Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 12 Apr 22
[2204.04224] Gonzalo Alonso-Álvarez, James M. Cline: Sterile neutrino production at small mixing in the early universe
[2204.04227] Giovanni Grilli di Cortona, Enrico Nardi: Probing light mediators at the MUonE experiment
[2204.04237] Victor Branco Valera, Mauricio Bustamante, Christian Glaser: The ultra-high-energy neutrino-nucleon cross section: measurement forecasts for an era of cosmic EeV-neutrino discovery
[2204.04283] D. D. Yavuz, S. Inbar: Generation and detection of axions using guided structures
[2204.04286] Xiao Kang Du, Zhuang Li, Fei Wang et al.: Explaining The Muon $g-2$ Anomaly and New CDFII W-Boson Mass in the Framework of ExtraOrdinary Gauge Mediation
[2204.04356] Tian-Peng Tang, Murat Abdughani, Lei Feng et al.: NMSSM neutralino dark matter for $W$-boson mass and muon $g-2$ and the promising prospect of direct detection
[2204.04357] Ru-Ying Tang, Zhuo-Ran Huang, Cai-Dian Lü et al.: Scrutinizing New Physics in Semi-leptonic $B_{c}\rightarrow J/ψ τν$ Decay
[2204.04374] Yongcheng Wu, Ke-Pan Xie, Ye-Ling Zhou: Collapsing domain walls beyond $Z_2$
[2204.04427] Zizhuo Zhao, Yuefeng Di, Ligong Bian et al.: Probing the electroweak symmetry breaking history with Gravitational waves
[2204.04433] Gholamhossein Haghighat, Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi: Search for lepton-flavor-violating decays of the tau lepton at a future muon collider
[2204.04453] Lopamudra Nayak, P. C. Dash, Susmita Kar et al.: Exclusive semileptonic $B_c$-meson decays to $S$-wave excited charmonium states
[2204.04486] G.A. Kozlov: Boson stars, primary photons and phase transitions
[2204.04514] Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Francesco Sannino: The W boson mass weighs in on the non-standard Higgs
[2204.04559] Mattias Blennow, Pilar Coloma, Enrique Fernández-Martínez et al.: Right-handed neutrinos and the CDF II anomaly
[2204.04563] M. Ouali, M. Ouhammou, R. Benbrik et al.: Production of Higgs boson in association with a pair of fermions in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field
[2204.04672] Fernando Arias-Aragón, Enrique Fernández-Martínez, Manuel González-López et al.: Dynamical Minimal Flavour Violating Inverse Seesaw
[2204.04702] Chong-Xing Yue, Shuo Yang, Han Wang et al.: Prospects for detecting axion-like particles via the decay $Z\rightarrow af\bar{f}$ at future $Z$ factories
[2204.04710] Junjie Cao, Fei Li, Jingwei Lian et al.: Impact of LHC probes of SUSY and recent measurement of $(g-2)_μ$ on $\mathbb{Z}_3$-NMSSM
[2204.04713] Yongliang Hao, Dongdong Ni: Neutron-neutral particle mixing in partial compositeness model and its observable consequences
[2204.04737] Neda Darvishi, Bohdan Grzadkowski: Pseudo-Goldstone Dark Matter Model with CP violation
[2204.04770] Kodai Sakurai, Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin: Singlet extensions and W boson mass in the light of the CDF II result
[2204.04781] A. Rodas, J.R. Peláez: Dispersive determination of low energy $πK$ interactions
[2204.04805] JiJi Fan, Lingfeng Li, Tao Liu et al.: $W$-Boson Mass, Electroweak Precision Tests and SMEFT
[2204.04834] Xuewen Liu, Shu-Yuan Guo, Bin Zhu et al.: Unifying gravitational waves with $W$ boson, FIMP dark matter, and Majorana Seesaw mechanism
[2204.04889] Seungwon Baek, Jongkuk Kim, P. Ko: Muon $(g-2)$ and Thermal WIMP DM in ${\rm U(1)}_{L_μ-L_τ} $ Models
[2204.05024] Hyun Min Lee, Kimiko Yamashita: A Model of Vector-like Leptons for the Muon $g-2$ and the $W$ Boson Mass
[2204.05031] Yu Cheng, Xiao-Gang He, Zhong-Lv Huang et al.: Type-II Seesaw Triplet Scalar and Its VEV Effects on Neutrino Trident Scattering and W mass
[2204.05083] Leonid Ya. Glozman, Owe Philipsen, Robert D. Pisarski: Chiral spin symmetry and the QCD phase diagram
[2204.05085] Huayang Song, Wei Su, Mengchao Zhang: Electroweak Phase Transition in 2HDM under Higgs, Z-pole, and W precision measurements
[2204.05187] Matteo Rinaldi: Meson and Glueball spectroscopy within the Graviton Soft-Wall model
[2204.05197] Andrea Bianconi, Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson: Compared analysis of time-like hyperon form factors
[2204.05225] Long Chen, Joshua Davies, Gudrun Heinrich et al.: ZH production in gluon fusion at NLO in QCD
[2204.05237] Hamza Abouabid, Abdesslam Arhrib, Jaouad El Falaki et al.: Full one-loop radiative corrections to $e^+ e^-\to H^+H^-$ in the Inert Higgs Doublet Model
[2204.05260] Emanuele Bagnaschi, John Ellis, Maeve Madigan et al.: SMEFT Analysis of $m_{W}$
[2204.05267] Ayan Paul, Mauro Valli: Violation of custodial symmetry from W-boson mass measurements
[2204.05269] Henning Bahl, Johannes Braathen, Georg Weiglein: New physics effects on the $W$-boson mass from a doublet extension of the SM Higgs sector
[2204.05283] Pouya Asadi, Cari Cesarotti, Katherine Fraser et al.: Oblique Lessons from the $W$ Mass Measurement at CDF II
[2204.05284] Luca Di Luzio, Ramona Gröber, Paride Paradisi: Higgs physics confronts the $M_W$ anomaly
[2204.05285] Peter Athron, Markus Bach, Douglas H.J. Jacob et al.: Precise calculation of the W boson pole mass beyond the Standard Model with FlexibleSUSY
[2204.05291] Timur Yu. Alpin, Alexander B. Balakin, Alexei V. Vorohov: Relativistic nonlinear axion magnetohydrodynamics
[2204.05296] Jiayin Gu, Zhen Liu, Teng Ma et al.: Speculations on the W-Mass Measurement at CDF
[2204.05302] Jonathan J. Heckman: Extra $W$-Boson Mass from a D3-Brane
[2204.05303] K.S. Babu, Sudip Jana, Vishnu P.K.: Correlating $W$-Boson Mass Shift with Muon \boldmath${g-2}$ in the 2HDM
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 12 Apr 22","img":""}
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