You think you LOVE Allah SWT?

How regretful do you feel after standing up for something good ALONE, with everyone opposing you?
Nope, I feel brave for what I stand up for and don't care if I'm the only one
Very Little
Oh No DON'T ASK! All the time
How tired do you feel to pray Isha' on a hot summer night with a lot of homework to do so you end up not praying?
Nope never, I have a strong faith
A little bit, sometimes I guess
Most of the time, but I am regretful
I don't pray Isha, but I know Allah is All-Forgiving
Mostly, but eh, who cares
On a daily basis, how eager are you to read Qur'an?
Never, I don't care/ I have other things to be eager about
I don't read it, but I wish I could make time for it
I am sooo eager to but I read it sometimes
OMG I LOVVE reading the Qur'an
I read it a lot, but that is because I am forced to
If Allah told you to leave your favourite TV show for Him? How hesitant would you be to do that?
I don't have time for TV shows, so no problem
I wouldn't do it, I mean would anyone?
Obviously! Who put this question on here?
I know TV shows that I watch are bad so I wouldn't hesitate to abandon them
I fear Allah! So I don't watch any TV shows at all
Would you make only 1 hour of your day to sit together with other Muslim girls and talk about Islam ( when you had to study for your exams)?
Nope, my career is 100x more important for me
I'll think about it (even though I know I don't want to
Anything for Allah (SWT)
I wish to, but I'm failing this semester and exams are my only hope
If a non-Muslim was to insult your Lord (SWT), how would you react?
I would spit at them
I would keep quite, but hate them for the rest of my life
I would curse them then get into a physical fight with them, because I can't tolerate such actions/words
I would first fight them, then I would teach them about Islam
I dunno maaan
If I could pray like I could see Allah (SWT), I would....
Cry my eyeballs out, because I missed Allah
Just pray
Ask for forgiveness for all my sins like never before
Be chill because I am perfect and never did anything sinful
{"name":"You think you LOVE Allah SWT?", "url":"","txt":"How regretful do you feel after standing up for something good ALONE, with everyone opposing you?, How tired do you feel to pray Isha' on a hot summer night with a lot of homework to do so you end up not praying?, On a daily basis, how eager are you to read Qur'an?","img":""}
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