Abdomen 2013/14

Create an image of an anatomical illustration of the human abdomen, highlighting major structures such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and abdominal aorta, with labeled diagrams and a medical textbook in the background.

Abdominal Anatomy Quiz

Test your knowledge of abdominal anatomy with this engaging quiz! Designed for students and medical professionals alike, it covers important topics including vascular structures, lymphatic drainage, and muscular layers of the abdomen.

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Focuses on clinical and anatomical concepts
  • Scores and feedback upon completion
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingAtlas523
1.. Splenic artery
A. Takes a tortuous course to the left along the head of pancreas
B. Gives of short gastric arteries which pass to the body of the stomach
C. Gives of left gastro-omental artery, which runs to the left along the greater curvature of stomach
D. Supplies the uncinate process of pancreas
E. All above are false
1.. Splenic artery (correct)
A. Takes a tortuous course to the left crus of diaphragm and left psoas muscle, towards the spleen
B. Gives of short gastric arteries which pass to the body of the fundus
C. Gives of left gastro-omental artery, which runs to the right between the layers of the greater omentum and along the greater curvature of the stomach
D. Superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal aa. Supplies the uncinate process of pancreas
2. Lymph from cecum usually flows through
A. Para-aortic lymph nodes
B. Inferior mesenteric lymph nodes
C. Superior mesenteric lymph nodes
D. Only celiac nodes
E. It is not transmitted by lymph nodes mentioned above
3. External oblique muscle
A. Is inserted to the anterior half of inner lip of the iliac crest and inguinal ligament
B. Flexes laterally trunk and rotates to the same side
C. Can depress the pelvis
D. Assist in forced expiration
E. All above are false
4. What is true about the muscular layer of stomach
A. Longitudinal fibers from the intermediate layer and are developed mainly in curvatures
B. Circular form the deepest layer and are in the body and pylorus
C. Oblique fibers make the pylorus
D. Innermost layer is formed by oblique fibers and is mainly in the fundus and body
E. All above are false
5. The inguinal canal
A. Roof of the canal is created by transversalis fascia
B. Canal´s floor is created by the lateral one third of the inguinal ligament
C. Entrance to the canal is called deep inguinal ring, which is in medial inguinal fossa
D. Exit is limited by reflected ligament
E. All above are false
6. Which is a tributary of inferior mesenteric vein
A. Splenic vein
B. Short gastric veins
C. Left gastro-omental vein
D. Pancreatic veins
E. None of the above
6. Which is a tributary of inferior mesenteric vein(correct)
A. Superior mesenteric v. And inferior mesenteric vein is a tributary of splenic vein.
B. Short gastric veins is a tributaries of splenic vein
C. Left gastro-omental vein is a tribuateries of splenic vein
D. Pancreatic veins is tributaries of superior mesenteric vein
7. Spleen
A. Develops in ventral mesentery
B. Is surrounded by visceral peritoneum, except in the gastric area
C. Is connected with lesser curvature of stomach by gastrosplenic ligament
D. Consists of red and white pulp
E. All above are false
7. Spleen (correct)
A. Liver develops in ventral mesentery, but spleen develop within dorsal mesentery
B. Is surrounded by visceral peritoneum, except in the area of the hilum on the medial surface of the spleen
C. Is connected with greater curvature of stomach by gastrosplenic ligament
8. The liver (multiple)
A. Its left lobe contacts with esophagus
B. Its right lobe contacts with gallbladder
C. The central veins are tributaries of portal vein
D. The quadrate lobe is supplied by left hepatic artery
E. All above are false
9. Gallbladder (multiple)
A. Lies on visceral surface of the right lobe of liver
B. Its body contacts with superior part of duodenum
C. Head contains mucosal folds forming the spiral fold
D. Fundus is covered by posterior plate of coronary ligament of liver
11. Abdominal aorta gives of (multiple)
A. Inferior phrenic arteries, which supply inferior pole of suprarenal gland
B. Lumbar arteries, which go at the back of sympathetic trunk
C. Median sacral artery, which goes along dorsal side of sacrum
D. Superior mesenteric artery, which supplies organs derived from midgut
13. The portal vein
A. Lies posteriorly to the tail of the pancreas
B. Is created by fusion of the splenic vein and inferior mesenteric vein
C. Lies posteriorly to the epiploic foramen
D. Goes in the lesser omentum
E. All above are false
{"name":"Abdomen 2013\/14", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of abdominal anatomy with this engaging quiz! Designed for students and medical professionals alike, it covers important topics including vascular structures, lymphatic drainage, and muscular layers of the abdomen.Multiple choice and checkbox questionsFocuses on clinical and anatomical conceptsScores and feedback upon completion","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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