Endocrine semester 1

Create a vibrant and educational infographic depicting various hormones of the endocrine system, highlighting their fun<wbr>ctions and interactions in the human body, suitable for a biology quiz. Include illustrations of the pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal glands.

Endocrine System Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge of the endocrine system with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and enthusiasts alike! With 56 carefully crafted questions, you will explore key concepts, hormones, and physiological processes that regulate our body functions.

Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to gauge your understanding, this quiz offers:

  • Multiple choice questions covering a wide range of topics
  • Instant feedback on your answers
  • A fun way to reinforce your learning
56 Questions14 MinutesCreated by LearningMind42
Which of the following is the physiological function of leptin?
Acting in the hypothalamus as a neurotransmitter that regulates water excretion by the kidneys
Acting as a hormonal signal that reports the amount of energy stored in adipose tissue to the brain
Acting as a paracrine signal between cells in the pancreatic islets to regulate insulin secretion
Acting as an autocrine signal promoting the growth of liver cells following hepatic injury
Which of the following is the physiological function of G proteins?
Acting as receptor molecules for water soluble hormones on the surface of target cells
Producing cyclic AMP from ATP
Serving as a molecular signal to adenylate cyclase that a hormone has bound to its receptor
Serving as the final molecule in the protein kinase cascade
Why is the insulin receptor located on the surface membrane of muscle cells?
This location reduces the need for amplification of the insulin signal within the cell
The half-life of insulin is too short for it to enter the cell
Insulin is almost completely bound to a carrier protein in the blood plasma
Insulin is not soluble in the lipid membrane of the cell
Which of the following is the reason why neural communication between cells is much faster than endocrine communication between cells?
The diffusion distance across the synapse is short compared to the transport distance in the circulation
Neurotransmitter molecules are much more potent (stronger) than the molecules that serve as hormones
Neurotransmitters have longer half-lives than hormones
Neurotransmitter molecules are more soluble in water than the molecules that serve as hormones
Which of the following is the reason why the response of a target cell to a steroid hormone is slower than the response to a protein hormone?
Steroid hormones are packaged in secretory vesicles within the tissue of origin
The response to a steroid hormone requires new protein synthesis within the target cell
Steroid hormones are inactivated more rapidly than protein hormones within the target cell
Steroid hormones operate through a longer second messenger cascade than protein hormones
Which of the following hormones is secreted in a circadian pattern?
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Luteinizing hormone
Which of the following statements is true for hormones that are bound to carrier proteins in the blood plasma?
Only the free (unbound) hormone is biologically active
Estrogen decreases the synthesis of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) by the liver
Only water-soluble hormones require carrier proteins for transport in blood plasma
All of the above
Which of the following is the most reliable way to prove that a gland is secreting an excessive amount (too much) of hormone?
Measure the blood hormone level at the time of day when hormone secretion is expected to be at its highest
Measure the level of the hormone in a random urine sample collected in the physician’s office
Measure the blood hormone level after performing a procedure or giving a drug designed to suppress hormone secretion
Measure a molecule with a short plasma half-life that is related to the hormone
The ACTH stimulation test is most useful to diagnose which of the following conditions:
Pituitary ACTH-dependent cortisol hypersecretion (Cushings disease)
An aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Acortisol-secreting adrenal adenoma
Which of the following is the reason why luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion by anterior pituitary cells stops when gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) is administered in a continuous pattern instead of a pulsatile pattern?
Loss of second messenger molecules linking the GnRH receptor to LH secretion
Loss of GnRH receptors from the surface membrane of anterior pituitary cells
Rapid destruction of GnRH molecules after they bind to their receptors
Inactivation of the LH gene in the nucleus of anterior pituitary cells
Which of the following responses to insulin is observed even at the lowest blood insulin concentration in non-diabetic individuals?
Stimulation of muscle glucose uptake
Inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis
Stimulation of muscle glycogen synthesis
Inhibition of lipolysis
Individuals with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) may have an acidosis, but it is less severe than the acidosis seen in individuals with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). What is the reason for this?
Ketoacidosis does not occur in patients with HHS, but circulatory failure due to extreme dehydration may lead to excessive production of lactic acid
Acidic ketone bodies are excreted more rapidly by the kidneys in patients with HHS than in patients with DKA
Patients with HHS come to medical attention earlier than patients with DKA
Patients with HHS are usually younger than patients with DKA
Which of the following adaptations allows a person to survive a prolonged period of fasting (starvation)?
The liver develops the ability to make glucose from fatty acids
The brain develops the ability to use ketone bodies as an energy source
The rate of fatty acid release from adipose tissue decreases over time
All of the above
All except one of the following is a function of insulin in the fed state. Which one is not a function of insulin?
Inhibition of gluconeogenesis by the liver
Stimulation of glucose uptake by muscle
Stimulation of glucose uptake by the brain
Stimulation of protein synthesis by muscle
Which of the following enzymes is activated by the decrease in the insulin/glucagon ratio as an individual enters the fasted state?
Hormone sensitive lipase
Ketogenic enzymes
Gluconeogenic enzymes
All of the above
Which of the following statements about the pathogenesis and treatment of obesity is true?
Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of obesity
Most obesity is due to deficient leptin secretion
Reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has no effect on the development of obesity in a population
Appetite decreases as body fat mass is lost following restriction of food intake
Which of the following is the reason why exercise is useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus?
Exercise increases insulin secretion by activating the sympathetic nervous system
Exercise increases insulin secretion by stimulating the paracrine effect of somatostatin on the beta cells of pancreatic islets
Exercise causes muscle cells to synthesize the Glut 2 glucose transporter in addition to the Glut 4 glucose transporter
Exercise causes the Glut 4 glucose transporter to move to the surface membrane of muscle cells even in patients with severe insulin resistance
Which of the following is the best way to prove that a patient with symptoms of hypoglycemia has an insulin-secreting islet cell tumor?
Demonstrate a fasting blood glucose level less than 0.6 g/L using a glucometer that the patient takes home
Demonstrate a blood glucose level less than 0.5 g/L with a blood insulin level that is not completely suppressed during a prolonged fast
Look for a pancreatic tumor with a CT scan of the abdomen
Obtain a medical history that the patient’s symptoms of hypoglycemia are more severe following exercise
Which of the following statements regarding insulin sensitivity is true?
Obesity causes insulin resistance by decreasing the synthesis of glucose transporter molecules in muscle and fat cells
An increase in insulin secretion is usually not able to compensate for a decrease in insulin sensitivity
Most obese individuals are insulin resistant but not diabetic
Genetic factors are much more important than lifestyle factors in determining insulin sensitivity
Which of the following is the reason why the serum potassium level is normal or high when a patient presents with diabetic ketoacidosis even though a large amount of potassium has been lost in the urine?
Excess hydrogen ions move into the cells of the body causing intracellular potassium ions to move out of the cells into the blood plasma
The high osmolarity of blood plasma causes water to move into the cells, which raises the plasma concentration of potassium ions
The large numbers of glucose molecules in blood plasma bind potassium and raise both the bound and free plasma potassium concentration
All of the above
Which of the following molecules can not be converted to glucose?
Fatty acid
Which of the following words best describes the hormonal effects of insulin?
Mixed catabolic/anabolic
None of the above
What is the function of the mitochondria?
Electron transport
All of the above
24. When is glucose metabolized anaerobically?
Always in red blood cells
Within large tumors
Under conditions of reduced blood flow to organs
All of the above
Which of the following is an effect of insulin?
Stimulation of lipolysis
Stimulation of gluconeogenesis
Stimulation of ketogenesis
Stimulation of glycogen synthesis
Which of the following is an effect of glucagon?
Inhibition of glycogenolysis
Stimulation of gluconeogenesis
Inhibition of ketogenesis
σ� All of the above
The maximum insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity index data of four individuals is shown on the following graph. Which individual is diabetic?
Which of the following molecules can be synthesized directly or indirectly from pyruvate?
Beta-hydroxy butyrate
All of the above
An obese individual without diabetes has which of the following when compared to a lean individual without diabetes?
Ahigher fasting plasma insulin level
Alower fasting plasma insulin level
The same fasting plasma insulin level
Avariable fasting plasma insulin level
When an obese individual loses weight by voluntarily decreasing food intake which of the following does this person experience?
Decreased appetite and decreased 24-hour energy expenditure
Increased appetite and increased 24-hour energy expenditure
Increased appetite and decreased 24-hour energy expenditure
Decreased appetite and increased 24-hour energy expenditure
Which of the following statements about the prevalence of obesity is true?
It is decreasing in developed countries and increasing in developing countries
It is increasing in all countries
It is increasing faster in developed than in developing countries
It is stable in all countries
Why is dehydration more severe in patients who come to the hospital with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) than in patients who come to the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)?
Patients with HHS are generally younger than patients with DKA and can tolerate dehydration better
Patients with HHS have lower insulin secretion than patients with DKA and therefore lose more sodium and water in the urine
Patients with HHS have lower plasma glucose levels than patients with DKA but their renal threshold for glucose excretion is also lower
Patients with HHS do not have symptoms of severe acidosis and therefore seek medical attention later than patients with DKA
Which of the following statements about the treatment of obesity is true?
After an obese patient loses about 10% of baseline weight by food restriction it is easy to avoid regaining the lost weight
Bariatric surgery is generally less effective than weight loss drugs for achieving weight loss
Community efforts to promote healthy lifestyles have been shown to reduce obesity in populations
Combining exercise with decreased food intake is not more effective than decreasing food intake alone in achieving weight loss
Which of the following statements about body weight regulation is true?
Serotonin is the major endocrine feedback signal from adipose tissue that tells the brain how much fat is stored in the body
The brain actively adjusts food intake and energy expenditure to maintain a stable adipose tissue mass
Most human obesity is due to autosomal recessive inheritance of a defective leptin gene
Environmental factors have little influence on an individual’s body fat mass
Which of the following is the largest component of total daily energy expenditure?
The energy expended in digesting and absorbing food
The energy expended in performing voluntary physical activity
The energy expended at rest to maintain organ function and body temperature
The energy expended in performing involuntary physical activity
If you give an intravenous injection of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) to a healthy individual and then measure thyroxine levels in the person’s blood 48 hours later which of the following would you observe?
An increased total thyroxine level and a decreased free thyroxine level
An increase in both the total and the free thyroxine levels
An unchanged total thyroxine level and an increased free thyroxine level
An increased total thyroxine level and an unchanged free thyroxine level
Why does the body store most of its energy in fatty acids instead of glycogen?
Fatty acids have a higher energy density than glycogen
Fatty acids can be used acutely as an energy source by the brain
Fatty acids can be metabolized both aerobically and anaerobically
All of the above
Which of the following can cause a decrease in gluconeogenesis by trapping pyruvate as lactate?
Excessive alcohol intake
All of the above
Which of the following is the molecular defect that causes the androgen insensitivity syndrome?
Inability to synthesize a functional testosterone molecule
Inability to synthesize a functional androgen receptor molecule
Inability to synthesize a functional luteinizing hormone (LH) molecule
Congenital absence of the testes
Which of the following is not a health problem associated with obesity?
Calcific aortic stenosis
Which of the following sets the limit on the amount of time an individual can survive prolonged starvation?
Depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscle
Organ, heart and respiratory muscle dysfunction due to protein catabolism
Loss of ability of the brain to use ketone bodies as an energy source
Progressive loss of the ability of the liver to perform gluconeogenesis
Which of the following is the molecular defect that causes pseudohypoparathyroidism?
Loss of function of the Gprotein that couples hormone receptors to adenylate cyclase
Loss of function of the parathyroid hormone receptor
Loss of function of adenylate cyclase
Loss of function of the protein kinase Athat is activated by binding cyclic AMP
The combination of greatly increased food consumption accompanied by rapidly developing obesity, diabetes insipidis and hypogonadism suggests which of the following diagnoses?
An adrenal tumor
Apituitary infarction
Apituitary tumor
Ahypothalamic tumor
Which of the following especially characterizes deterioration of glucose tolerance from impaired to type 2 diabetes:
Insulin resistance
Adecrease in first phase insulin release
Failure of the insulin secretory response to glucose to increase linearly as a function of hyperglycemia
The rate of glucose utilization after an overnight fast in type 2 diabetes:
Occurs mainly in skeletal muscle
Is increased in the brain
Is increased in proportion to hyperglycemia
Increases in response to therapy
The fatty liver:
Is insulin resistant and therefore overproduces glucose and VLDL
Is most often due to alcohol
Receives most of its free fatty acids from visceral adipose tissue
Decreases by the same relative amount as body weight by weight loss
The main cause of a low HDL cholesterol concentration in type 2 diabetes is:
Increased catabolism of HDL particles
Low lipoprotein lipase activity
Increased production of VLDL
Visceral adiposity
Which of the following insulin secretion abnormalities is found in obese individuals with normal glucose tolerance?
Diminished second-phase release
Abnormal oscillatory secretion pattern
Decrease in maximal insulin secretory capacity
None of the above
Which one of the following is not a mechanism by which hyperglycemia exerts its adverse effects on β-cells:
Increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within β-cells
Oxidative stress-induced alteration of genes transcription and proteins expression
Increased β-cells apoptosis
Decreased neogenesis
Which of the following oral antidiabetic agents would be unlikely to raise insulin concentrations in type 2 diabetic patients?
Gliptins (DPP-4 inhibitors)
Metformin and thiazolidinediones
None of the above
{"name":"Endocrine semester 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of the endocrine system with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and enthusiasts alike! With 56 carefully crafted questions, you will explore key concepts, hormones, and physiological processes that regulate our body functions.Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to gauge your understanding, this quiz offers:Multiple choice questions covering a wide range of topicsInstant feedback on your answersA fun way to reinforce your learning","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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