The Brand Identity Profile™ Quiz

What do you believe is the most effective way to create an impact on the world?
Building a profitable empire
Being present with the human that is in front of me
Through creativity and art
What do you need to be or do for your business to improve?
I need to build relationships or focus on business instead of creating the next new thing.
I need basically ANYONE to take me seriously and see I actually am brilliant, not just nice.
I need to go deeper with people emotionally or intellectually.
Why do most businesses fail?
Because they don't treat business like a money-making venture.
They'll make it so I have time to connect with everyone and grow the company.
They'll free up my time so I can get more original ideas and content out into the world.
What do you need most to be happy in your business?
Time to meet the amazing people I want to help.
Money to create luxury and the high vibe life I want.
Time to create and get my ideas out.
If you died tomorrow, what would your biggest regret be.
I haven't created the art or content I believe can transform the world.
I haven't created a deep sense of connection with my community.
I haven't created the wealth and legacy that I am meant to leave behind.
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