Trauma & Dissociation Quiz

Medical writers of the 1900’s referenced dissociative responses in their patients by using the term:
A. War Invalids
B. Trauma Invalids
C. Moral Invalids
D. Ethical Invalids
British Psychologist Charles Myers identified:
A. Culture Shock
B. Shell Shock
C. War Shock
D. Mental Shock
€�Rap Groups” appeared after the:
A. Vietnam War
B. Korean War
C. Great War
D. Culture War
In ancient times, the term “hysteria” referenced:
A. Emotional Symptoms
B. Mental Symptoms
C. Physical and Behavioral Symptoms
D. Physical and Emotional Symptoms
5. Dr. Thomas Sydenham declared hysteria to be:
A. A women’s problem
B. A physical problem
C. A uterus problem
D. An emotional condition
In 1859, Paul Briquet confirmed hysteria:
A. As a diagnosis
B. As having physical symptoms not medically explained
C. As needing medical treatment
D. As a cultural phenomenon
In France, Jean Martin Charcot treated hysteria with:
A. Public demonstrations of hypnosis
B. Public shaming in the square
C. Public speeches
D. Public calling out of politicians
In the first edition of the DSM, the term “hysteria” was changed to:
A. Hysterical Reactions
B. Multiple Reactions
C. “Fit” Reactions
D. Psychoneurotic Reactions
In the second edition of the DSM, hysteria was brought back under the term “hysterical neurosis” and included:
A. Neurotic Type
B. Dissociative Type
C. Conversion Type
D. Dissociative and Conversion Types
In 1980, the DSM-III:
A. changed “hysteria” to “neurotic”
B. dropped “types” in favor of “items”
C. changed “reactions” to “states”
D. Failed to include the ICD-9
The DSM-III also:
A. Ended the psychodynamic assumption of etiology
B. Shifted to “measurable and quantifiable”
C. Both a and b
D. Neither a nor b
The DSM-III also promoted Dissociative Disorders to their own categories, including:
A. Amenia, Fugue, and Multiple Personalities
B. Conversion, Hypochondrias, and Multiple Personalities
C. Conversion, Phobia, and Depressive Reaction
D. Amnesia, Fugue, and Neurotic Reaction
Depersonalization Disorder was first listed in:
E. DSM 5
According to the DSM-III, atypical dissociation includes:
A. Trance states and brainwashing
B. Derealization without Depersonalization
C. Depersonalization without Derealization
D. Trance states, brainwashing, and derealization
The ICD-10 changed the grouping of dissociative diagnosis, including:
A. “Hysterical Neurosis” becoming “Dissociative Disorders”
B. The subgroup of anxiety disorders becoming their own group
C. PTSD being added to Anxiety Disorders
D. shifting Depersonalization and Derealization to dissociative disorders
In DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR, dissociative responses were prioritized and clarified through re-namings that included:
A. “Dissociative Disorders” becoming “Hysterical Neurosis”
B. “Psychogenic” amnesia and fugue becoming “Dissociative” amnesia and fugue
C. Anxiety added as a PTSD diagnosis
D. Depersonalization renamed Derealization
In DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR, dissociative responses were prioritized and clarified through renamings that included:
A. “Dissociative Disorders” becoming “Hysterical Neurosis”
B. “Multiple Personality Disorder” becoming “Dissociative Identity Disorder”
C. Anxiety added as a PTSD diagnosis
D. Depersonalization renamed Derealization
One of the changes in the DSM-5 was paragraphs with each diagnosis regarding differential diagnosis. The challenge for dissociative disorders is that:
A. Most dissociative disorders include differential information that reference other disorders
B. Other disorders include differential information that reference dissociative disorders
C. Most dissociative disorders do not include differential information that reference other disorders
D. Other disorders do not include differential information that reference dissociative disorders
The term “depersonalization” was first used in:
A. The 1700’s
The 1800’s
C. The 1900’s
D. The 2000’s
Modern relational approaches explain depersonalization and derealization:
A. As attachment
B. As detachment
C. As rupture
D. As repair
Recent fMRI research shows that depersonalization and derealization happen due to:
A. Prefrontal cortex offline and vestibular system disruptions
B. Structural changes in the amygdala
C. Increase in grey matter volume
D. Increase in white matter
In their break through and classic (updated 2022) work known as “The Brick”, Paul Dell and John O’Neil describe three kinds of dissociation, including:
A. DP/DR, Amnesia and/or Conversion, Dissociative Multiplicity (DID and OSDD)
B. Amnesia, Fugue, and Multiple Personalities
C. Depersonalization, Derealization, and Amnesia
Peter Barach was the first to connect:
A. Depersonalization and derealization
B. Amnesia and fugue
C. Multiple personalities and dissociative identity
D. Attachment and dissociation
Jennifer Freyd added on this connection by developing betrayal trauma theory, which posits that dissociation serves the purpose of:
A. Reducing suffering
B. Numbing out
C. Maintaining attachment
D. Ensuring survival
The Structuralist Theory of trauma and dissociation differs from the traditional theory because it:
A. Is a model of multiplicity instead of divisibility
B. Is a model of divisibility instead of multiplicity
C. Declines to normalize multiplicity
D. Emphasizes the breaking of the personality
Those with lived experience appreciate that the Structural Dissociation theory seems to:
A. Normalize parts
B. Disregard parts
C. Invalidate trauma
D. Ignore parts
It is also important to be aware that the Structuralists changed:
A. Person to People
B. People to Parts
C. Personalities to People
D. Personalities to Parts
Neurological research using fMRI’s in Europe has recently confirmed that:
A. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a distinct diagnosis
B. Dissociative Identity Disorder is not a distinct diagnosis
C. Dissociative Identity Disorder is the same as Borderline Personality Disorder
D. Borderline Personality Disorder patients do not have trauma
The same research (2020) also confirmed the cause of that diagnosis is:
A. Parenting
B. Stress
C. Therapists
D. Trauma
Further research (2021) has recently found:
A. DID has distinct biomarkers in the brain.
B. DID has no distinct biomarkers in the brain.
C. Only BPD has distinct biomarkers in the brain.
D. Neither DID nor BPD have distinct biomarkers in the brain.
In response to this research and in responses to discussions with lived experience clinicians, the Structuralists have:
A. Done nothing
B. Moved back to Ego State language
C. Denied biomarkers
D. Denounced lived experience clinicians
Types of trauma referenced included:
A. Dyadic, Intergenerational, Collective, Historical
Childhood Trauma and Car Accidents
Childhood Problems Into Adulthood
Politics and War
The research of Simone Reinders regarding those with dissociative disorder diagnoses reported that:
A. Most are never diagnosed
B. It is too rare to diagnose
C. Too few are diagnosed to research
D. Most have four to seven incorrect diagnoses prior to being correctly diagnosed
The phenomenon of the online “plural” culture has its seeds in:
A. cyber-malingers and cyber-feigners
B. Historical and collective trauma in treatment
C. Movies and books
D. Passing fads
Richard Kluft pointed out that over the last 50 years of therapeutic treatment, there has been a shift in experience for both clinician and patient. He described this shift as moving from a:
A. Diffused focus to a single point focus of healing
b. A single point focus to a diffused focus of healing
C. a Rescuer focus to a Self focus for healing
D. a Healer focus to a Self focus for healing
Plural culture developed intentionally, utilizing the civil rights movements of which groups:
A. race
B. voting
C. disability, neurogdivergence, and LGBT*QIA
D. sysmed
These movements relate to treatment because they focus on:
A. equality
B. equity
C. Rights and access
D. Fairness and preference
The mantra for lived experience advocacy is:
A. Rights and Access
B. Nothing For Us Without Us
C. Nothing For Us From You
D. Rights and Access For Ourselves
Plurality, then, could be viewed as one aspect or expression of:
A. Radical Rights
B. Radical Demands
C. Radical Therapy
D. Radical Acceptance
The Plural Movement began in 2018, but more research began to be published when similar movements began with other disorders in response to what collective trauma?
A. The Challenger Explosion
B. 9/11
C. Politics
D. The Pandemic
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