Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Thu, 26 Nov 20
[2011.12336] Kai Zhang, Kunihiko Taira: Aerodynamic characterization of low-aspect-ratio swept wings at $Re=400$
[2011.12346] H. Madanian, M.I. Desai, S.J. Schwartz et al.: The Dynamics of a High Mach Number Quasi-Perpendicular Shock: MMS Observations
[2011.12364] S. W. Hancock, S. Zahedpour, H. M. Milchberg: Transient-grating single-shot supercontinuum spectral interferometry (TG-SSSI)
[2011.12391] Marc Olive, Nicolas Auffray: Symmetry classes in piezoelectricity from second-order symmetrie
[2011.12396] Mahdi A. Shalchi, Marcelo T. Yamashita, Tobias Frederico et al.: Cold atom-dimer reaction rates with $^4$He, $^{6,7}$Li and $^{23}$Na
[2011.12415] Corbyn Jones, Mauricio Gomez, Ryan M. Muoio et al.: The stochastic force dynamics of a model microswimmer -- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
[2011.12419] Ujan Chakraborty, Ananda Dasgupta: Apollo's Voyage: A New Take on Dynamics in Rotating Frames
[2011.12425] Yves Gingras, Kristoff Talin: More religion means less science. An International comparison of the relations between religious beliefs and levels of and attitudes to scientific knowledge
[2011.12446] John Gertz: Strategies for the Detection of ET Probes Within Our Own Solar System
[2011.12462] Zhiwei Fan, Dmitry V. Skryabin: Soliton blockade in bidirectional microresonators
[2011.12481] Atul C. Thakur, Richard C. Remsing: Distributed Charge Models of Liquid Methane and Ethane for Dielectric Effects and Solvation
[2011.12494] Muhannad W. Gamaleldin, Alexander V. Babanin, Amin Chabchoub: On CFD Numerical Wave Tank Simulations: Static-Boundary Wave Absorption Enhancement Using a Geometrical Approach
[2011.12497] Vitaly Pronskikh: Simulation as a sustainable trading zone: Aiming at intergenerational justice
[2011.12499] Lingqi Kong, Xiangkun Kong, Shunliu Jiang et al.: Great Wall-like Water-based Switchable Frequency Selective Rasorber with Polarization Selectivity
[2011.12507] M. Kamba, H. Kiuchi, T. Yotsuya et al.: Recoil-limited feedback cooling of single nanoparticles near the ground state in an optical lattice
[2011.12513] Evert Klaseboer, Qiang Sun, Derek Y. C. Chan: Analytical solution for an acoustic boundary layer around an oscillating rigid sphere
[2011.12520] Yu-ichi Takamizu, Masayuki Umemura, Hidenobu Yajima et al.: Deep Learning of Diffuse Optical Tomography based on Time-Domain Radiative Transfer Equation
[2011.12521] Lin Yang, Audrey Moores, Tomislav Friščić et al.: Modelling the mechanosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using a structural-phase-field-crystal model with ballistic driving
[2011.12529] Eitaro Hamada, Yuki Fujii, Youichi Igarashi et al.: Gigabit Ethernet Daisy-Chain on FPGA for COMET Read-out Electronics
[2011.12530] Jung-Woo Kim, Seong-Jin Lee, Jun-Yeong Jo et al.: Acoustic imaging by three-dimensional acoustic Luneburg meta-lens with lattice columns
[2011.12561] Diptarka Hait, Yu Hsuan Liang, Martin Head-Gordon: Too big, too small or just right? A benchmark assessment of density functional theory for predicting the spatial extent of the electron densit...
[2011.12603] Peter R. Wiecha, Arnaud Arbouet, Christian Girard et al.: Deep learning in nano-photonics: inverse design and beyond
[2011.12607] Liam H. Scarlett, Dmitry V. Fursa, Jack Knol et al.: Isotopic and vibrational-level dependence of H$_2$ dissociation by electron impact
[2011.12615] A. Bustos, E. Ascasibar, A.Cappa et al.: Automatic Identification of MHD Modes in Magnetic Fluctuations Spectrograms using Deep Learning Techniques
[2011.12617] Nancy Aggarwal, Allard Schnabel, Jens Voigt et al.: Characterization of magnetic field noise in the ARIADNE source mass rotor
[2011.12621] Yongsheng Wang, Xiaoxuan Luo, Zaoyu Chen et al.: Ray dynamics of whispering-gallery modes in curved space
[2011.12647] R.R. Ismagilov, I.P. Kudarenko, S.A. Malykhin et al.: Processing slightly resolved ro-vibrational spectra during chemical vapor deposition of carbon materials: machine learning approach for pl...
[2011.12654] Ryo. Ogawa, Tatsunori Okada, Hideyuki Takahashi et al.: Microwave Hall effect measurement for materials in the skin depth region
[2011.12670] Mangesh Bhattarai, Vineet Bharti, Sambit Banerjee et al.: Observation of electromagnetically induced absorption in a vee + ladder system
[2011.12671] Sidney Coleman: Sidney Coleman's Dirac Lecture "Quantum Mechanics in Your Face"
[2011.12673] Simon Feigl, Radovan Vranik, Bareld Wit et al.: Frequency-independent voltage amplitude across a tunnel junction
[2011.12695] Nilesh Pandey, Karishma Qureshi, Yogesh Singh Chauhan: Variability Analysis in a 3-D Multi-Granular Hf$_x$Zr$_{1-x}$O$_2$ Ferroelectric Capacitor
[2011.12699] Edward F. Redish: Using math in physics -- 2. Estimation
[2011.12700] Edward F. Redish: Using math in physics -- 4. Toy models
[2011.12730] Dominik Dannheim, Katharina Dort, Lennart Huth et al.: Corryvreckan: A Modular 4D Track Reconstruction and Analysis Software for Test Beam Data
[2011.12740] Brad Weir, David Crisp, Christopher O'Dell et al.: Regional Impacts of COVID-19 on Carbon Dioxide Detected Worldwide from Space
[2011.12760] Edward F. Redish: Using math in physics -- 1. Dimensional analysis
[2011.12761] Edward F. Redish: Using math in physics -- 3. Anchor equations
[2011.12764] Thomas Ratz, Jean-Yves Raty, Guy Brammertz et al.: Opto-electronic properties and solar cell efficiency modelling of Cu$_2$ZnXS$_4$ (X=Sn,Ge,Si) kesterites
[2011.12768] A. Eugene DePrince III: Cavity-modulated ionization potentials and electron affinities from quantum electrodynamics coupled-cluster theory
[2011.12770] Rafał Kucharski, Oded Cats, Julian Sienkiewicz: Virus spreading in ride-pooling networks. Can ride-pooling become a safe and sustainable mobility alternative for pandemic urban systems?
[2011.12776] Julian Neñer, María Fabiana Laguna: Optimal risk in wealth exchange models: agent dynamics from a microscopic perspective
[2011.12784] R. A. Lomsadze, M. R. Gochitashvili, R. Ya. Kezerashvili et al.: Electron-impact ionization and ionic fragmentation of O$_{2}$ from threshold to 120 eV energy range
[2011.12809] Mostafa Behtouei, Bruno Spataro, Franco Di Paolo et al.: The Ka-Band High Power Klystron Amplifier Design Program of INFN
[2011.12813] Adrien Devolder, Michèle Desouter-Lecomte, Osman Atabek et al.: Laser control of ultracold molecule formation: The case of RbSr
[2011.12817] Curtis Atkisson, Kelly Finn: Redundant relationships in multiplex food sharing networks increase food security in a nutritionally precarious environment
[2011.12846] Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Corentin Cot, Francesco Sannino: Multiwave pandemic dynamics explained: How to tame the next wave of infectious diseases
[2011.12849] Stefanie Kieninger, Bettina G. Keller: Path probability ratios for Langevin dynamics -- exact and approximate
[2011.12852] Leo Dostal, Marten Hollm, Andrei V. Metrikine et al.: Stationary waves for nonlinear seismic wave propagation
[2011.12883] Si Suo, Yixiang Gan: Tuning capillary flow in porous media with hierarchical structures
[2011.12909] A. N. M. Taufiq Elahi, Mohammad Ghashami, Devon Jensen et al.: Comprehensive Energy Balance Analysis of Photon-Enhanced Thermionic Power Generation Considering Concentrated Solar Absorption Dist...
[2011.12922] A. Aguilar-Arevalo, D. Amidei, D. Baxter et al.: Measurement of the bulk radioactive contamination of detector-grade silicon with DAMIC at SNOLAB
[2011.12924] SNO+ Collaboration: M. R. Anderson, S. Andringa, L. Anselmo et al.: Development, characterisation, and deployment of the SNO+ liquid scintillator
[2011.12931] M. A. Valialshchikov, V. Yu. Kharin, S. G. Rykovanov: Narrow bandwidth gamma comb from nonlinear Compton scattering using the polarization gating technique
[2011.12937] Anais Abramian, Emmanuel Virot, Emilio Lozano et al.: Nondestructive Prediction of the Buckling Load of Imperfect Shells
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 26 Nov 20","img":""}
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