Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 29 Mar 22
[2203.13823] Regina Rudawska, Mária Hajduková, Tadeusz J. Jopek et al.: Status of the IAU Meteor Data Center
[2203.13824] Jérémy Neveu, Vincent Brémaud, Sébastien Bongard et al.: How in situ atmospheric transmission can affect cosmological constraints from type Ia supernovae ?
[2203.13825] Dominic Sicilian, Francesca Civano, Nico Cappelluti et al.: X-Ray Redshifts of Obscured Chandra Source Catalog AGN
[2203.13827] Carlos A. Argüelles, Francis Halzen, Ali Kheirandish et al.: PeV Tau Neutrinos to Unveil Ultra-High-Energy Sources
[2203.13829] S. Jean Feeser, William M. J. Best: Using Old and New Approaches: Determining Physical Properties of Brown Dwarfs with Empirical Relations and Machine Learning Models
[2203.13846] Daniele Spinoso, Silvia Bonoli, Rosa Valiante et al.: Multi-flavour SMBH seeding and evolution in cosmological environments
[2203.13853] Rosario López, Robert Estalella, María T. Beltrán et al.: Collision of protostellar jets in the star-forming region IC 1396N. Analysis of knot proper motions
[2203.13896] Cédric Huwyler, Martin Melchior: Using Multiple Instance Learning for Explainable Solar Flare Prediction
[2203.13915] Joey Braspenning, Joop Schaye, Josh Borrow et al.: Sensitivity of non-radiative cloud-wind interactions to the hydrodynamics solver
[2203.13952] James R. Beattie, Mark R. Krumholz, Christoph Federrath et al.: Ion Alfvén velocity fluctuations and implications for the diffusion of streaming cosmic rays
[2203.13975] Taichi Kato: Gaia22ayj: outburst from a deeply eclipsing 9.36-min binary?
[2203.13986] N. A. Swainston, N. D. R. Bhat, I. S. Morrison et al.: MWA Tied-Array Processing IV: A Multi-Pixel Beamformer for Pulsar Surveys and Ionospheric Corrected Localisation
[2203.14060] Srikanta Pal, Pallav Chanda, Rajib Saha: Estimation of Full Sky CMB Angular Power Spectrum from High Resolution Partial Sky CMB Map Using Artificial Neural Network
[2203.14071] Marzia Rivi, Lance Miller: RadioLensfit: an HPC Tool for Accurate Galaxy Shape Measurement with SKA
[2203.14073] Yuri A. Shchekinov, Biman B. Nath, Evgenii O. Vasiliev: Dust in Clusters of Galaxies
[2203.14097] Soham Mandal, Paul C. Duffell, Yuan Li: Numerical Investigation of Dynamical and Morphological Trends in Relativistic Jets
[2203.14119] A. Coutens, J.-C. Loison, A. Boulanger et al.: The ALMA-PILS survey: First tentative detection of 3-hydroxypropenal (HOCHCHCHO) in the interstellar medium and chemical modeling of the C$_3$H$_4$O$_...
[2203.14161] Peter R. Young, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra: Properties of EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Slot Observations
[2203.14198] Di Xiao, Fayin Wang, Zigao Dai: Fast Radio Bursts
[2203.14200] J. P. Crossett, S. L. McGee, T. J. Ponman et al.: The XXL Survey XLV. Linking the ages of optically selected groups to their X-ray emission
[2203.14229] Paolo Cea: CMB two-point angular correlation function in the Ellipsoidal Universe
[2203.14256] David Pamos Ortega, Antonio García Hernández, Juan Carlos Suárez Yanes et al.: Determining the seismic age of the young open cluster $α$ Per using $δ$ Scuti stars
[2203.14283] Himansh Rathore, Kavin Kumar, Preetish K. Mishra et al.: Star-forming S0 Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: fading spirals or rejuvenated S0s?
[2203.14300] Hongliang Yan, Haining Li, Song Wang et al.: Overview of the LAMOST survey in the first decade
[2203.14312] Marco P. Viero, Guochao Sun, Dongwoo T. Chung et al.: The Early Universe was Dust-Rich and Extremely Hot
[2203.14369] F. Niederhofer, M.-R. L. Cioni, T. Schmidt et al.: The VMC survey -- XLVI. Stellar proper motions in the centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud
[2203.14393] Yasser Abduallah, Vania K. Jordanova, Hao Liu et al.: Predicting Solar Energetic Particles Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Data Products and a Bidirectional LSTM Network
[2203.14444] Andre Amarante, Othon Winter: The fate of particles in the dynamical environment around Kuiper Belt object (486958) Arrokoth
[2203.14445] J. Xavier, A. B. Prado, S. M. Giuliatti Winter et al.: Mapping Long-Term Natural Orbits about Titania, a Satellite of Uranus
[2203.14459] V.V. Flambaum, I.B. Samsonov: Radiation from cold molecular clouds and Sun chromosphere produced by anti-quark nugget dark matter
[2203.14475] Chow-Choong Ngeow, Anupam Bhardwaj, Richard Dekany et al.: Zwicky Transient Facility and Globular Clusters: The RR Lyrae gri-Band Period-Luminosity-Metallicity and Period-Wesenheit-Metallicity Rela...
[2203.14505] Valeska Valdivia, Anaëlle Maury, Patrick Hennebelle: Is the mm/sub-mm dust polarization a robust tracer of the magnetic field topology in protostellar envelopes ? A model exploration
[2203.14529] Yong Shao, Xiang-Dong Li: Stable mass transfer can explain massive binary black hole mergers with a high spin component
[2203.14538] Ilya Straumit, Andrew Tkachenko, Sarah Gebruers et al.: Zeta-Payne: a fully automated spectrum analysis algorithm for the Milky Way Mapper program of the SDSS-V survey
[2203.14591] Naïs Fargette, Benoit Lavraud, Alexis P. Rouillard et al.: The preferential orientation of magnetic switchbacks, implications for solar magnetic flux transport
[2203.14609] Hui Peng, Haojie Xu, Le Zhang et al.: Self-calibration of photometric redshift scatter from DECaLS DR8 power spectrum and validation with simulated catalogues
[2203.14620] S. Gabici: Low energy cosmic rays
[2203.14638] M. M. Cueli, L. Bonavera, J. Gonzalez-Nuevo et al.: Tomography-based observational measurements of the halo mass function via the submillimeter magnification bias
[2203.14674] Diana E. Morosan, Juska E. Räsänen, Anshu Kumari et al.: Exploring the circular polarisation of low-frequency solar radio bursts with LOFAR
[2203.14703] L. Pasquini, P. Bonifacio, L. Pulone et al.: Chemical Composition of a Palomar 12 Blue Straggler
[2203.14724] Maxwell L. Hutt, Harry Desmond, Julien Devriendt et al.: The effect of local universe constraints on halo abundance and clustering
[2203.14727] Gülay Gürkan, I. Prandoni, A. O'Brien et al.: Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field: Properties of radio sources
[2203.14728] Víctor M. Rivilla, Laura Colzi, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra et al.: Precursors of the RNA-world in space: Detection of ($Z$)-1,2-ethenediol in the interstellar medium, a key intermediate in sugar formation
[2203.14735] Lami Suleiman, Julian-Leszek Zdunik, Pawel Haensel et al.: Partially accreted crusts of neutron stars
[2203.14780] Emma Kun, Imre Bartos, Julia Becker Tjus et al.: Multiwavelength search for the origin of IceCube's neutrinos
[2203.14789] M. L. Parker, G. A. Matzeu, J. H. Matthews et al.: The X-ray Disk/Wind Degeneracy in AGN
[2203.14795] I. García-Bernete, D. Rigopoulou, S. Aalto et al.: A technique to select the most obscured galaxy nuclei
[2203.14871] E. Öpik: The question of selective absorption of light in space viewed from the viewpoint of the dynamics of the universe
[2203.14929] Pierre Auclair-Desrotour, Russell Deitrick, Kevin Heng: Meta-modelling the climate of dry tide locked rocky planets
[2203.14943] J. I. Katz: The Environment and Constraints on the Mass of FRB 190520B
[2203.14947] A. A. Chrimes, A. J. Levan, A. S. Fruchter et al.: New candidates for magnetar counterparts from a deep search with the Hubble Space Telescope
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 29 Mar 22","img":""}
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