Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Tue, 15 Feb 22
[2202.05840] Mario J. Pinheiro: On Electromagnetic Turbulence
[2202.05871] Philippe Arnault, Sébastien Guisset: Chapman-Enskog derivation of multicomponent Navier-Stokes equations
[2202.05878] Luis Ferrás, Maria Luisa Morgado, Magda Rebelo: A generalised distributed-order Maxwell model
[2202.05901] Thomas Narock, Ayris Narockm Luiz F. G. Dos Santos, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla: Identification of Flux Rope Orientation via Neural Networks
[2202.05905] Yifeng Mao, Mark A. Hoefer: Experimental investigations of linear and nonlinear periodic traveling waves in a viscous fluid conduit
[2202.05926] Theo Torres, Max Lloyd, Sam R. Dolan et al.: Wave focusing by submerged islands and gravitational analogues
[2202.05934] Danila V. Milanov: Representation of the gravitational potential of a level ellipsoid by a simple layer
[2202.05937] Romain Tirole, Emanuele Galiffi, Jakub Dranczewski et al.: Saturable time-varying mirror based on an ENZ material
[2202.05939] J. E. Alba-Arroyo, S. F. Caballero-Benitez, R. Jauregui: Weber number and the outcome of binary collisions between quantum droplets
[2202.05944] Josephine Meyer, Gina Passante, Steven J. Pollock et al.: The interdisciplinary quantum information classroom: Themes from a survey of quantum information science instructors
[2202.05945] Binglin Zeng, Yuliang Wang, Christian Diddens et al.: Droplet dissolution driven by emerging thermal gradients and Marangoni flow
[2202.05958] Junfang Zhu, Xuezao Ren, Peijie Ma et al.: Detecting network communities via greedy expanding based on local superiority index
[2202.05967] Jian-Qin Lu: Development of Beams Optics Code LEADS-v5
[2202.05976] Chao Mi, Ming Guan, Xun Zhang et al.: High Spatial and Temporal Resolution NIR-IIb Gastrointestinal Imaging in Mice
[2202.05992] Di Xia, Zelin Yang, Pingyang Zeng et al.: Soliton Microcombs in Integrated Chalcogenide Microresonators
[2202.06026] G.L. Lippi, T. Wang, G.P. Puccioni: "Phase Transitions" in small systems: why standard threshold definitions fail for nanolasers
[2202.06030] Sankar Davuluri, Yong Li: Light as quantum back-action nullifying meter
[2202.06042] Fan Yang, Xu-zhi Zhou, Jing-huan Li et al.: Kinetic-scale flux ropes: Observations and applications of kinetic equilibrium models
[2202.06062] Shan Jin, Chao Xu, Hongtao Zheng et al.: Detailed chemistry modelling of rotating detonations with dilute n-heptane sprays and preheated air
[2202.06064] Linfeng Ye, Hao Wang, Yong Zhang et al.: Self-Adaptive Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Core Excitations
[2202.06072] R. Kanishka, V. Bhatnagar: Characterization and Comparison of Glass Electrodes
[2202.06124] Robert Hager, Seung-Hoe Ku, A. Y. Sharma et al.: Electromagnetic total-f algorithm for gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations with the X-point Gyrokinetic Code XGC
[2202.06126] Helena Seivane, Antonio García-Jerez, Manuel Navarro et al.: On the Use of the Microtremor HVSR for Tracking Velocity Changes: A case study in Campo de Dalías basin (SE Spain)
[2202.06132] Andres Kuusk, Joel Kuusk: Spectral actinometry at SMEAR-Estonia
[2202.06147] Anatoli S. Kheifets, Igor A. Ivanov, Anna Li Wang et al.: Phase retrieval from angular streaking of XUV atomic ionization
[2202.06162] Alexandre Vilquin, Samuel Hidalgo-Caballero, Vincent Pagneux et al.: Formation and dynamics of a semi vortex ring connected to a free surface
[2202.06170] Claire E. Heaney, Zef Wolffs, Jón Atli Tómasson et al.: An AI-based Domain-Decomposition Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Model for Extended Domains applied to Multiphase Flow in Pipes
[2202.06204] Xin An, Anton Artemyev, Vassilis Angelopoulos et al.: Suppression of reconnection in polarized, thin magnetotail current sheets: 2D simulations and implications
[2202.06209] Shengyan Liu, Hao Tong, Kejie Fang: Optomechanical crystal with bound states in the continuum
[2202.06272] Chen Wang, Andrew Gilbert, Joanne Mason: Critical-layer instability of shallow water magnetohydrodynamic shear flows
[2202.06279] CUPID collaboration: A. Armatol, C. Augier, F. T. Avignone III et al.: Optimization of the first CUPID detector module
[2202.06293] B. J. Frei, S. Ernst, P. Ricci: Numerical Implementation of the Improved Sugama Collision Operator Using a Moment Approach
[2202.06294] O. V. Kaptsov: Solutions of the Euler equations and stationary structures in an inviscid fluid
[2202.06296] T. Zanon-Willette, D. Wilkowski, R. Lefevre et al.: Generalized hyper-Ramsey-Bordé matter-wave interferometry: quantum engineering of robust atomic sensors with composite pulses
[2202.06322] Avijit Duley, Narendra Nath Dutta, C. Bagdia et al.: Fragmentation dynamics of diatomic molecules under proton impact: Kinetic energy release spectra of CO^{q+} and NO^{q+} (q = 2, 3) molecular...
[2202.06324] Hongyao Wu, Lijun Yuan, Ya Yan Lu: Approximating transmission and reflection spectra near isolated nondegenerate resonances
[2202.06327] Elad Malka, Shay I. Heizler: Supersonic-subsonic transition region in radiative heat flow via self-similar solutions
[2202.06336] Jingkun Guo, Simon Gröblacher: Integrated optical-readout of a high-Q mechanical out-of-plane mode
[2202.06342] Akihito Kiyama, Rafsan Rabbi, Nathan Speirs et al.: The water entry surface seal behavior of spheres at intermediate speed regimes
[2202.06352] Ruiqi Li, Ankang Luo, Fan Shang et al.: Emergence of scaling in dockless bike-sharing systems
[2202.06355] Jesús Pineda, Benjamin Midtvedt, Harshith Bachimanchi et al.: Geometric deep learning reveals the spatiotemporal fingerprint of microscopic motion
[2202.06399] G.M. Webb, S.C. Anco, S.V. Meleshko et al.: Action Principles and Conservation Laws for Chew-Goldberger-Low Anisotropic Plasmas
[2202.06403] Chao Zhang, Dongming Mei: Evaluation of cosmogenic production of $^{39}Ar$ and $^{42}Ar$ for rare-event physics using underground argon
[2202.06423] Ian R. Marsh, Chunrong Li, Joseph Grudzinski et al.: Partial volume correction improves theranostic 124I/131I-CLR1404 tumor dosimetry in xenograft models of head and neck cancer
[2202.06427] Leandro Martínez: CellListMap.jl: Efficient and customizable cell list implementation for calculation of pairwise particle properties within a cutoff
[2202.06444] Jonathan K. George, Maria Solyanik-Gorgone, Hangbo Yang et al.: Nonlinear Optical Joint Transform Correlator for Low Latency Convolution Operations
[2202.06457] Greg Kalicy: Developing high-performance /home/jinno/arXiv/C detector for the Future Electron Ion Collider Experiment
[2202.06489] Mohammad Ghamsari, Mehdi Ahmadi-boroujeni, Saeed Babanejad: Design and Optimization of Gregorian-based Reflector Systems for THz Imaging System Optics
[2202.06516] Yangsha Liu, Yichen Yao, Quanying Li et al.: Contact angle measurement on curved wetting surface in multiphase lattice Boltzmann method
[2202.06519] Anis Allagui, Hachemi Benaoum, Hichem Eleuch: Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory for low-to-mid frequency immittance of electric double-layer capacitors
[2202.06530] Z. Li, J. Zhang, A. V. Peterchev et al.: Modular Pulse Synthesizer for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Flexible User-Defined Pulse Shaping and Rapidly Changing Pulses in Sequences
[2202.06540] Diego Ramírez García, Daniel Baur, Jaron Grigat et al.: GeMSE: a Low-Background Facility for Gamma-Spectrometry at Moderate Rock Overburden
[2202.06549] Vojtěch Horný, Sophia N. Chen, Xavier Davoine et al.: High-flux neutron generation by laser-accelerated ions from single- and double-layer targets
[2202.06550] Amit S. Hegde, Vaibhav Joshi, Pardha S. Gurugubelli: Effect of combined pitching and heaving on propulsion of tandem flapping foils
[2202.06556] Javier Balibrea-Correa, Jorge Lerendegui-Marco, Ion Ladarescu et al.: In-beam PET and Compton imaging for enhanced accuracy proton-range verification
[2202.06567] W. Coenen, E. J. Kolb, A. L. Sánchez et al.: Observed dependence of characteristics of liquid-pool fires on swirl magnitude
[2202.06571] P. Rajamanickam, W. Coenen, A. L. Sánchez: Non-Boussinesq stability analysis of natural-convection gaseous flow on inclined hot plates
[2202.06577] A. Kent, S. L. Waters, J. Oliver et al.: A Homogenised Model of Fluid-String Interaction
[2202.06579] A. D. Weiss, W. Coenen. A. L. Sánchez: Aerodynamics of planar counterflowing jets
[2202.06589] Tao Lin: Deferred Optical Photon simulation for the JUNO experiment
[2202.06613] Matti Hanhela, Antti Paajanen, Mikko J. Nissi et al.: Embedded quantitative MRI T1rho mapping using non-linear primal-dual proximal splitting
[2202.06640] Marcel Pfeiffer, Félix Garmirian, M. Hossein Gorji: Exponential BGK Integrator for Multi-Scale Particle-Based Kinetic Simulations
[2202.06661] Matias Slavov: Eternalism and the Problem of Hyperplanes
[2202.06669] Pablo Villegas, Andrea Gabrielli, Francesca Santucci et al.: Path-integral approach to information processing in complex networks: information core emerges from entropic transitions
[2202.06699] Maxim S. Elizarov, Yuri S. Kivshar, A. Fratalocchi: Inverse-designed metaphotonics for hypersensitive detection
[2202.06704] Leonardo Chirco, Stephane Zaleski: An Edge-Based Interface-Tracking Method for Multiphase Flows
[2202.06719] Swetaprovo Chaudhuri: Turbulent flame speed based on mass flow rate of reactants
[2202.06724] Cori Haws, Biswarup Guha, Edgar Perez et al.: Thermal release tape-assisted semiconductor membrane transfer process for hybrid photonic devices embedding quantum emitters
[2202.06731] Hernán G. Solari, Mario A. Natiello: On the symmetries of electrodynamic interactions
[2202.06733] Anthony Lasenby: Some recent results for $SU(3)$ and Octonions within the Geometric Algebra approach to the fundamental forces of nature
[2202.06740] Z.L. Wang: Universal self-scalings in a micro-co-flowing
[2202.06754] S.G. Bishop, J.P. Hadden, R. Hekmati et al.: Enhanced light collection from a gallium nitride color center using a near index-matched solid immersion lens
[2202.06770] Bao-Zhen Wang, Xin-Biao Xu, Yan-Lei Zhang et al.: Adiabatic conversion between gigahertz quasi-Rayleigh and quasi-Love modes for phononic integrated circuits
[2202.06772] Z. L. Wang, Zhenyu Nu, Kai Huang: Study on the Kinetics of Rayleigh Particle Jets Converging by Laser Beams
[2202.06798] Hugo Laurell, Daniel Finkelstein-Shapiro, Christoph Dittel et al.: Continuous variable quantum state tomography of photoelectrons
[2202.06811] Shikha Bhatt, B. C. Chanyal: Generalized quaternionic free rotational Dirac equation and spinor solutions in the electromagnetic field
[2202.06818] Zi-Hua Weng: Frequencies of astrophysical jets and gravitational strengths in the octonion spaces
[2202.06820] Mehedi Hasan, Gazi Mahamud Hasan, Trevor Hall: Experimental realization of a universal RF photonic integrated circuit
[2202.06867] Ana Belén Sainz: Q-Turn: Changing Paradigms In Quantum Science
[2202.06869] Gagik Gavalian, Polykarpos Thomadakis, Angelos Angelopoulos et al.: CLAS12 Track Reconstruction with Artificial Intelligence
[2202.06895] Jacob Masur, Denys I. Bondar, Gerard McCaul: Optical Distinguishability of Mott Insulators in Time vs Frequency Domain
[2202.06900] Karam S. El-Nassera, T.A. Taha, Ibraheem O. Alia et al.: Hydrothermal synthesis, structure, and antibacterial studies of a nanosized iron zeolite
[2202.06920] K. Karafasoulis, C. Papadimitropoulos, C. Potiriadis et al.: GEANT4 simulation study of the response of a miniature radiation detector in Galactic Cosmic Rays and inside a spacecraft
[2202.06929] Alina Lazar, Xiangyang Ju, Daniel Murnane et al.: Accelerating the Inference of the Exa.TrkX Pipeline
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 15 Feb 22","img":""}

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