Paine’s rhetoric in the excerpt would have most likely been interpreted at the time as promoting the
Independence of the American colonies
Sale of British colonies to France
Elimination of the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the colonies
Election of representatives from the colonies to Parliament
Paine’s argument “that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still” was most likely in reference to which of the following situations?
The hope that religious dissenters would agree to join the Church of England
The challenges faced by settlers who moved west of the Appalachian Mountains
The belief among colonists that they had earned a right to greater liberty from Britain
The concern that increased debt following the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) would decrease the value of American goods
Which of the following historical situations most directly shaped Paine’s argument that Britain’s policies were economically harming its colonies?
Increased immigration to the Americas
Continued enforcement of mercantilism
Limitations on indentured servitude
Demand for raw materials
Britain attempted to pay for the debt resulting from the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) by
Charging immigrants a fee to relocate to North America
Selling ships from its navy to colonial merchants
Increasing taxes on goods bought and sold in the colonies
Sponsoring expeditions to locate valuable resources
Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) in North America?
Intensified competition between France and Britain over colonies
Efforts by Britain to monopolize tobacco sales in Europe
Spanish attempts to end British control of the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Britain’s desire to enact new taxes on Native American nations
The British government attempted to restrict westward settlement following the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) in order to
Support the fur trade east of the Appalachian Mountains
Discourage immigration to the North American colonies
Give French settlers time to leave Canada
Minimize conflicts with Native Americans
Which of the following would have been most likely to agree with the sentiments expressed in the excerpt?
Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains
Enslaved people in the South
Anglican ministers in the middle colonies
Merchants in New England
Based on the excerpt, the most likely purpose of Dickinson’s letters was to
Use Enlightenment rhetoric to encourage American autonomy
Support efforts to claim the French territory of Louisiana
Argue for increased industrial production in the colonies
Call for the immediate end of the international slave trade
To which of the following was Dickinson responding in his letters?
Native American challenges to European control of the fur trade
Increased taxation and imperial oversight following the Seven Years’ War
Efforts by the Spanish to reclaim territory in North America
Arguments regarding the creation of a new national constitution
One piece of evidence Bouton uses to support his argument about why some United States political leaders sought to replace the Articles of Confederation in 1787 was that they
Thought that a strong central government threatened Americans’ liberties
Opposed the economic policies that some state legislatures pursued
Believed that the national government should be more democratic
Sought to discourage Europeans from investing in the United States
Which of the following claims did the residents of Greenwich use to most support their argument that they should be “relieved” by the Massachusetts legislature from the situation described in the petition?
They believed that Massachusetts should pay off its war debts.
They earned enough money to pay their state taxes.
They were eager to gain the benefits of independence.
They had aided the government during the Revolutionary War.
Which of the following evidence used in the petition supports the claim that the Massachusetts government “devours their inhabitants”?
Many people living in Massachusetts fought in the Revolutionary War.
Many Massachusetts farmers were held in debtor’s prison.
Massachusetts property owners typically rented land to tenants.
Massachusetts incurred a state debt during the American Revolution.
The relationship established between the federal government and the states under the United States Constitution was a long-term response to which of the following earlier developments?
The claims of parliamentary authority over colonial legislatures
George Washington’s warning against the formation of permanent alliances
Frontier conflicts between Native Americans and British colonists
Democratic-Republican opposition to Alexander Hamilton’s economic policies
Concerns about domestic political unrest in the early United States were lessened by which of the following developments?
The outbreak of the Haitian Revolution
The creation of a stronger central government
The attempts by Native American peoples to limit White settlement
The conflict between Great Britain and France after the French Revolution
Arguments for creating a stronger federal government arose primarily as the result of long-term concerns about the
Attempts by Great Britain to regain its former North American colonies
Use of congressional funds to build road networks between the states
Challenge of establishing rules to allow territories to become new states
Inability of the national government to maintain order under the Articles
Which of the following developments best explains the sentiment expressed in the first verse of the song lyrics?
The conflicts between the federal army and Native Americans on western frontiers
The resumption of commerce with Great Britain after the American Revolution
The growth among people in the United States of a sense of national identity
The partisan clash between Democratic-Republicans and Federalists
Which of the following best explains the depiction of George Washington in the third verse of the song?
Washington’s public advocacy for abolition
The movement to elect Washington president for life
Washington’s policy of intervening in European conflicts
The popular image in national culture of Washington as a virtuous leader
Paine’s argument best provides evidence for which of the following developments resulting from the American Revolution?
The rapid creation of an industrialized economy in the United States
The increase in immigration from continental Europe and reduction in immigration from Great Britain
The emergence of a unique American national identity separate from that of Europe
The fear among the Spanish and French that that revolutionary ideas would spread, which prompted them to abandon their colonies
Which of the following describes a trend shown in the graph of the regional distribution of the slave trade before the American Revolution?
The northern colonies did not participate in the slave trade.
The slave trade to Virginia and Maryland increased.
Fewer enslaved Africans were brought to the southern colonies than to the northern colonies.
More enslaved Africans were brought to the Carolinas and Georgia than to Virginia and Maryland.
Which of the following best describes the trend in the number of enslaved Africans brought to the Carolinas and Georgia depicted in the graph?
It sharply decreased before the 1770s and then returned to the level of 1751–1760.
It increased before the 1770s and then declined between 1771 and 1790.
It remained steady before 1770 and reached zero slave imports by 1771.
It consistently decreased until reaching zero slave imports by 1781.
Which of the following best describes an overall trend depicted in the graph for the time period between 1751 and 1800 ?
The slave trade to the North increased.
The slave trade was halted as a result of the American Revolution.
The number of enslaved Africans brought to the United States decreased.
The number of enslaved Africans brought to the Carolinas and Georgia steadily increased.
Which of the following was a primary reason that the United States and Spain agreed to the articles outlined in the excerpt?
To force Great Britain to give up its colonial claims in Canada
To provide land for the establishment of Catholic missions
To minimize tensions caused by United States expansion into western territory
To prevent France from reclaiming the territory it lost after the Seven Years’ War
The agreements made in the excerpt best reflect which of the following concerns in the United States during this period?
How to support western settlers beyond the Appalachian Mountains
How to avoid the establishment of political parties
Whether to assist the French in their war against Great Britain
Whether to allow slavery to expand into new territories
Which of the following groups would have most likely supported the agreements made in the excerpt?
Fur trappers on the Pacific coast
White farmers in Kentucky
Merchants in New England
Native American leaders in Louisiana
Gerry made which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the Articles of Confederation?
The Articles needed to be amended to make slavery illegal.
The Articles were mostly effective at funding the central government.
The problems of the Articles could not be fixed by the state delegates.
The state governments should be given increased power under the Articles.
Gerry made which of the following arguments regarding amending the Constitution?
A Bill of Rights should be added before ratification.
Enslaved people should not be counted for representation.
The executive and legislative branches should share more power.
More populous states should have greater representation in Congress.
In the excerpt, Gerry claimed that he did not sign the United States Constitution for which of the following reasons?
He required approval from the Massachusetts legislature.
He demanded that he be appointed to the new government.
He believed that the United States should return to British rule.
He believed the new government insufficiently protected the rights of citizens.
The author claims in the excerpt that antislavery rhetoric in the late eighteenth century was based on
The belief that emancipated people would not be a presence in society
Religious ideals formed during the First Great Awakening
Legal precedent established during the colonial period
The concern that revolutionary conflict would spread from France to the United States
The author argues that emancipation in northern states occurred
As a result of Supreme Court rulings
Through amendments to state constitutions
Over a long period of time
In response to widespread protests
The author makes which of the following arguments in the excerpt about the perceptions Whites maintained regarding emancipated people in the North?
They expected emancipated people to assimilate into society.
They believed that emancipated people were unable to take care of themselves.
They hoped that emancipated people would provide a source of inexpensive labor.
They assumed that emancipated people would advocate for abolition in the South.
{"name":"APUSH 3", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Paine’s rhetoric in the excerpt would have most likely been interpreted at the time as promoting the, Paine’s argument “that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still” was most likely in reference to which of the following situations?, Which of the following historical situations most directly shaped Paine’s argument that Britain’s policies were economically harming its colonies?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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