(100_150)MCQs Surgical pathology 2DD Prof. Kou Kimheak 2nd2017
The commonest site of fracture clavicle caused by indirect trauma in form of fall on outstretched hand is:
Junction of the medial third with lateral two thirds.
Junction of the lateral third with medial two thirds.
Middle of the clavicle.
None of the above.
Most common bone to fracture in body is:
Which of the following fractures is most commonly seen in healthy bones subjected to violent falls?:
Colles’s fracture
Femoral neck fracture
Intertrochanteric fracture
Clavicular fracture
Vertebral compression fracture
Middle 1/3:
Most common clavicle fracture
Clavicle fracture imaging of choice
Clavicle fracture S/S
Clavicle fracture treat
The bayonet is:
The angular displacement.
The rotary motion.
The transverse displacement.
The longitudinal displacement.
A fracture of the middle 1/3 of the clavicle:
Often causes lesions of the subclavian vein
Consolidates on average in 90 days
Leads in the rule an exuberant bayonet callus
Relief of anatomical reduction with solid internal restraint
Is treated with a bandage elbow to the body
The complication of fracture of the clavicle gives skin emphysema by:
Achieved skin tissue.
Waiting for axillary vessels.
Hit the dome pleuropulmonary.
Brachial plexus injury.
Internal fixation of the clavicle fracture is obtained (achieved) by:
Kirschner wire.
Bone graft.
Plate and screws.
Kirschner wire and Plate and screws..
What are the indications for surgery for broken collarbone?:
Existence of an immediate complication.
Bilateral fracture.
Fracture of the outer ¼.
Pseudarthrosis of the fracture site.
Fracture moved.
All of the above
Treatment of fracture clavicle in an infant is best treated by:
Cuff and sling
Figure of 8 bandage
Open reduction
Shoulder cast
. Regarding fractures of the proximal humerus.:
Injury is through the anatomical neck characteristically following a fall on the outstretched hand
Fracture of the surgical neck is common in the elderly
Fracture of the anatomical neck may be combined with anterior dislocation of the shoulder
Fracture of surgical neck is treated by excision of the head of the humerus and replacement by prosthesis
Fracture of the surgical neck is common in the elderly and Fracture of the anatomical neck may be combined with anterior dislocation of the shoulder
. What is not true about fracture surgical neck of humerus?:
Occurs due to fall on outstretched hand.
Common to children.
Osteoporosis is an important risk factor.
Non-union is uncommon.
Complications of fracture of proximal humerus include:
paralysis of the deltoid muscle
numbness of skin over a small area of the deltoid
avascular necrosis of the head of the humerus
All the above
A boy fell down from a tree and has a fracture of neck of humerus. He can not raise his arm because of the involvement of:
Musculocutaneus nerve
Radial nerve
Axillary nerve
Supraspinatus nerve
Greater tuberosity fracture (simple or fissure) is treated by:
Sling of the upper limb to the neck.
Wrapping of the upper limb to the trunk by adhesive plaster.
Above elbow plaster for 6-8 weeks.
Immediate open reduction and internal fixation by a screw.
Immobilization in shoulder spica with abduction 90 degrees and flexion of the elbow 90 degrees.
The shoulder joint is composed of bones except:
The clavicle (collarbone)
The scapula (shoulder blade)
The humerus (upper arm bone)
The first rib
Who most likely to get a shoulder injury?:
A foot ball player
A cyclist
A yogi
A swimmer
All the above
Which is most likely to lead to a shoulder injury?:
Falling in your arm
Lifting something too heavy
Painting the ceiling in your house
All the above
You should talk your doctor about shoulder injury if:
You have a histoire of shoulder injuries.
You have followed your physical therapy regimen and see no or little improvement.
You have a dislocated or separated shoulder.
All the above.
Hyper abduction of the arm force the humeral head to lodge against the acromion. or from direct axial loading down the shaft of the humeorus while abducted.:
Most common type of shoulder dislocation
MOI for anterior dislocation
MOI for posterior dislocation
MOI for inferior dislocation
Landing forcefully on an internally rotated outstretched hand:
MOI for posterior dislocation
MOI for anterior dislocation
MOI for inferior dislocation
What is most commonly injured structure in the glenohumeral joint dislocation
Forceful abduction, extension and external rotation of the shoulder usually during over-head activities ( humerus comes to rest under the corocoid process):
3 different types of glenohumeral joint dislocations
MOI for inferior dislocation
MOI for anterior dislocation
MOI for posterior dislocation
Dislocation of shoulder is more common than dislocation hip due the following causes:
Wide range of movements of the shoulder.
Shallowness of the glenoid cavity.
Laxity of the capsule of the shoulder joint.
Lack of support by strong muscles.
Trauma of the shoulder is more common.
All the above
In an uncomplicated dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the following directions?:
Dislocation of the shoulder is most often:
Subclavicular anterior internal
Lower glenoid
Antero-internal subcoracoid
The erectal dislocation of the shoulder is a dislocation:
Anterior internal coracoid
Antero internal coracoid
Epileptiform convulsion may be a cause. For each description below, select the type of fracture or dislocation with which it is most likely to be associated.:
Navicular (scaphoid) fracture
Monteggia’s deformity
Greenstick fracture
Spiral fracture
Posterior shoulder dislocation
Luxatio erecta:
Tear of the glenoidal labrum Newer Post Older Post
Inferior dislocation of shoulder
Anterior dislocation of shoulder
Defect in the humeral head
Anterior dislocation (occur 95% of time):
Most common type of shoulder dislocation
Test used in evaluation of dislocated shoulder
MOI for posterior dislocation
MOI for anterior dislocation
In shoulder dislocations, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the following directions:
The incorrect statement about anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint is that:
Shoulder loses its rounded contour & becomes flattened
The elbow is abducted from the side
All movements of the shoulder are limited and painful
The anterior and posterior folds of the axilla are elevated
The hand cannot be placed on the opposite shoulder (Duga's test)
. Posterior dislocation of the shoulder is characterized by:
An external rotation of the arm.
An irreducible internal rotation of the arm
An external ax blow.
A sign of the epaulette.
The abduction of the arm.
What is the basic clinical signs of traumatic posterior shoulder dislocation?:
Attitude of arm in adduction
Attitude of arm in irreducible internal rotation
Attitude of arm in external rotation
Deformation of the shoulder stump.
None of the above signs
Most common complication of Anterior dislocation of shoulder is:
Recurrent dislocation
Myositis ossificans
Avascular necrosis of head of humerus
. What's the Hippocratic method? :
The surgeon puts his foot in the arm pit of the patient and applies traction with his hands.
The surgeon first applies traction to the limb followed by external rotation then adduction and lastly internal rotation.
The patient is made to lie on his belly and the dislocated limb is allowed to hand down by the edge of the table by a weight.
Pt supine, elbow flexed at 90. Pull up and externally rotate
Nursemaid’s Elbow:
Complication of elbow dislocation or supracondylar fracture Damage to brachial artery which supplies finger flexors
Golfer’s elbow Inflammation of common flexor tendon
Traction force resulting in radial head subluxation from under the annular ligament
Medial condylar apophysitis Avulsion Ulnar collateral ligament strain Lateral structures compressed Caused by repetitive valgus stress
Limb shortening with adduction and internal rotation occurs in which type of hip dislocation:
All of the above.
The commonest type of dislocation of the hip joint is:
Traumatic anterior dislocation.
Traumatic posterior dislocation.
Central dislocation.
Congenital dislocation.
Pathological dislocation on top of tuberculous arthritis.
. In ischiatic dislocation of HIP:
Leg extension.
Leg external rotation.
Leg internal rotation.
Leg abduction.
What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip:
Flexion adduction and internal rotation
Flexion adduction and external rotation
Flexion abduction and internal rotation
Flexion abduction and external rotation
A traffic accident, with a vicious attitude to the type of internal rotation adduction with leg extension, suggests:
dislocation ischial
pubic dislocation
Iliac dislocation
Obturator dislocation
Fracture of neck of femur
A 30-year-old victim of road traffic accident was brought at the casualty with hip flexed, adducted, internally rotated and limb is shortened, the likely diagnosis is:
Fracture neck of the femur
Trochanteric fracture
Posterior dislocation hip
Subcapital fracture
What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip:
Leg is extended.
Leg is flexed.
Leg is internally rotated.
Leg is adducted.
What is the position of lower limb in obturator dislocation of hip:
Leg is flexed.
Leg abduction.
Leg is externally rotated.
All of the above.
Shenton line is broken in all of following except:
Posterior dislocation of hip
Impacted fracture of femoral neck
Congenital dislocation of hip
Pathological dislocation of hip
Tom Smith arthritis.
A common temporary benign enlargement of the male breast is ____.:
Paget’s disease
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
Risk factors for breast cancer include?:
Young age
Young age at menopause
Young age at first birth
Young age at menarche
. Which of the following are the two most important things women can do to lower their risk for breast cancer?:
Limit alcohol intake and maintain a healthy weight
Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake
Maintain a healthy weight and quit smoking
Quit smoking and limit red meat intake
Which item has no effect on the risk of breast cancer?:
Excess weight
Preservatives in food
150. What is a symptom of Breast Cancer?:
Itchy throat
Pain in the arm
Lump in underarm or breast area.
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