Dental Anesthesai Prof, Leang ( 101-160 )

Test Your Knowledge on Dental Anesthesia
Welcome to the ultimate quiz on dental anesthesia! This comprehensive quiz is designed to challenge your understanding of local anesthetics, their usage, and safety measures in dental practice. With 51 questions, it covers a wide range of topics to enhance your knowledge and skills.
- Multiple choice questions
- Covers essential concepts in dental anesthesia
- Ideal for students, professionals, and enthusiasts
111. The concentration of epinephrine that is optimal for hemostasis is what?
σ 1:5000
σ 1:50,000
σ 1:150,000
σ 1:100,000
σ 1:200,000
112. All of the following are reasons to include a vasoconstrictor, ECEPT one.Which one is the EXCEPTION?
σ lower blood flow to injection site
σ increase anesthetic blood levels
σ increase duration of local anesthetic
σ lower anesthetic toxicity
σ improve field of vision for treatment
113. When it is necessary to administer more than one anesthetic drug, a safe total should be determined by not exceeding what?
σ the lower of the two maximum doses for the individual agents
σ the maximum dose of each drug being administered
σ 25% of the maximum dose of each drug being administered
σ 35% of the maximum dose of each drug being administered
σ Dental work being done in many more than on quadrant
114. One of the many proprietary names for lidocaine is what?
σ Xylocaine HCL
σ 35%Polocaine
σ Sandonest HCL
σ Mepivacaine
σ Candicaine HCL
115. A healthy patient weighing 155 lbs has been given 2 cartridges of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. How many MORE cartridges of 3% arestocaine can they have?
116. All of the following are ways of caring for a syringe EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
σ Place in an ultrasonic bath
σ dismantle and lubricate every 5 uses
σ Sharpen or replace harpoon as needed
σ Rinse syringe of saliva and foreign matter
σ clean with an ultrasonic instrument
117. In the dental office, the MOST important consideration when selecting a syringe type is the ability of the following:?
σ Delivery anesthetic solution to a patient
σ Aspirate
σ Accept a 30 gauge needle
σ Be cost effective
118. In local anesthetic dissociation, tissues with a low pH would have effect on base(RN) and cation(RNH+) in the solution?
σ A lower portion of RN and higher portion of RNH+
σ A lower portion of RNH+ and a higher portion of RN
σ Rapid onset of local anesthetic
σ Increase duration of local anesthetic
σ Decrease potency of local anesthetic
119. After properly loading the cartridge into the syringe, a few drops of local anesthetic should be expelled. Why?
σ The ensure proper placement of the harpoon
σ To ensure free flow of the solution
σ The ensure the correct anesthetic has been used
σ To ensure the needle has not been barded
σ To ensure the ability to aspirate
120. The major factor influencing the ability to aspirate is what?
σ Gauge of the needle
σ Size of clinician hand’S
σ Site of injection
σ Size of thumb ring
σ Harpoon being sterile
121. All of the following methods will REDUCE the chance of needle breakage, EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?
σ establishing a firm hand rest
σ Using a larger gauge needle
σ Burying the needle to the hub
σ Minimizing the need for redirection in tissue
σ Not bedding the needle excessively
122. The antioxidant used to preserve epinephrine in a local anesthetic solution is?
σ Sodium bisulfate
σ Sodium bicarbonate
σ Sodium chloride
σ Sodium pentanol
σ Sodium hydrochloride
123. A small bubble of approximately 1 to 2 mm diameter will frequently be found in the local anesthetic cartridge. These bubbles are cause by what?
σ The anesthetic solution being frozen
σ The cartridge was stored in a chemical disinfectant
σ Nitrogen gas being pumped in during manufacturing
σ Oxygen gas being trapped in the cartridge
σ Shaking the cartridge vigorously
124. Distilled water is added to the cartridge for what purpose?
σ To make the solution isotonic with the tissues of the body
σ To increase the safely and the duration of the anesthetic
σ To prevent the biodegradation of the vasopressor
σ To provide the volume of the solution
σ To prevent the probation of nerve impulses
125. Topical antiseptic does which of the following?
σ Numbs 2-3mm of tissue prior to injection
σ Makes patient more comfortable during initial penetration
σ Lessens the chance of inflammation or infection
σ Allows the clinician to practice their site of penetration
σ Reduces the risk of a local anesthetic overdose
126. What is the MOST important reason hemostats/cotton roll pliers are part of the armamentarium?
σ They are used to remove the Deptinpatch
σ They are used to place a cotton roll on the needle
σ They are used for the retrieval of a broken needle
σ They are used to place the plastic cap on the needle
σ they are used to unscrew the needle from the syringe
127. At what time are professionals MOST at risk for a needle stick?
σ Disassembly of syringe
σ Recapping
σ Assembling the syringe
σ Giving the injection
σ Unsheathing the needle
128. All of the following are acceptable ways of recapping a needle EXCEPT?
σ Carefully direction the cap over needle with fingers
σ Utilizing “Card” or other holding device
σ Utilizing “Card” or other holding device
σ Implementing cotton roll pliers or a hemostat
σ Securing cap with fingers on vertical syringe
129. Stacey, a 18 year old soccer player, arrives for extraction of teeth #4,12, and 20, and she is given 5 cartridges of 4% Articaine with epi 1:100,000.Her mother calls 3 hours following the appointment stating that Stacey appears cyanotic and sluggish. Her nail beds look dark and the blood in the extraction sites is chocolate brown. What is MOST likely the condition presented?
σ A typical plasma cholinesterase
σ Methemoglobinemia
σ Malignant hyperthermia
σ Local anesthetic overdose
130. A patient with epilepsy is scheduled for root planning and scaling with local anesthetic today. What should the dental hygienist know about this condition?
σ Epilepsy is a relative contraindication to ester type anesthetics
σ In low doses local anesthetic is an anti-convulsant
σ The patient should be pre-medicated prio to treatment
σ Epilepsy is an absolute contraindication to amide type anesthetics
σ Oxygen should be available to deliver in an emergency
131. A patient attends for an extraction of a lower molar tooth. Following the administration of an inferior alveolar nerve block only, the patient complains of pain during the procedure.Which one of the following nerves is the most likely to be responsible for the perception of this pain?
σ Facial nerve
σ Incisive nerve
σ Long buccal nerve
σ Marginal mandibular
σ Mental nerve
132. Which one of the following local anesthetic agents (at the correct dosage) is the most likely to provide the most prolonged analgesia?
σ Articaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Lidocaine (lignocaine)
σ Mepivacaine
σ Prilocaine
133. Which of the following local anesthetics is used exclusively for its good surface activity and low toxic potential?
σ Cocaine
σ Benzocaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Procaine
σ Lidocaine
134. Which of the following drugs can cause methemoglobinnemia when used in larger doses for regional anesthesia?
σ Cocaine
σ Lidocaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Procaine
σ Prilocaine
135. Epinephrine added to a solution of lidocaine for local anesthesia will:?
σ Cause cyanosis locally.
σ Increase the risk of convulsion
σ Increase the duration of local anesthesia
σ Increase the absorption of lidocaine
σ Decrease the heart rate when absorbed.
136. Vasoconstrictor in local anesthetic(LA) solution is used to ?
σ Reduces toxic effects of LA
σ Decreases depth & duration LA
σ Increases bleeding.
σ Increases toxic effects of LA
137. Reducing agent local anesthetics solution is ?
σ Methyl paraben
σ Sodium metabisulphite
σ Thymol
σ Adrenaline
σ Adrenaline
138. Needle used for infiltration is ?
σ 30 gauge
σ 25 gauge
σ 27 gauge
σ 16 gauge
σ 18 gauge
139. When injecting Local anesthetic solution in maxilla on buccal side. Which of the following technique is used?
σ sub periosteal
σ supra periosteal
σ sub mucosal
σ intra osseous
σ intra septal
140. Most common complication of posterior Superior alveolar nerve block is:?
σ Trismus
σ Hematoma
σ Infection
σ Facial palsy
σ Blanching of the area
141. Disto buccal root of upper 1st molar is supplied by:?
σ Middle superior alveolar nerve
σ Posterior superior alveolar nerve
σ infra orbital nerve
σ mental nerve
σ buccal nerve
142. Which of 2 nerves blocked when injection is given in pterygo mandibular space?
σ Buccal & lingual nerve
σ Lingual & inferior alveolar nerve
σ Buccal & inferior alveolar nerve
σ Buccal nerve & infra orbital nerve
σ inferior alveolar & posterior superior alveolar nerve
143. Blanching at the site of injection is caused by:?
σ local effects of reducing agent in LA solution
σ Decreased tissue tension
σ Infection at the site of injection
σ Infection at the site of injection
σ Increased tissue tension
144. What are the local anesthetic produce for:?
σ analgesia, amnesia, loss of consciousness
σ blocking pain sensation without loss of consciousness
σ alleviation of anxiety and pain with an altered level of consciousness
σ a stupor or somnolent state
145. A good local anesthetic agent shouldn’t cause:?
σ Local irritation and tissue damage
σ systemic toxicity
σ Fast onset and long duration of action
σ Fast onset and long duration of action
σ Vasodilation
146. Most local anesthetic agents is consist of :?
σ Lipophilic group (frequently an aromatic ring)
σ Intermediate chain (commonly including an ester or amide)
σ amino group
σ All of the above
147. Which one of the following groups is responsible for the duration of the local anesthetic action?
σ Intermediate chain
σ Lipophilic group
σ Ionizable group
σ Nonionize group
148. Indicate the local anesthetic agent, which has a shorter duration of action:?
σ Lindocaine
σ Procaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Articaine
149. Which one of the following groups is responsible for the potency and the toxicity of local anesthetic?
σ Inonizable group
σ Intermediate chain
σ Lipophylic group
σ Non Ionize group
150. Indicate the drug, which has greater potency of the local anesthetic action:?
σ Lidocaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Procaine
σ Mepivacaine
151. Ionizable group is responsible for ?
σ The potency and the toxicity
σ The duration of action
σ The ability of diffuse to the site of action
σ All of the above
152. Which one of the following local anesthetics is an ester of benzoic acid:?
σ Lidocaine
σ Procaine
σ Ropivacaine
σ Ropivacaine
σ Cocaine
153. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is an ester of paraaminobezoic acid:?
σ Mepivacaine
σ Cocaine
σ Procaine
σ Lidocaine
153. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is an ester of paraaminobezoic acid:?
σ Mepivacaine
σ Cocaine
σ Procaine
σ Lidocaine
154. Which of the following local anesthetics in an acetanilide derivative?
σ Tetracaine
σ Lidocaine
σ Cocaine
σ Procaine
155. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is a toluidine derivative:?
σ Lindocaine
σ Bupivacaine
σ Prilocaine
σ Procaine
156. Which of the following local anesthetics is a thiophene derivative?
σ Procaine
σ Ultracaine
σ Lidocaine
σ Mepivacaine
157. Local anesthetics are?
σ Weak bases
σ Weak acids
σ Salts
σ pH
158. For therapeutic application local anesthetics are usually made available as salt for the reason of:?
σ Less toxicity and higher potency
σ Higher stability and greater lipid solubility
σ Less local tissue damage and more potency
σ More stability and greater water solubility
159. Which of the following statements is NOT correct for local anesthetics?
σ In a tissue they exist either as an uncharged base or as a cation
σ A charge cationic form penetrates biologic membranes more readily than and uncharged form
σ A charge cationic form penetrates biologic membranes more readily than and uncharged form
σ Low ph in inflamed tissues decreases the disscociation of nonionized molecules
160. Which one of the following statements about the metabolism of local anesthetics is incorrect?
160. Which one of the following statements about the metabolism of local anesthetics is incorrect?
σ Metabolism occurs in the plasma or liver but not at the site of administration
σ Ester group of anesthetics like Procaine, are metabolized systemically by pseudocholinesterae
σ Amides such as Lignocaine, are metabolized in the liver by microsomal mixed function oxidases
{"name":"Dental Anesthesai Prof, Leang ( 101-160 )", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the ultimate quiz on dental anesthesia! This comprehensive quiz is designed to challenge your understanding of local anesthetics, their usage, and safety measures in dental practice. With 51 questions, it covers a wide range of topics to enhance your knowledge and skills.Multiple choice questionsCovers essential concepts in dental anesthesiaIdeal for students, professionals, and enthusiasts","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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