Qatar History Year 5 term 1

The maroon in the Qatar flag represents...
The blood of martyrs
The Qatar Flag has nine points because...
Qatar was the ninth member of the Arab States of the Gulf.
It's Qatar lucky number.
There are nine main towns in Qatar.
Who were the first to send exploratory expeditions in the Gulf?
Why were the Europeans interested in the Arabian Gulf?
Because it is a nice place.
Because it is rich in oil.
Because of the trade routes from India to Europe.
The Portuguese controlled the trade routes through the Arabian Gulf via
The Strait of Gibraltar
The Strait of Magellan
The Straits of Hormuz and Bab el Mandab
The Strait of Panama
What helped the Portuguese with their invasion of the Arabian Gulf ?
Their powerful fleet.
The fact that the Islamic powers argued between themselves.
Their money.
Their Violence.
The Portuguese control started from and ended in:
1507 til 1650
1534 til 1678
1602 til 1765
Portuguese colonialism in the Arab was....
Very successful.
Marked by violence.
The Arabian Gulf became the center for exporting gold, silver, textiles, cloves, pearls, amber and horses.
Between 1602 and 1765 the Dutch successfully controlled large parts of the A.G, so why did they abandon it?
They were bored of it.
They had to concentrate on the power in Europe.
They already made enough money.
The French presence in the Gulf started in 1662 and was based on good trading relations. What ended it?
The struggle with Britain.
The fell out with the Sultan of Oman.
They didn't need it any more.
The British domination started in and ended in
1620 til 1878
1663 til 1971
1765 till 1971
Britain remained powerful the Gulf because
They were very nice.
They signed treaties with all the countries in the region.
They used violence to control the region.
When did Britain sign an agreement which recognised Qatar as an independent Emirate?
Who was the ruler of Qatar in 1868?
Sheikh Jassim/
Sheikh Thani.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Thani.
With their treaties, Britain wanted to control the relationships between...
The Arab countries.
Other powers and the Arab countries.
Themselves and the Arab countries.
All of the above.
{"name":"Qatar History Year 5 term 1", "url":"","txt":"The maroon in the Qatar flag represents..., The Qatar Flag has nine points because..., Who were the first to send exploratory expeditions in the Gulf?","img":""}
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