Journey to Fantasia High

A whimsical fantasy scene depicting a magical castle with enchanted gardens, where students are learning magic, with creatures like unicorns and dragons nearby.

Journey to Fantasia High

Embark on an enchanting adventure at Fantasia High, a magical royal academy where you discover your true potential! This interactive quiz immerses you in a fantastical storyline filled with intriguing choices.

  • Explore a mysterious magical world
  • Meet charismatic characters, including Princess Skyianala
  • Uncover your unique magical powers at The Crowning Ceremony
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by MagicWand125
Hi! I'm your narrator. You'll be role-playing through this journey! Y/n stands for your name. Sound good?
Um...can you repeat that?
Sounds good!
Ugh no why
Okay, let's start!
You're falling.  Falling, falling, falling, falling.  The only thing you can see around you is darkness...just black.  You try to grasp around, looking for something to grab ahold of...but nothing.  All you can do is squeeze your eyes shut and hope for the best.
Out of nowhere, you feel your feet hit something hard. You hit the ground and roll, standing up and brushing your pants off awkwardly.  Where are you?
You slowly let out a groan. Your feet are planted on the ground again, and you blink, trying to let go of the dizziness. Eventually, you are able to stand up, and you take your first look around at your surroundings.
You look around curiously and wonder where you landed.
You look around excitedly. Where did you land??
You don't really care to look around, but you're glad you're out of that black hole anyways.
You hesitate before glancing around a little nervously. You're still a bit scared after the vortex.
A castle of marble, embedded with pearls, diamonds, opals, and other precious stones rises up before you. There are beautiful gardens around the castle, and fountains bubbling in those gardens. Birds cheep cheerfully. You...
Gasp. Are you dreaming?
Stand there in shock. Your brain isn't processing much right now.
Smile widely in amazement. This is can't believe it!
Squeal and jump around
Is this real? You scrutinize it carefully. After taking all things into actually does seem real.
What. The. Hex.
As you're standing there, a girl swishes up to you. She's wearing a long purple dress with a blue sash, pink gradients, and a velvet cloak; plus a matching silver tiara and pair of flats.  Wow, princess-y.
"Hi, I'm Princess Skyianala," she says amiably.  "I don't think I've seen you around here before- oh, you must be the new student!  Pleasure to meet you."  She holds out a hand.
"Princess?" you ask.
She smiles and nods.  "Of course; we're all royalty here."
You nervously shake her hand.  "Um, I'm y/n.  Nice to meet you...?"  You wonder if you should curtsy or something.
She laughs.  "No need to be shy.  Come on, I'll show you around!"  
The two of you head up the hill towards the drawbridge of the castle.
You shake her hand.  "Where is 'here', exactly?"
She smiles.  "Fantasia High, of course."
"And if you don't mind my asking, what is 'Fantasia High'?"
"The most prestigious royal magic school in the world," she responds a bit proudly.
"Um...what is 'the world'?"
She laughs.  "You have so many questions."
"Hey, I'm just curious!"
"Curiousity is a very good thing.  But come on, we don't have too much time.  We've got to get you sorted out.  Let's go."
The two of you head up the hill towards the drawbridge of the castle.
"Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to ask you.  What's your name?"
She seems benign, so you shake her hand.  But...why in the world does her name sound so familiar?  You consider it for a few moments before asking her the most important question, "Why am I here?"
"Headmistress Likita will explain everything to you, I promise.  We're going to see her right now."
You sigh in relief, thankful that at least something is confirmed.  "All right then, lead the way."
"Mhm- but wait- what's your name?"  She tilts her head.
"Oh, y/n."
You glance at her hand.  "How do I know I can trust you?"
"If you don't trust, you don't take risks.  And what's like without a little risk?" she replies, smiling playfully.  "Don't worry, I'm on your side." 
You nod and laugh.  "I love taking risks, so nice to meet you then.  I'm y/n."
The two of you head up the hill towards the drawbridge of the castle.
You're so excited!!  First, another person; second, someone who knows this place; and third - she's a princess!
"Hihihi, I'm y/n!!" you squeal, shaking her hand energectically.  
She looks surprised for a moment, then nods nd smiles.  Before she can say anything, however, you throw a flurry of questions at her.
"So, do I have magic??  Is that castle Fantasia High??  Can you introduce me to everyone?? Are you really a princess??  This is amazing!!!!!" 
"Maybe, yes, I'll try, yes, and yes," she laughs. 
"Wow, how'd you keep up with all that??"
"Practice, plus good memory," she says humorously.  "Now come on, we haven't got all day.  Let's go."
The two of you head up the hill towards the drawbridge of the castle.
You scowl at her.  She's sus.  "Not trusting you."
She sighs.  "Not another one of those."
"'Those'?  What are you talking about?"  You stare at her intimidatingly, but she doesn't seem scared.
"Headmistress Likita will tell you if you aren't rude about it."   She shrugs.  "But let me know if that's too hard for you."
She looks at you for a long moment, then finally speaks.  "Come on, we're going."
You don't know why, but you follow her up the hill leading to the castle drawbridge anyway.
When you enter the huge castle, you gasp in awe. The walls are covered with tapestries depicting long-lost kings and queens, along with mythical forests, mysterious nights, and heroic battles. There are so many corridors, you feel like you might get lost walking around in here. There are torches on the sides of the walls, and fluffy rugs carpeting the floors. Princess Skyianala smiles. "We designed a bit of this after Hogwarts. After all, Harry Potter is one of my favourite series!"  You glance at her, surprised, and she nods.  "Right.  You'll be getting a tour soon just to get you settled, but we've got to meet with Headmistress Likita first.  Come on, this way."
As she walks briskly around a few corners and up a few staircases, you feel the urge to ask her a question.  You wonder aloud...
"Where is everyone??"
"In class, of course," she replies.  "I would be too, but since I'm taking extra courses and have already moved a few classes ahead, Headmistress Likita said it would be fine to skip out on just a day."  Clearly, she doesn't seem too happy about skipping class, but she continues, "I mean, it's not every day we get new students," and smiles.
You grin back.
"Can I go yet?"
"No," she replies, matching your bored and flat tone.  "Look here, you're not going anywhere until you talk to Headmistress Likita.  After that, you might be able to go back to where you came from, but I doubt you'll want to."
You roll your eyes.  "Yea, right."
You are about to ask her something, but you hesitate.  She turns towards you.  
"Did you have something to ask me?"
"Oh, u-um, no."
She tilts her head, shrugs, and smiles encouragingly.  "Hey, if you've got anything to ask me, just ask away.  'Kay?"  
You nod vigorously.  
"When do classes start?"
"The semester just began, but don't worry - I'm sure you'll be able to catch up soon.  After all, you're starting tomorrow."  
"Oh, good"; and you smile.
"When are we going to eat? I'm starving."
"Don't worry, dinner's soon," she laughs.
You reach Headmistress Likita's office, which has a carved dolphin on the door. "Good luck," the princess wishes you. You gulp as she knocks on the door.  "Headmistress?  It's y/n." 
"Come in," calls a kind but slightly strict-sounding voice.  
Princess Skyianala nods, and you enter.
"Welcome to Fantasia High, y/n," Headmistress Likita says as soon as you close the door behind you.  She's wearing a stylish, sleek green gown and a velvet cloak.  "My daughter probably told you already that Fantasia High is the most prestigious magic school for royals." 
"What am I doing here?" you ask hesitantly.  "I'm not a royal, and I'm not magical, either!"
"If you search deep down inside of you, you'll realize that you do know which kingdom you really came from.  And you are magical.  But first, let us see if you can tell me which empire you come from."
You squeeze your eyes shut and try to dig out the memory.  Suddenly, it comes to you, and you blurt out...
The Headmistress looks impressed.  "I see."
"So are you going to tell me about my magic?"
"Yes," Headmistress Likita laughs.  "So, you see, we would have been able to tell if you had no power.  From the moment you stepped into Fantasia High, we could tell you had very great potential..."
"Wait, so what power do I have??"
"We do not know yet," Headmistress Likita replied, frowning.  "Here at Fantasia High, we spend the first semester preparing for The Crowning Ceremony, which is where all new students learn their power.  After that, they practice bonding with their newly found magic, and learn how to control it." 
"That's so cool!  So does everyone, like, have a different power?"
"Most do.  However, there are a series of extremely powerful magic types that famous pupils have attained.  And those are Spell, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Healing, Darkness, Light, Earth, Energy, and Fairy Magics."  Watching your spellbound face, she quickly adds, "but you don't have to worry about those for now.  Just make sure you do well in your classes and with your fellow students, and The Crowning Ceremony will be here before you know it."
You nod numbly, and she gives you an encouraging smile not unlike Princess Skyianala's own.  
"You will have an older student show you to your dorms and give you a tour of Fantasia High.  After that, dinner, and free time - you can go to the study hall or make some new friends."  
As you turn to leave, she finishes,
"Oh, and y/n?  I wish you luck."
A few weeks pass.  You really love your new life, and you can't imagine anything else other than this.  You're also extremely excited about The Crowning Ceremony as well.  But your favourite thing about Fantasia High is still...
The classes!! You just love all the amazing courses you're taking, and your professors are amazing!
Your friends!! You love hanging out with your new besties, including Princess Skyianala, and you often meet up at your dorm room for study parties and sleepovers after classes!
The cafeteria food is the best of course!!
Exploring the grounds!! You love finding new places to go!
The animals!! You love the variety of animals that Fantasia High brings!
More weeks go by, and before you know's time for The Crowning Ceremony. You can't believe it - time really has flown!
The morning of The Crowning Ceremony, Princess Skyianala comes over to your dorm to check on you. 
"Hey, how are you doing?"
"Umm...pretty well," you respond.
She smiles.  "Feeling ready for The Crowning Ceremony?"
You reply...
"I'm just super nervous!!"
"Don't worry; everything will go perfect," she reassures with an encouraging smile.
"I'm totally ready, girl!"
She laughs.  "Just like I thought!"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
She nods and smiles understandingly.
"I...I think I've got this."
"Yup, you totally do!"
"I can't WAIT!"
She laughs.  "Someone's excited."
"I mean, there's the slight possibility that something might go wrong, but I've weighed all the options, and so far-"
"Hey, don't stress yourself.  This is going to be just perfect."
"Honestly, I'm fine with whatever happens."
She nods.
The moment you've been waiting for is finally here.  You look around at the myriad of people gathered in the prodigious courtyard of Fantasia High, the decorations, the banquet room prepared for after the ceremony, your friends, and everything else - and smile.  You can't believe how far you've come.
Princess Skyianala is sitting next to you, and as Headmistress Likita calls your name from the stage, she squeezes your shoulder.
You breathe in deeply and walk up the aisle to the podium, where the headmistress is waiting for you.  
"Y/n l/n, your time has come.  Come forth and reveal your power." 
Your heart pounds as you step up onto the stage.  Headmistress Likita pulls out an intricate silver crown and places it gently on your head.
"For centuries, this crown has served as the awakener of magic.  Y/n, are you ready?"
"Yes," you reply with all the courage you can muster.
"Then crown of silver, bring forth the magic of y/n l/n!"
Your crown shines a brilliant bright white, and you gasp as you feel magic surging through your limbs. 
The crown whispers a single sentence to you.  Pick a final word and release your power.
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