Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 6 May 22
[2205.02228] Ramir Ristić, Emil Babić: Comment on: High Mixing Entropy Enhanced Energy States in Metallic Glasses
[2205.02246] Kieran Bull, Andrew Hallam, Zlatko Papić et al.: Tuning between continuous time crystals and many-body scars in long-range XYZ spin chains
[2205.02262] H. Zhang, C.Q. Xu, S.H. Lee et al.: Thermal and thermoelectric properties of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$_2$Te$_4$
[2205.02265] Jacob B. Hass, Aileen N. Carroll-Godfrey, Eric I. Corwin et al.: Anomalous Fluctuations of Extremes in Many-Particle Diffusion
[2205.02272] Marcus Marinho, Guilherme Vieira, Tobias Micklitz et al.: Mesoscopic fluctuations in superconductor-topological insulator Josephson junctions
[2205.02280] Rina Tazai, Shun Matsubara, Youichi Yamakawa et al.: A Rigorous Formalism of Unconventional Symmetry Breaking in Fermi Liquid Theory and Its Application to Nematicity in FeSe
[2205.02286] Gabriel Mercado-Vásquez, Denis Boyer, Satya N. Majumdar: Freezing transitions of Brownian particles in confining potentials
[2205.02290] Yang Sun, Mikhail I. Mendelev, Feng Zhang et al.: Ab initio melting temperatures of bcc and hcp iron under the Earth's inner core condition
[2205.02297] Ivailo Hartarsky, Fabio Martinelli, Cristina Toninelli: Fredrickson--Andersen model in two dimensions
[2205.02299] Arda Yildirim, Christina Krause, Patrick Huber et al.: Multiple glassy dynamics of a homologous series of triphenylene-based columnar liquid crystals -- A study by broadband dielectric spectrosco...
[2205.02305] Puspa Upreti, Matthew Krogstad, Charlotte Haley et al.: Order-Disorder Transitions in (Ca$_x$Sr$_{1-x}$)$_3$Rh$_4$Sn$_{13}$
[2205.02308] Kuangyin Deng, Xin Li, Benedetta Flebus: Exceptional points as a route to magnetic nano-oscillators
[2205.02313] P.D. Gujrati: Maxwell's Conjecture of the Demon creating a Temperature Difference is False
[2205.02326] R. Pineda, W. J. Herrera: Edge states, transport and topological properties of heterostructures in the SSH model
[2205.02339] Alessio Lapolla: The First Exit Time Statistics and the Entropic Forces in Single File Diffusion
[2205.02352] Sergey V. Filippov, Anatoly G. Kolosko, Eugeni O. Popov et al.: Field emission: calculations supporting a new methodology of comparing theory with experiment
[2205.02377] Yingping Mou, Rubem Mondaini, Richard T. Scalettar: The bilayer Hubbard model: analysis based on the fermionic sign problem
[2205.02405] H. J. Hu, W. L. Zhen, S. R. Weng et al.: Enhanced optoelectronic performance and photogating effect in quasi-one-dimensional BiSeI wires
[2205.02408] Nathaniel Bohm, Patrick K. Schelling: Analysis of ballistic resonance in the α-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model
[2205.02412] Y.D. Guan, C.H. Yan, S.H. Lee et al.: Ferromagnetic MnBi4Te7 obtained with low concentration Sb doping: A promising platform for exploring topological quantum states
[2205.02416] Shuyu Zhou, Chen Chen, Xuemei Jia et al.: Characterizing ultra-narrow momentum of atoms by standing-wave light-pulse sequences
[2205.02424] Keisuke Yazawa, Andriy Zakutayev, Geoff L. Brennecka: A Landau-Devonshire Analysis of Strain Effects on Ferroelectric Al1-xScxN
[2205.02448] K. Y. Zeng, F. Y. Song, L. S. Ling et al.: Incommensurate magnetic order in Sm$_3$BWO$_9$ with the distorted kagome lattice
[2205.02449] Denis S. Grebenkov: Depletion of Resources by a Population of Diffusing Species
[2205.02452] Rakshanda Dhawan, Padmanabhan Balasubramanian, Tashi Nautiyal: Origins of multi-sublattice magnetism and superexchange interactions in double-double perovskite CaMnCrSbO6
[2205.02461] Zhen Zhang, Simona Ispas, Walter Kob: Fracture of silicate glasses: Micro-cavities and correlations between atomic-level properties
[2205.02470] Bo Gyu Jang, Minjae Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee et al.: Decisive Roles of Intersite Coulomb Interactions in Charge Ordered Systems
[2205.02472] Huan Zhao, Linghan Zhu, Xiangzhi Li et al.: Manipulating Interlayer Excitons for Ultra-pure Near-infrared Quantum Light Generation
[2205.02476] Ling Wang, Yalei Zhang, Anders W. Sandvik: Quantum spin liquid phase in the Shastry-Sutherland model detected by an improved level spectroscopic method
[2205.02486] Martin Tømterud, Sabrina D. Eder, Christin Büchner et al.: Observation of the Boson Peak in a 2D Material
[2205.02508] Samuel Nyckees, Frédéric Mila: Tensor network investigation of the hard-square model
[2205.02547] Paul J. Meza-Morales, Alessandro Fumarola, Volha Taliaronak et al.: Electronic band structure screening for Dirac points in Heuslers
[2205.02554] Santanu Saha, Simone Di Cataldo, Federico Giannessi et al.: Mapping Superconductivity in High-Pressure Hydrides: The $Superhydra$ Project
[2205.02582] Bence Hetényi, Stefano Bosco, Daniel Loss: Anomalous zero-field splitting for hole spin qubits in Si and Ge quantum dots
[2205.02583] Davide Grassano, Davide Campi, Antimo Marrazzo et al.: A complementary screening for quantum spin Hall insulators in 2D exfoliable materials
[2205.02606] Robert Karsthof, Ymir Kalmann Frodason, Augustinas Galeckas et al.: Light absorption and emission by defects in doped nickel oxide
[2205.02609] Borna Radatović, Valentino Jadriško, Sherif Kamal et al.: Macroscopic Single-Phase Monolayer Borophene on Arbitrary Substrates
[2205.02630] Mikhail Khavronin, Dmitry Svintsov: Signatures of non-local conductivity in near-field microscopy
[2205.02635] Julia Liebert: Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory for Bosons: Foundations and Applications
[2205.02642] Hao Chen, Pengcheng Hou, Sheng Fang et al.: A Monte Carlo study of the duality and BKT phase transitions of the two-dimensional $q$-state clock model in flow representations
[2205.02647] K.S. Denisov, K.A. Baryshnikov, P.S. Alekseev: Spin imaging of Poiseuille flow of viscous electronic fluid
[2205.02658] Zipeng Wang, Shina Tan: Scattering Hypervolume of Fermions in Two Dimensions
[2205.02664] Xiang Yang, Alberto Scacchi, Hossein Vahid et al.: Interaction between two polyelectrolytes in monovalent aqueous salt solutions
[2205.02669] Zhuocheng Xie, Dimitri Chauraud, Achraf Atila et al.: Unveiling the mechanisms of motion of synchro-Shockley dislocations
[2205.02686] Stephan Wust, Christopher Seibel, Hendrik Meer et al.: Indirect optical manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order of insulating NiO by ultrafast interfacial energy transfer
[2205.02700] Yaashnaa Singhal, Enrico Martello, Shraddha Agrawal et al.: Measuring the Adiabatic Non-Hermitian Berry Phase in Feedback-Coupled Oscillators
[2205.02702] Szymon Mieszczak, Maciej Krawczyk, Jarosław W. Kłos: Spin-wave localization on phasonic defects in one-dimensional magnonic quasicrystal
[2205.02703] Stefano Lepri: Thermalization of isolated harmonic networks under conservative noise
[2205.02709] Jiangfan Wang, Yi-feng Yang: $\mathbb{Z}_2$ metallic spin liquid on a frustrated Kondo lattice
[2205.02715] Adilet N. Toksumakov, Georgy A. Ermolaev, Alexander S. Slavich et al.: High-refractive index and mechanically cleavable non-van der Waals InGaS3
[2205.02762] A. Tiribocchi, M. Durve, M. Lauricella et al.: The crucial role of adhesion in the transmigration of active droplets through interstitial orifices
[2205.02768] Xiao Zhang, Guangsha Shi, Joshua A. Leveillee et al.: Ab-initio theory of free-carrier absorption in semiconductors
[2205.02773] Seongpyo Hong, Dong-Hee Kim: Tensor network calculation of the logarithmic correction exponent in the XY model
[2205.02783] Fulvio Paleari, Andrea Marini: Exciton-phonon interaction calls for a revision of the "exciton" concept
[2205.02784] Yarden Sheffer, Raquel Queiroz, Ady Stern: Symmetries as the guiding principle for flattening bands of Dirac fermions
[2205.02806] Cequn Li, Yi-Fan Zhao, Alexander Vera et al.: Proximity-Induced Superconductivity in Scalable Topological Insulator/Graphene/Gallium Heterostructures
[2205.02812] I. F. Llovo, J. Mosqueira, C. Carballeira et al.: Precursor superconducting effects in the optimally doped YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$ superconductor: the confrontation between superconducting flu...
[2205.02823] C. L. Tschirhart, Evgeny Redekop, Lizhong Li et al.: Intrinsic spin Hall torque in a moire Chern magnet
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 6 May 22","img":""}
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