Animal Behavior

The contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation, relative to the contribution of oher individuals in the population
Direct fitness
Natural selection favoring the spread of genes that increase the indirect component of fitness
Kin selection
A mating system in which a male fertilizes the eggs of several partners in a breeding season
A monogamous mating system that arises because females are able to prevent their partners from securing additional mates
Female-enforced monogamy
The number of sexual partners an individual acquires during a breeding season
Mating system
A mating system in which one male mates with one female in a breeding season
A display site that females visit to select a mate from among the males displaying in small resource-free territories
A mating by an individual with someone other then their primary partner in a seemingly monogamous species
Extra-pair copulation
The ratio of sexually receptive males to receptives females
Operational sex ratio
A difference in a sexondary sex characteristics between males and females in a species
Sexual dimorphism
A consistent variation in the mating behavior of males or females within one population
Alternative mating tactics
Actions taken by males (usually) to prevent a sexual partner from acquiring sperm from other males
Mate guarding
The competition between males that determines whose sperm will fertilize a female's eggs when both males' sperm have been accepted by that female
Sperm competition
Monogamy that arises because males gain more fitness by offering parental care for the offsrping of his mate than by seeking out additional sexual partners
Mate assistance monogamy
Monogamy that arises because males gain more fitness by preventing one partner from mating with other males than by seeking out additional sexual partners
Mate guarding monogamy
A mating system in which a female has several partners in a breeding season
Mating with several males reduces the risk that some of the female's eggs will remain unfertilized because any one male may not have sufficient sperm to do the job
Fertility insurance hypothesis
Females mate with more than one male because their social partner is of lower genetic quality than other potential sperm donors, whose genes will improve offspring viability or sexual attractiveness
Good genes hypothess
Mating with several males increases the genetic veriety of the sperm available to the female, increasing the chance that some sperm will have DNA that is an especially good match with the DNA of her eggs
Genetic compatiblity hypothesis
More mates mean more resources or parental care received from the sexual partners of a female.
More resource hypothesis
More mates mean greater confusion about the paternity of a female's offpring and thus less likelihood of losing offspring to infanticidal males
Infanticide reduction hypothesis
Polygynous males acquire several mates attracted to resources under their control
Resource defense polygyny
Polygynous males directly defend several mates
Female defence polygyny
Polygynous males acquire several widely scattered mates by finding them first
Scramble competition hypothesis
Polygynous males attract several mates to display territory
Lek polygyny
Both male and female mate several times with different individuals
The pairing of male and female
Social monogamy
Happens when pairs produce and rear only their own genetic offspring
Genetic monogamy
A mating by an individual with someone other than their primary partner in a seemingly monogamous species
Extra-pair copulation
Any form of parental behavior that appears likely to increase the fitness of a parent's offsrping
Parental care
Any form of parental behavior that increases an individual offspring's fitness at a cost to the parent's ability to invest in future offspring
Parental inverstment
Selection for tratis which are solely concerned with increasing mating success
Sexual selection
Strategy which, when adopted by most members of the population, cannot be beaten by any other strategy
Evolutionarily stable strategy
Transfer of genetic material between bacteria though direct cell-to-cell contact
Reproduction involving gametes of simial morphology
Sexual reproduction involving gametes of different sizes
Having the male and female sex organs in separate and distinct individuals; having separate sexes
Having both male and female sex organs in the same individual
A characteristics that confers higher fitness to individuals than any other existing alterntive exhibited by other individuals within the population
The ability to recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs
Asexual repoduction in which a more or less complete new organism simply grows from the body of the parent organism and eventually detaches itself
The production of an organism from an unfertilized egg
The genes contributed by an individual indirectly by helping nondescendant kin, in effect creating relatives that would not have existed without the help of the individual.
Indirect fitness
The sum of an individual's direct and indirect fitness
Inclusive fitness
An animal that epoilts the parental care of individuals other than its parents
Brood parasite
The host and the brood parasites are of the same species
Intraspecific brood-parasitism
The host and the brood parasites are of different species
Interspecific brood-parasitism
The probability that an allele present in one individual will be present in the other as a result of shared ancestry
Coefficient of relatedness
Consistent behavioral differences among individuals
{"name":"Animal Behavior", "url":"","txt":"the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation, relative to the contribution of oher individuals in the population, A mating system in which a male fertilizes the eggs of several partners in a breeding season","img":""}
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