(R) Your Celebrity Brand Identity Profile

How would your audience describe you?
Bright & Bubbly
Polished and Professional
Raw & Real
How would your customers or clients describe you?
Direct & Powerful
Charismatic & a source of positivity in their lives
Imperfect, yet incredibly inspirational
What's the most frustrating social experience for you as an entrepreneur?
People without ambition who ask for my help but don't execute on my advice.
The people who want to have deeper relationships with me, but I don't have the time or energy for.
Not being able to connect with everyone in my audience as often as I'd like.
If your personal brand was a food, what food would it be?
Mousse - Rich and delicious.
Tacos - who doesn't love them?
Popcorn - somewhere between substantial and light, and best at events.
If you had to add another stream of revenue tomorrow, where would you start?
I'd create a networking or other group to connect with buyers.
I'd introduce branded Merchandise to my audience.
I'd collaborate with someone I could make a high-end offer with.
How do your products or services help your buyers?
It motivates them to get things done.
It supports them to do what they want.
It inspires them in their transformation.
If you were to host a live event with your brand, what would it be like?
I would be on a stage entertaining and educating.
Fun, social and group oriented.
Extravagant, expensive and high-vibe.
If you were starting a podcast, what would be your number one objective?
To create an experience that can make people's lives better.
To tell my audience members what to do to get the results they want.
To share brilliant people with my audience who can help them.
It's a Friday night and you're going out with friends. What activity do you choose?
Attending a dinner with other movers and shakers like myself.
Going to a show or performance that will leave me inspired.
Having fun with my friends with lots of laughter.
If you're going through a hard time, do you share it on social media?
Yes - whether in the moment or later, I will share my struggles.
No - I prefer to remain polished and professional on social media.
No - I prefer to remain positive and light on social media.
{"name":"(R) Your Celebrity Brand Identity Profile", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How would your audience describe you?, How would your customers or clients describe you?, What's the most frustrating social experience for you as an entrepreneur?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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