Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 2 Mar 22
[2203.00012] Chiao-Hsuan Wang, Fangxin Li, Liang Jiang: Quantum Capacities of Transducers
[2203.00020] Xiao-Qi Sun, Tamra Nebabu, Xizhi Han et al.: Entanglement Features of Random Neural Network Quantum States
[2203.00031] Gian Gentinetta, Arne Thomsen, David Sutter et al.: The complexity of quantum support vector machines
[2203.00052] Robert Jonsson, Roberto Di Candia: Gaussian quantum estimation of the lossy parameter in a thermal environment
[2203.00103] Mark A. Webster, Benjamin J. Brown, Stephen D. Bartlett: The XP Stabiliser Formalism: a Generalisation of the Pauli Stabiliser Formalism with Arbitrary Phases
[2203.00182] Yun-Yan Lee, Ciann-Dong Yang: Synthesis of Maximally Entangled States by Entanglement-based Lyapunov Control
[2203.00189] Yuxiang Qiu, Min Zhuang, Jiahao Huang et al.: Efficient and Robust Entanglement Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Metrology
[2203.00195] Mark G. Raizen, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran: Do Atoms Age?
[2203.00212] Nikhil Bansal, Makrand Sinha, Ronald de Wolf: Influence in Completely Bounded Block-multilinear Forms and Classical Simulation of Quantum Algorithms
[2203.00226] Shumpei Masuda, Taro Kanao, Hayato Goto et al.: Fast tunable coupling scheme of Kerr-nonlinear parametric oscillators based on shortcuts to adiabaticity
[2203.00247] Ken Mochizuki, Tomoki Ozawa: Band structures under non-Hermitian periodic potentials: Connecting nearly-free and bi-orthogonal tight-binding models
[2203.00254] Soham Sau, Ahana Ghoshal, Debmalya Das et al.: Isolating noise and amplifying signal with quantum Cheshire cat
[2203.00261] Vaisakh Mannalath, Sandeep Mishra, Anirban Pathak: A Comprehensive Review of Quantum Random Number Generators: Concepts, Classification and the Origin of Randomness
[2203.00329] Andreas Gottscholl, Maximilian Wagenhöfer, Manuel Klimmer et al.: Superradiance of Spin Defects in Silicon Carbide for Maser Applications
[2203.00414] Denis Ilin, Alexander V. Poshakinskiy, Alexander N. Poddubny et al.: Frequency combs with parity-protected cross-correlations from dynamically modulated qubit arrays
[2203.00429] Lu Deng: Colliding-probe bi-atomic magnetometers via energy circulation: Breaking symmetry-enforced magneto-optical rotation blockade
[2203.00433] Marius Krumm, Philippe Allard Guérin, Thomas Zauner et al.: Quantum teleportation of quantum causal structures
[2203.00440] Mircea Dolineanu, Amanda Teodora Preda, Dragos-Victor Anghel: The self-adjoint toroidal dipole operator in nanostructures
[2203.00546] Zhan Yu, Xuanqiang Zhao, Benchi Zhao et al.: Optimal quantum dataset for learning a unitary transformation
[2203.00560] Xin-Chao Huang, Tian-Jun Li, Frederico Alves Lima et al.: Classical, semi-classical and quantum optical models for x-ray planar cavity with electronic resonance
[2203.00586] Karl-Erik Eriksson: Quantum diffusion as a process of linear quantum dynamics
[2203.00594] Mehdi Ramezani, Morteza Nikaeen, Alireza Bahrampour: Continuous quantum clock with high precision and long recurrence time
[2203.00601] Bálint Máté, Bertrand Le Saux, Maxwell Henderson: Beyond Ansätze: Learning Quantum Circuits as Unitary Operators
[2203.00631] Vincent Dumont, Hoi-Kwan Lau, Aashish A. Clerk et al.: Asymmetry-Based Quantum Backaction Suppression in Quadratic Optomechanics
[2203.00634] M.Y.Abd-Rabbou, N. Metwally, M. M. A. Ahmed et al.: Decoherence and quantum steering of accelerated qubit-qutrit system
[2203.00658] Keita Omiya, Markus Müller: Origin of long-lived oscillations in a Rydberg-blockaded chain: Projected precession of a large pseudospin
[2203.00668] Spyros Tserkis, Kade Head-Marsden, Prineha Narang: Information back-flow in quantum non-Markovian dynamics and its connection to teleportation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Wed, 2 Mar 22","img":""}
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