Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 17 Dec 21
[2112.08376] Aaron Z. Goldberg: Quantum Polarimetry
[2112.08408] Andrea Smirne, Simone Cialdi, Daniele Cipriani et al.: Experimentally determining the incompatibility of two qubit measurements
[2112.08409] Brian Flynn, Antonio Andreas Gentile, Nathan Wiebe et al.: Quantum Model Learning Agent: characterisation of quantum systems through machine learning
[2112.08430] Sandor Varro: Coherent and incoherent superposition of transition matrix elements of the squeezing operator
[2112.08449] Annie Naveh, Imogen Fitzgerald, Anna Phan et al.: Kernel Matrix Completion for Offline Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning
[2112.08451] Daochen Wang, Aarthi Sundaram, Robin Kothari et al.: Quantum Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model
[2112.08461] Saurya Das, Sourav Sur: On the quantum origin of potentials
[2112.08490] Artur Soriani, Pierre Nazé, Marcus V. S. Bonança et al.: The three phases of quantum annealing: fast, slow, and very slow
[2112.08499] Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset, Yinchen Liu: How to simulate quantum measurement without computing marginals
[2112.08506] Stephen DiAdamo, Corey O'Meara, Giorgio Cortiana et al.: Practical Quantum K-Means Clustering: Performance Analysis and Applications in Energy Grid Classification
[2112.08510] Alexander V. Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav Zolotaryuk: Conditions for realizing one-point interactions from a multi-layer structure model
[2112.08562] Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han et al.: Enhanced phonon blockade in a weakly-coupled hybrid system via mechanical parametric amplification
[2112.08564] Thomas Guff, Nicolas Boulle, Igor Pikovski: Optimal Fidelity Witnesses for Gravitational Entanglement
[2112.08622] Tsubasa Ichikawa: Bayesian Probability and Relative Frequency in Quantum Mechanics
[2112.08666] M.N.N.M. Rusli, M.S. Nurisya, H. Zainuddin et al.: Rotational Symmetry and Gauge Invariant Degeneracies on 2D Noncommutative Plane
[2112.08694] Ryan Requist, Chen Li, E. K. U. Gross: Geometric energy transfer in two-component systems
[2112.08747] Rui Li, Shurui Li, Dongmin Yu et al.: Optimal model for fewer-qubit CNOT gates with Rydberg atoms
[2112.08800] Tanja Schoger, Benjamin Spreng, Gert-Ludwig Ingold et al.: Universal Casimir interaction between two dielectric spheres in salted water
[2112.08823] Tao Chen, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Z. D. Wang: Error-Tolerant Geometric Quantum Control for Logical Qubits with Minimal Resource
[2112.08859] Dhrumil Patel, Patrick J. Coles, Mark M. Wilde: Variational Quantum Algorithms for Semidefinite Programming
[2112.08868] Wuhong Zhang, Xiaodong Qiu, Dongkai Zhang et al.: Imaging hyper-entanglement based on the Hardy-type nonlocality paradox
[2112.08869] Alona Sakhnenko, Corey O'Meara, Kumar J. B. Ghosh et al.: Hybrid Classical-Quantum Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection
[2112.08917] Alberto Mercurio, Vincenzo Macrì, Chris Gustin et al.: Regimes of Cavity-QED under Incoherent Excitation: From Weak to Deep Strong Coupling
[2112.08981] Philip Held, Melanie Engelkemeier, Syamsundar De et al.: Driven Gaussian Quantum Walks
[2112.09005] Michael R. Geller: The universe as a nonlinear quantum simulation
[2112.09021] Irene López Gutiérrez, Felix Dietrich, Christian B. Mendl: Quantum Process Tomography of Unitary Maps from Time-Delayed Measurements
[2112.09034] Matteo Fadel, Michele Maggiore: Revisiting the algebraic structure of the generalized uncertainty principle
[2112.09083] Anthony N Ciavarella, Ivan A Chernyshev: Preparation of the SU(3) Lattice Yang-Mills Vacuum with Variational Quantum Methods
[2112.09091] Laurens Lootens, Clement Delcamp, Gerardo Ortiz et al.: Category-theoretic recipe for dualities in one-dimensional quantum lattice models
[2112.09108] Chris L. Lin: On the Orthonormality and Spectrum of 1D Scattering States
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 17 Dec 21","img":""}
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