular arteries
The tunica media never contains elastic fibers
Carry blood back to the heart from the organs
Small and medium sized veins have valves
Their lumen is usually collapsed
Large veins have a well developed tunica intima
Adventitia is the best developed layer
Large veins have relatively thin tunica media
Contain valves
Do not contain external elastic lamina
Purkinje fibers of heart:
Branches of atrioventricular node
Branches of bundle of His
Specialized to conduct nerve impulses
Modified cardiac muscle fiber
Is lined with endothelium
Smooth muscle cells and elastic fibres are its part
Subendocardium contains purkinje fibers
Is elongation of tunica intima of large vessels
Endothelial cell which modulate many aspects of normal hemostasis
Is the widest part of the heart – myometrium
Endothelial cells:
Line blood vessels
Mesenchymal origin
Contains desmin and vesmin → ability of contraction
Are always located on continuous basement membrane
Act as semipermeable barrier
Contain Weibel-Palade bodies
Secrete paracrine factors, collagen type 2,4 and 5, fibronectin
Elastic artery:
Elastic laminae are prominent in tunica media
Consists of vasa vasorum in tunica adventitia
No fibroblasts are present within tunica media
Its internal elastic lamina is the border between tunica intima and tunica media
Does not have tunica media
Include aorta and its branches
Contain smooth muscle in tunica media
Have elastic laminae in tunica intima and media
An internal elastic lamina is present
Find correct features of the vessels:
Tunica adventitia of vein is well developed
Pericyte are enclosed in its own basal lamina
Pericites have mesenchymal origin
Each type of blood vessels is lined with endothelium
Conducting system of heart:
Is located within subendocardial layer and myocardium
Is created by modified cardiac muscle cells
Consists of sinoatrial node
Contains Purkinje fibers
Atrioventricular node
Atrioventricular bundle (of His)
Continuous capillaries can be found in
Spleen – sinusoidal capillaries
Blood-brain barrier
Renal glomerulus – fenestrated capillaries
Liver – sinusoidal capillaries
Bone marrow – sinusoidal capillaries
Vasa vasorum (“vessels of the vessel”) can be found in:
Tunica adventitia of small capillaries
Tunica adventitia of large vessels
Tunica media of large vessels
Tunica intima of medium arteries
Internal elastic lamina
Fenestrated capillaries with diaphragms are located in:
Small intestine
Endocrine glands
Renal glomerulus
Occurs in the capillaries and postcapillary venules
Contain myosin, actin, tropomyosin and protein kinase which are related to contraction
Form the continuous layer on the capillaries
Participate in repair process
Have mesenchymal origin
Have their own basal lamina
Choose sentence related to arterioles:
Are less than 0,5 mm in diameter
Media contain one or two layer of smooth muscle cells
Media contain numerous layers of smooth muscle cells
Tunica adventitia is the thickest tunica
External elastic lamina is prominent
Tunica intima:
Is always present in blood vessels
Is thicker in elastic arteries than in muscular ones
Endothelial cells lie on the basal lamina
{"name":"Circulatory system", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the circulatory system with this comprehensive quiz! Dive into various topics related to blood vessels, capillaries, and the heart's structure and function.Explore different types of blood vesselsUnderstand the role of capillaries in circulationIdentify key components of the heart's conducting system","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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