Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Wed, 12 May 21
[2105.04587] Peter R. Wiecha, Clément Majorel, Arnaud Arbouet et al.: pyGDM -- new functionalities and major improvements to the python toolkit for nano-optics full-field simulations
[2105.04618] Niclas Rieger, Álvaro Corral, Estrella Olmedo et al.: Lagged teleconnections of climate variables identified via complex rotated Maximum Covariance Analysis
[2105.04626] D. Farnesi, S. Pelli, S. Soria et al.: Universal coupler for bulk whispering gallery mode resonators based on silicon subwavelength grating waveguides
[2105.04627] Ihar Babushkin, Ayhan Demircan, Uwe Morgner et al.: High order Brunel harmonics and supercontinuum formed by a weak optical pump in presence of a strong terahertz field
[2105.04647] Atanu K. Saha, Mengwei Si, Peide D. Ye et al.: Multi-domain Polarization Switching in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2-Dielectric Stack: The Role of Dielectric Thickness
[2105.04653] Seref Kalem: 1320 nm Light Source From Deuterium Treated Silicon
[2105.04654] Owen Convery, Lewis Smith, Yarin Gal et al.: Uncertainty Quantification for Virtual Diagnostic of Particle Accelerators
[2105.04677] Victor de Seauve, Vincent Detalle, Alexandre Semerok et al.: Continuous wave laser thermal restoration of oxidized lead-based pigments in mural paintings
[2105.04679] Jiahui Wang, Jason F. Herrmann, Jeremy D. Witmer et al.: Photonic modal circulator using temporal refractive-index modulation with spatial inversion symmetry
[2105.04686] Christopher J. Camobreco, Alban Pothérat, Gregory J. Sheard: Stability of pulsatile quasi-two-dimensional duct flows under a transverse magnetic field
[2105.04706] D. Carnevale, P. Buratti, M. Baruzzo et al.: Latest results on quiescent and post-disruption runaway electron mitigation experiments at Frascati Tokamak Upgrade
[2105.04713] Tierra Candelaria, Qiana Hunt, Danielle Rowland: Lessons Learned from Virtual Transitions of Undergraduate Student Support Programs due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
[2105.04716] Yibo Lei, Bingbing Suo, Wenjian Liu: $\mathbb{i}$CAS: Imposed Automatic Selection and Localization of Complete Active Spaces
[2105.04721] Ben M. Burridge, Gerardo E. Villarreal-Garcia, Antonio A. Gentile et al.: Zero-power calibration of photonic circuits at cryogenic temperatures
[2105.04722] Long T. Nguyen, Kim Tuan Do, Trung Phan: On the Electrostatic Forces acting on Point Charges in the Present of a Dielectric Slab
[2105.04723] Ryan K. Daniels, Simon A. Brown: Nanowire networks: how does small-world character evolve with dimensionality?
[2105.04724] Eric A. Arsenault, Addison J. Schile, David T. Limmer et al.: Vibronic coupling in energy transfer dynamics and two-dimensional electronic-vibrational spectra
[2105.04725] Eric A. Arsenault, Addison J. Schile, David T. Limmer et al.: Note: Vibronic coupling in light-harvesting complex II revisited
[2105.04745] Sajag Poudel, An Zou, Shalabh C. Maroo: Thermal Management of Photovoltaics using Porous Nanochannels
[2105.04778] Alison Su, Alisha Geldert, Samantha M. Grist et al.: Optical attenuators extend dynamic range but alter angular response of planar ultraviolet-C dosimeters
[2105.04812] Vikash Pandey, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Prasad Perlekar: Turbulence modulation in buoyancy-driven bubbly flows
[2105.04820] Jinah Jeun, Gao Jun Wu, Sanjiva K. Lele et al.: Aeroacoustics of Twin Rectangular Jets Including Screech: Large-eddy Simulations with Experimental Validation
[2105.04845] Saad Benjelloun: Thermodynamic identities and thermodynamic consistency of Equation of States
[2105.04859] Julien Pinske, Stefan Scheel: Symmetry-protected non-Abelian geometric phases in optical waveguides with nonorthogonal modes
[2105.04863] Xiong Shen, Shuman Du, Jun Liu et al.: Asymmetric four-grating compressor for ultrafast high power lasers
[2105.04870] Philipp Täschler, Mathieu Bertrand, Barbara Schneider et al.: Femtosecond pulses from a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser
[2105.04871] Lekshmi S, Rajib Chattopadhyay, Manpreet Kaur et al.: On the role of Initial Error Growth in the Skill of Extended Range Prediction of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
[2105.04882] Ivan Zorin, Paul Gattinger, Andrii Prylepa et al.: Time-encoded mid-infrared Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography
[2105.04884] Yue Zhao, Jiuyang Liang, Zhenli Xu: Randomized Verlet list algorithm for short-range molecular dynamics simulations
[2105.04886] Lars Thomsen, Pedro N. Carvalho, Juliano Souza Dos Passos et al.: Hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge; energy considerations and fate of micropollutants during pilot scale processing
[2105.04902] Maria Dimitrova, Dage Sundholm: Current density, current-density pathways and molecular aromaticity
[2105.04960] Jérôme Williame, Joo-Von Kim: Effects of delayed feedback on the power spectrum of spin-torque nano-oscillators
[2105.04968] Stefano De Leo, Alessia Stefano: Angular deviations: From a cubic equation to a universal closed formula to determine the peak position of reflected and (upper) transmitted beams
[2105.04985] Ilya M. Antropov Anna A. Popkova Gleb I. Tselikov, Georgy A. Ermolaev, Igor Ozerov et al.: Double-resonant second-harmonic generation in MoS2 nanoantennas
[2105.05014] Mirazul Mahmud Abir: Effects of Composition on Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of Hydroxyapatite/Gray Titania Coating Fabricated by Suspension Plasma Spraying
[2105.05022] Julien Lombard, Julien Lam, Francois Detcheverry et al.: Strong and fast rising pressure waves emitted by plasmonic vapor nanobubbles
[2105.05042] Zhiteng Zhou, Shizhao Wang: Far-field approximations to the derivatives and integrals of the Green's function for the Ffocws Williams and Hawkings equation
[2105.05053] Sébastien Curtoni, Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel, Latifa Abbassi et al.: Performance of CVD diamond detectors for single ion beam-tagging applications in hadrontherapy monitoring
[2105.05075] Dario Jozinović, Anthony Lomax, Ivan Štajduhar et al.: Transfer learning: Improving neural network based prediction of earthquake ground shaking for an area with insufficient training data
[2105.05081] Ryotaro Koshoji, Taisuke Ozaki: Densest ternary sphere packings
[2105.05107] D. Carralero, T. Estrada, E. Maragkoudakis et al.: An experimental characterization of core turbulence regimes in Wendelstein 7-X
[2105.05118] R. N. Troyer, A. N. Jaynes, S. L. Jones et al.: The Diffuse Auroral Eraser
[2105.05143] Brendan West, Devin O'Connor, Matthew Parno et al.: Improving discrete element simulations of sea ice break up: Applications to Nares Strait
[2105.05171] Nathaniel Garceau, Shiran Bao, Wei Guo: Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube - Part III
[2105.05173] Quang Tuyen Le, Pao-Hsiung Chiu, Chin Chun Ooi: U-Net-Based Surrogate Model For Evaluation of Microfluidic Channels
[2105.05191] Zhen Tao, Saswata Roy, Patrick E. Schneider et al.: Analytical Gradients for Nuclear-Electronic Orbital Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Excited State Geometry Optimizations and Adiaba...
[2105.05193] Zhanyang Zhang, Tobias Schaefer, Michael E. Kress: GNOME and LBM Model Evaluation on Ocean Oil Spill Far-Field Impacts to Highly Sensitive Areas
[2105.05235] Matt Jaffe, Lukas Palm, Claire Baum et al.: Aberrated optical cavities
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 12 May 21","img":""}
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