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New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 17 Sep 21
[2109.07478] Ignacio Trujillo, Mauro D'Onofrio, Dennis Zaritsky et al.: Introducing the LBT Imaging of Galactic Halos and Tidal Structures (LIGHTS) survey. A preview of the low surface brightness Universe to be...
[2109.07480] Thomas W.-S. Holoien, Jack M. M. Neustadt, Patrick J. Vallely et al.: Investigating the Nature of the Luminous Ambiguous Nuclear Transient ASASSN-17jz
[2109.07484] Jedrzej A. Jawor, Thomas M. Tauris: Modelling spin evolution of magnetars
[2109.07486] Xiao-Wei Duan, Weijia Sun, Xiaodian Chen et al.: Further evidence of shocks in the first-overtone RR Lyrae pulsators: first detection of shock-triggered magnesium emissions
[2109.07487] Nikhil Arora, Andrea V. Macció, Stéphane Courteau et al.: NIHAO-LG: The uniqueness of Local Group dwarf galaxies
[2109.07489] Michael Anderson, Nicolas Peretto, Sarah E. Ragan et al.: An ALMA study of hub-filament systems I. On the clump mass concentration within the most massive cores
[2109.07492] G. Pordeus-da-Silva, R. C. Batista, L. G. Medeiros: Analytical warm dark matter power spectrum on small scales
[2109.07499] Alexis L. Quintana, Nicholas J. Wright: Revisiting the Cygnus OB associations
[2109.07501] R. Pascale, C. Nipoti, L. Ciotti: Regular and chaotic orbits in axisymmetric stellar systems
[2109.07510] Ekta Sharma, Maheswar G., Sami Dib: Cloud Motion and magnetic fields: Four clouds in the Cepheus Flare region
[2109.07511] Juri Poutanen, Alexandra Veledina, Andrei V. Berdyugin et al.: Extreme black hole spin--orbit misalignment in X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070
[2109.07522] Mohammadtaher Safarzadeh, Joshua D. Simon, Abraham Loeb: A Statistical Detection of Wide Binary Systems in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II
[2109.07523] Katarzyna Rusinek-Abarca, Marek Sikora: The dependence of the fraction of radio luminous quasars on redshift and its theoretical implications
[2109.07525] G. Mirek Brandt, Trent J. Dupuy, Yiting Li et al.: Improved Dynamical Masses for Six Brown Dwarf Companions Using Hipparcos and Gaia EDR3
[2109.07529] Nicolas C. Ferree, Emory F. Bunn: Constraining H0 Via Extragalactic Parallax
[2109.07535] Wenrui Xu, Matthew W. Kunz: Formation and evolution of protostellar accretion discs. II. From 3D simulation to a simple semi-analytic model of Class 0/I discs
[2109.07545] Nicolas F. Bouché, Samuel Bera, Davor Krajnovic et al.: The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: Evidence for SFR-induced cores in dark-matter dominated galaxies at z=1
[2109.07549] Piotr A. Dybczyński, Sławomir Breiter: Galactic and stellar perturbations of long period comet motion -- practical considerations
[2109.07558] Rachel C. Zhang, Bing Zhang: The CHIME FRB population do not track the star formation history of the universe
[2109.07566] Geraint Pratten, Patricia Schmidt, Natalie Williams: Impact of Dynamical Tides on the Reconstruction of the Neutron Star Equation of State
[2109.07586] Zachary S. Way, T. Jayasinghe, C. S. Kochanek et al.: Discovery of a Highly Eccentric, Chromospherically Active Binary: ASASSN-V J192114.84+624950.8
[2109.07598] Matt A. Roth, Mark R. Krumholz, Roland M. Crocker et al.: The diffuse $γ$-ray background is dominated by star-forming galaxies
[2109.07612] Marcus E. Lower, Simon Johnston, Liam Dunn et al.: The impact of glitches on young pulsar rotational evolution
[2109.07614] Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Quinn M. Konopacky, Travis Barman et al.: Deep exploration of the planets HR 8799 b, c, and d with moderate resolution spectroscopy
[2109.07657] Kostas Glampedakis, Arthur G. Suvorov: Modelling spin-up episodes in accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars
[2109.07658] Mengyao Tang, Aina Palau, Luis A. Zapata et al.: W51 North: a protocluster emerging out of a thermally inhibited fragmenting cloud?
[2109.07669] Thiem Hoang: Effects of grain alignment with magnetic fields on grain growth and the structure of dust aggregates
[2109.07681] Kai Wang, Zi-Gao Dai: The Low-Energy Spectral Index of Gamma-Ray Burst Prompt Emission from Internal Shocks
[2109.07686] Zhenyan Fei, Ming Lyu, Mariano Mendez et al.: The harmonic component of the millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U 1636-53
[2109.07687] Donald C. Warren, Maria Dainotti, Maxim V. Barkov et al.: A semi-analytic afterglow with thermal electrons and synchrotron self-Compton emission
[2109.07694] Zhi-Ping Jin, Hao Zhou, Stefano Covino et al.: A kilonova from an ultra-quick merger of a neutron star binary
[2109.07695] Zdenek Sekanina: Enigmatic Nebulous Companions to the Great September Comet of 1882 As SOHO-Like Kreutz Sungrazers Caught in Terminal Outburst
[2109.07696] Ian McConachie, Gillian Wilson, Ben Forrest et al.: Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Protocluster at $z=3.37$ with a High Fraction of Quiescent Galaxies
[2109.07731] A. Morales-Vargas, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, F. F. Rosales-Ortega et al.: Star Formation in CALIFA survey perturbed galaxies. II. Star Formation Histories and Oxygen Abundances
[2109.07790] Ravit Helled, Alessandro Morbidelli: Planet Formation
[2109.07806] C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee: Landau Modes are Eigenmodes of Stellar Systems in the Limit of Zero Collisions
[2109.07821] Ramesh Chandra, Pascal Demoulin, Pooja Devi et al.: Filament Eruption Driving EUV Loop Contraction then Expansion above a Stable Filament
[2109.07822] Ningyu Tang, Di Li, Gan Luo et al.: Precise Measurements of CH Maser Emission and Its Abundance in Translucent Clouds
[2109.07823] Emma de Ona Wilhelmi, Enrique Mestre, Diego F. Torres et al.: Probing the hadronic nature of the gamma-ray emission associated with Westerlund 2
[2109.07825] Agnieszka Kuźmicz, Sagar Sethi, Marek Jamrozy: Giant radio quasars: composite optical spectra
[2109.07836] Miriam E. Ramos-Ceja, M. Oguri, S. Miyazaki et al.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): A complete census of X-ray properties of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam weak lensing shear-selected ...
[2109.07841] Emilia Järvelä, Rohan Dahale, Luca Crepaldi et al.: Unravelling the origin of extended radio emission in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies with the JVLA
[2109.07847] Huirong Yan: Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and propagation of cosmic rays: theory confronted with observations
[2109.07856] Luwenjia Zhou, Yong Shi, Zhi-Yu Zhang et al.: Extremely weak CO emission in IZw 18
[2109.07858] Fabian Gittins: Gravitational waves from deformed neutron stars: mountains and tides
[2109.07873] Evangelia Samara, Brecht Laperre, Rungployphan Kieokaew et al.: The Dynamic Time Warping as a means to assess solar wind time series
[2109.07889] L.F. Rodríguez Almeida, V.M. Rivilla, I. Jiménez-Serra et al.: First detection of C$_2$H$_5$NCO in the ISM and search of other isocyanates towards the G+0.693-0.027 molecular cloud
[2109.07942] T.-W. Chen, S. J. Brennan, R. Wesson et al.: SN 2018bsz: significant dust formation in a nearby superluminous supernova
[2109.07947] A. Vecchio, M.Maksimovic, V. Krupar et al.: Solar Orbiter/RPW antenna calibration in the radio domain and its application to type III burst observations
[2109.07964] Chong Ge, Ming Sun, Masafumi Yagi et al.: The BIG X-ray tail
[2109.08012] John C. Martin, Kris Davidson, Roberta M. Humphreys et al.: The Altered State of $η$Carinae: HST's Photometric Record 1998--2021
[2109.08047] D. Munshi, R. Takahashi, J. D. McEwen et al.: A New Estimator for Phase Statistics
[2109.08095] Marek Strumik, Maciej Bzowski, Marzena A. Kubiak: Influence of Heliolatitudinal Anisotropy of Solar FUV/EUV Emissions on Lyman-alpha Helioglow: SOHO/SWAN Observations and WawHelioGlow Modeling
[2109.08110] Gopal Bhatta: Characterizing Long-term Optical Variability Properties of $γ$-ray Bright Blazars
[2109.08112] K. El Bourakadi, M. Bousder, Z. Sakhi et al.: Preheating and Reheating Constraints in Supersymmetric Braneworld Inflation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 17 Sep 21","img":""}