Which words best describe you?
Moral & perfectionistic
Generous & warm-hearted
Driven & success-oriented
Expressive & sensitive
Curious & perceptive
Reliable & security-driven
Optimistic & fun-loving
Decisive & assertive
Easy-going & harmonious
None of these are accurate
What is your biggest goal in life?
Bettering the world
Taking care of others
Achieving great success
Being authentic & unique
Learning & understanding the world
Finding a reliable support system
Seeking satisfaction & experiences
Protecting yourself & enforcing justice
Seeking internal & external peace
None of these are accurate
On a day off, you would most enjoy...
Making & finishing a to-do list
Reconnecting with people you love
Mastering a new skill or hobby
Journaling or creating art
People watching in the park
Revisiting your go-to favorite spots
Exploring a new part of town
Gathering a group to adventure and get dinner
Tune out the world with a new book or show
None of these are accurate
At a party, you can be found...
Cleaning up messes & making sure everyone is having fun
Refilling drinks
Working the room
Singing karaoke
Eavesdropping on conversations
Sticking by your friends
Recruiting people to play a game
Having a lively debate
Keeping the host's pet company
None of these are accurate
Each year on your birthday, you...
Write thank-you cards for gifts
Secretly hope your friends throw you a party
Buy yourself something nice
Have an identity crisis
Don't tell anyone it's your birthday
Hope you don't get surprised
Celebrate for a week straight
Gather your favorite people to do something you enjoy
Can't decide which way you want to celebrate
None of these are accurate
What makes you most uncomfortable?
Sitting around when there are things to do
People rejecting your help
Your reputation being tainted
Looking on the bright side
Emotionally connecting with others
Negative emotions
Ambiguity/grey areas
Confrontation of any kind
None of these are accurate
When it comes to gifts, you would most like to receive...
Something useful/practical
A spa day
Something designer
A rare or vintage item
A book or tool to assist in a hobby
Something from a brand you love
A trip or experience
A handwritten note of affirmations
None of these are accurate
It annoys you when people...
Break rules
Don't say "thank you"
Try to compete with you
Don't understand your emotions
Overstep your boundaries
Are unreliable
Are negative
Put constraints on you
Talk over you
None of these are accurate
You most identify as...
A reformer
A helper
An achiever
An individualist
An observer
A loyalist
An optimist
A protector
A peacemaker
None of these are accurate
When it comes to candy, you...
Restrict yourself to a piece a day
Share with all your friends
Prefer high-quality brands
Seek unique & obscure treats
Often consider how it's made
Regularly stock up on your faves
Want all of it
Know what you like
Will try anything you're given
None of these are accurate
{"name":"", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"This short, Enneagram-inspired personality quiz will determine which Original Gourmet™ Lollipop flavor we think you'd like best AND give you a chance to win free lollipops for up to a year*!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/67-2960274/add-a-heading-1-.png?sz=1200","hash":"#lollipop #personality #personalityquiz #enneagram"}
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