Surgery p7(301-350)

An image of a medical professional in a surgical setting, surrounded by surgical tools and monitors while examining a patient, with a focus on teamwork and precision in surgery.

Surgical Knowledge Assessment

Test your knowledge in the field of surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. This quiz covers various topics, including trauma management, surgical principles, and patient care.

Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and enhance your learning experience. Get ready to:

  • Evaluate your surgical knowledge.
  • Identify areas for improvement.
  • Prepare for examinations or real-world scenarios.
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by HealingHands105
A 25 year old male falls onto his outstretched hand. Upon examination, he is tender in the anatomical snuffbox. Which carpal bone is he most likely to have fractured?
A. Hamate
B. Scaphoid
C. Lunate
D. Capitate
E. Triquetral
George Ramonez, a 55 year old man, presents to the Emergency Department with haematemesis. He looks unwell and pale. He has a pulse rate of 130/min and blood pressure of 80/50 mmHg. His Glasgow Coma Score is 9. Physical examination shows a jaundiced patient with multiple spider naevi on his chest, gynaecomastia and an enlarged liver. What is the most appropriate initial step in managing this patient?
A. Protect patient’s airway
B. Intravenous fluid resuscitation
C. Red blood cell transfusion
D. Urgent gastroscopy
E. Urgent coeliac artery angiogram
A 25 year old motorcyclist, presents with severe central chest pain to the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle accident. His pulse rate is 130/min and blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg. A chest X-ray shows multiple fractured ribs on the right and a widened superior mediastinum. His abdomen is soft and non-tender with no sign of external injuries. Abdominal Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) was negative. Which of the following is the most appropriate management of this patient?
A. MRI of the chest and abdomen
B. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
C. Arch aortogram
D. Exploratory thoracotomy and laparotomy
E. Thoracotomy in the Emergency Department
A 20 year old bystander outside a pub, presents to the Emergency Department with hypotension and stab wounds to the abdomen. Her pulse rate is 140/min and blood pressure is 80/50 mmHg on arrival. She has already had 3L of normal saline intravenous fluid resuscitation. Physical examination shows two 2cm long stab wounds in the epigastric region of the abdomen. Following resuscitation, which of the following is the most appropriate management of this patient?
A. Trauma laparotomy
B. Diagnostic laparoscopy ± laparotomy
C. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
D. Repeated Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST)
E. Observe and continue resuscitation in the surgical Intensive Care Unit
A 12 year old boy, sustains a penetrating wound of the thigh while trail bike riding. He is taken to the Emergency Department where the wound is debrided. When questioned, his mother is certain that he received the usual childhood immunisations during the first year of life and again before attending school at the age of 5 years.Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
A. Administer one dose of tetanus immune globulin
B. Administer one dose of tetanus toxoid
C. Administer a course of three tetanus toxoid injections
D. Measure his antibody response to tetanus toxoid
E. Administer topical antibiotics
A 56 year old man who asks you, his GP, whether he should undergo prostate cancer testing. Which of the following statements regarding prostate cancer screening is true?
A. Prostate cancer screening in this man is not recommended because he has no family history
B. Surgical treatment of early prostate cancer results in a reduction in mortality
C. The PSA test does not detect the disease in an earlier stage
D. Screening is not recommended because it is much more expensive than breast cancer screening
E. Men at this age are not at risk of developing prostate cancer so do not need screening
How is an "open" fracture defined?
A. There is a full thickness break of the bone
B. Requires surgical (open) reduction
C. Requires antibiotic therapy
D. Requires internal (surgical) fixation
E. Associated with a breach in the overlying skin
Which of the following accelerates the natural process of fracture healing?
A. Multivitamin tablets
B. Drinking milk
C. Application of a plaster of Paris cast
D. Restoring anatomical continuity of the bones
E. Treatment with bisphosphonate medication
Which of the following is NOT a stage in normal soft tissue wound healing?
A. Acute inflammatory reaction
B. Formation of fibrous tissue
C. Granuloma formation
D. Formation of the coagulum
E. Haemostasis
An 18 year old motorcyclist who is brought to hospital by ambulance following a single-vehicle crash. He has a compound fracture of the right femur and is agitated and disorientated. Which of the following is NOT an immediate priority?
A. Assess air-entry and position of the trachea
B. Check upper airways to ensure patency
C. Urgent full blood count
D. Urgent blood sugar level
E. Establish intravenous access
A 57 year old man who attends your surgery complaining that he has noticed bright blood on the toilet paper several times over the last two months. He has a past history of haemorrhoids, diagnosed in his 30s. On examination his perianal area looks normal and he has a normal rectal examination. Which of the following is the most appropriate next action?
A. Reassure
B. Refer for colonoscopy
C. Review in 3 months
D. Refer for a faecal occult blood test
E. Check his carcino-embryonic antigen level
A patient is having an epidural inserted for postoperative analgesia. He is having a laparotomy, with a midline incision from xiphisternum to pubic symphysis. Where would be a suitable vertebral interspace to insert the epidural catheter?
A. C7/8
B. T4/5
C. T9/10
D. L3/4
E. L5/S1
What is the most likely cause of hypotension in a patient with an epidural infusion of local anaesthetic?
A. Local anaesthetic toxicity
B. Sympathetic blockade
C. Allergy causing anaphylaxis
D. Epidural abscess
E. Epidural haematoma
What is the most likely cause of upper airway obstruction in an unconscious patient?
A. A foreign body
B. Vomitus
C. The tongue
D. Airway oedema
E. Excessive pharyngeal tissue
Which of the following compounds can be used as a part of a bowel preparation regimen for a patient prior to large intestinal surgery?
A. Polyethelene glycol
B. Sodium sulphate
C. Aluminium hydroxide
D. Sodium thiopentone
E. Water
A 25 year old male patient is recovering from a laparotomy he underwent earlier in the day. His vital signs show a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg and a pulse rate of 120 per min. His in-dwelling catheter has drained 100 mls since coming back from the operating theatre ten hours ago. He has a wound drain which has drained 450 mls of blood looking fluid. Which of the following would be the most appropriate course of action?
A. Administer a unit of colloid and send off an urgent cross match and full blood count. Reassess the pulse rate and urine output after the fluid bolus
B. Monitor closely and if the blood pressure drops then give the patient more fluids
C. Administer a unit of O negative blood and send off an urgent cross match and full blood count. Reassess the pulse rate and urine output after the fluid bolus
D. Give the patient 20 mg of lasix
E. Monitor the patient closely. If the urine output increases then do nothing
An obese 65 year old female with renal failure has had a laparotomy. On day five post operative she develops copious serous ooze from her midline abdominal wound. She is afebrile. This is likely to be due to which of the following?
A. Wound abscess
B. Wound dehiscence
C. Normal wound healing
D. Allergic reaction to the sutures
E. Bowel fistula
Which of the following best describes a compound that can be applied topically to human tissue to inhibit or kill micro-organisms with the aim of reducing the risk of sepsis?
A. A disinfectant
B. A sterilising agent
C. An antiseptic
D. An antibacterial
E. An antibiotic
A 78 year old female presents febrile, tachycardic and with abdominal pain. On examination, you note a tender mass in the left iliac fossa. After initial resuscitation and routine blood tests, what would be the most appropriate investigation?
A. Abdominal and pelvic CT scan
B. Faecal occult blood
C. Barium enema
D. Ultrasound of the abdomen
E. Colonoscopy
A trauma patient with a suspected cervical spine injury requires intubation. Which of the following statements is true regarding the intubation?
A. Manual in-line stabilisation (MILS) makes the laryngoscopy and intubation easier
B. The hard collar should be left in place
C. Traction should be applied as the collar is removed
D. MILS should prevent any movement of the patient's head
E. A soft collar should be applied after endotracheal intubation
A 15 year old male presents with central periumbilical pain, a low grade temperature and nausea. Over the next couple of hours, the pain shifts to the right iliac fossa. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Mesenteric lymphadenitis
B. Acute appendicitis
C. Crohn's disease
D. Pelvic inflammatory disease
E. Meckel's diverticulitis
What is an important difference between sedation and general anaesthesia?
A. Amnesia
B. Lack of movement in response to painful stimulus
C. Maintenance of spontaneous respiration
D. Ability to interact with one's environment
E. Analgesia
A 58 year old male presents with severe pain and bright red bleeding on defaecation. On examination, there is a tear associated with a small inflammatory skin tag in the posterior midline of the anus. This lesion is typical of which of the following?
A. Peri-anal abscess
B. Haemorrhoids
C. Anal fistula
D. Pilonidal sinus
E. Anal fissure
A hirsute 20 year old male presents with severe pain in the internatal cleft. He has a low grade temperature and on examination there is a red tender lump in that region. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Perianal abscess
B. Pilonidal abscess
C. Anal fistula
D. Spina bifida
E. Folliculitis
Graduated compressive stockings are applied to patients recovering from surgery to prevent which of the following?
A. Peripheral oedema
B. Pressure ulcers
C. Cellulitis
D. Superficial thrombo phlebitis
E. Venous thrombo embolism
A patient with a suspected intra-abdominal abscess would have the following pattern to their temperature chart?
A. A constant temperature of about 38°C
B. A constant temperature below 36°C
C. Night fevers rising to 40°C
D. Temperature that varies between normal and 40°C
E. Temperature that alternates between 35°C and 37.5°C
A healthy 36 year old patient is having an elective operation under generalanaesthesia. Eight minutes after endotracheal intubation, the pulse oximeter saturation drops from 98 percent to 88 percent. What is the most likely cause of this?
A. Oesophageal intubation
B. Endobronchial intubation
C. Basal atelectasis
D. Pulmonary embolism
E. Pneumothorax
What is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics on nerve cells?
A. Blockade of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
B. Enhancement of Gamma Aminon Butyric Acid-B (GABA-B) receptor activation
C. Blockade of the membrane Na-K-ATPase
D. Blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels
E. Inhibition of release of acetylcholine
What is an advantage of tramadol over morphine?
A. Fewer interactions with antidepressants compared with morphine
B. Less respiratory depression
C. Less likely to cause seizures
D. Less diarrhoea
E. Easily reversed with flumazenil
A 75 year old woman is brought into the Emergency Department by ambulance after a fall at home. She is unable to walk and complains of severe groin pain when she moves her left leg. On examination she is lying in bed with her left leg externally rotated. The left leg is 3 cm shorter than the right leg. She is usually well and takes no medications. What is the most appropriate investigation?
A. Rectal and abdominal examination
B. Bone scan
C. Plain X-ray of the pelvis
D. Ultrasound of the knee
E. Plain X-ray of the hip
A four year old boy is brought to the Emergency Department. His mother states that he has fallen from the backyard trampoline. He has a swollen and obviously deformed right elbow. The radial pulse is absent and the hand is white. The child says that his hand "feels funny". What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Dislocated radial head with an ulnar fracture
B. Subluxed radial head
C. Proximal ulnar fracture
D. Supracondylar humeral fracture
E. Fractured medial epicondyle
A four year old boy is brought to the Emergency Department. His mother states that he has fallen from the backyard trampoline. He has a swollen and obviously deformed right elbow. The radial pulse is absent and the hand is white. The child says that his hand "feels funny". What is the appropriate initial management?
A. Urgent nerve conduction studies
B. Straighten the arm as far as possible and immobilise in a back slab
C. Place the arm in a sling and arrange orthopaedic review within 24 hours
D. Infiltrate local anaesthetic around the elbow for immediate analgesia
E. Notify the case to the Department of Community Services
A 21 year old man is brought to the Emergency Department. He has been drinking heavily and fell while attempting to avoid arrest. His ankle is very swollen and obviously deformed. Foot pulses are present and the skin is unbroken but tightly stretched over the medial side of the ankle. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Partial tear of the medial (deltoid) ligament of the ankle
B. Fracture dislocation of the ankle
C. Fractured neck of talus
D. Navicular fracture
E. Calcaneal crush fracture
A 35 year old woman is brought into the Emergency Department by ambulance after being found lying in the gutter. She is able to speak but is unable to give coherent answers to questions. Her initial vital signs are as follows: heart rate 120 bpm, blood pressure 80/40 mmHg, temperature 38ºC and respiratory rate 28 bpm. What would be your first step on reaching her bedside?
A. Perform a neurological examination
B. Remove her clothing, looking for signs of injury
C. Ask for an urgent 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG)
D. Auscultate her chest
E. Insert an intravenous cannula
A 22 year old man who was out drinking last night comes into the Emergency Department complaining of a sore right hand. When asked how this might have happened he is evasive. On examination, he is tender over the ulnar aspect of the hand and wrist and has a swollen lip and a bruise around his right eye. What is your provisional diagnosis of his hand injury?
A. A sprained wrist
B. A Bennett's fracture
C. A displaced Colles' fracture
D. A fracture of the medial carpal bones
E. A fracture of the 5th metacarpal bone
A 78 year old woman presents with diffuse abdominal pain, worsening over the past 2 days. She is nauseated and anorexic. She has not defecated in two days. Herbackground is notable for chronic atrial fibrillation and hypertension. On examination, she looks very unwell and has a generally tender abdomen on palpation. What diagnosis do you need to rule out?
A. Mesenteric ischaemia
B. Diverticular abscess
C. Appendicitis
D. Cholecystitis
E. Pancreatitis
A previously well 65 year old woman is brought in by ambulance after a collapse at home. She is unconscious but breathing spontaneously. She does not open her eyes to a painful stimulus but has an abnormal flexion response in her limbs. Her only vocal response is intermittent groans. What is her Glasgow Coma Score?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9
E. 12
A 45 year old man underwent open right inguinal hernia repair with mesh for a large right inguinoscrotal hernia 3 days ago. He presents to the Emergency Department with worsening right testicular pain since the surgery. On physical examination,there is no groin swelling seen but marked swelling and tenderness in his right scrotum. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Epidiyimo-orchitis
B. Torsion of testis
C. Ischaemic orchitis
D. Renal colic
E. Recurrence of the inguinal hernia
A 65 year old man, presents with a 2 day history of colicky abdominal pain and vomiting. He has a background history of open anterior resection for rectal cancer 3 years ago. On physical examination, his abdomen is firm and distended. There is a midline laparotomy scar and a 6cm lump in the middle of the scar, which is tender to palpate and not reducible. X-ray of the abdomen shows multiple central bowel loops with air-fluid levels. What is the most appropriate treatment plan?
A. Non-operative management
B. Emergency diagnostic laparoscopy
C. Gastrograffin small bowel series
D. Gastrograffin enema
E. Emergency exploratory laparotomy
A thin, 85 year old woman who presents with a left groin lump. She complains of nausea and vomiting and has a background history of hypertension and varicose veins. Physical examination reveals a 1.5cm firm lump below and lateral to the left pubic tubercle. The lump is not reducible and she does not have a cough impulse.What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Femoral hernia
B. Inguinal hernia
C. Saphena varix
D. Lipoma
E. Inguinal lymph nodes
A 40 year old woman, presents with right upper quadrant pain having been the front seat passenger in a high speed head-on motor vehicle collision. On arrival at the Emergency Department, her heart rate is 100 beats per minute and blood pressure is 110/60 mmHg. She is alert and orientated. Her abdomen is mildly distended and there is mild right upper quadrant tenderness. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis show moderate size liver laceration with surrounding fluid. What is the most appropriate treatment plan?
A. Admit for close and frequent observation
B. Diagnostic laparoscopy
C. Exploratory laparotomy
D. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
E. Angiography +/- embolisation
You are called to see a confused patient on the surgical wards, who is currently receiving oxygen via facemask at 4L/min. Which of the following observations would suggest that the patient is critically ill?
A. Body temperature of 39.6ºC
B. Heart rate of 92 bpm
C. Respiratory rate 38/minute
D. Blood pressure 110/50 mmHg
E. Peripheral oxygen saturation of 93 percent
You are asked to review a 73 year old man who had a partial gastrectomy 4 days ago. He has a history of ischaemic heart disease and chronic obstructive airway disease. On examination he has a temperature of 38.3°C, a heart rate of 124/min, blood pressure of 80/40 mmHg, warm peripheries and the jugular venous wave-form is not visible. What is the most likely cause for this scenario?
A. Wound infection
B. Pulmonary embolus
C. Myocardial infarction
D. Delayed bleeding from an anastomosis
E. Tension pneumothorax
A 45 year old morbidly obese male presents with a two day history of pain in the left calf and swelling of the ankle. Which of the following is the correct management?
A. Elastic stockings and aspirin with a review in 5 days
B. Bed rest with elevation of the left leg
C. Venous duplex ultrasound scan of the left leg
D. Subcutaneous heparin for 6 days
E. Plain X-ray of the left ankle
Which of the following is NOT a symptom or a sign of acute lower limb ischaemia?
A. Pain in the calf at rest
B. Absent ankle pulses
C. Pallor
D. Paralysis of ankle/toe movement
E. Coolness of the foot compared with the other side
The highest risk for post-operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is associated with which of the following types of surgery?
A. Total Hip Arthroplasty
B. Gastrectomy for carcinoma
C. Radical prostatectomy
D. Open aortic aneurysm repair
E. Abdominoperineal resection
What is the most effective modality for prevention of post-operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT) following laparoscopic anterior resection for sigmoid colon cancer?
A. Venous foot pump (VFP)
B. Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC)
C. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
D. Aspirin
E. Thigh length graduated compression stocking (GCS)
On discharge from hospital following Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA), patients should receive which of the following for 4 weeks for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis?
A. Graduated compression stocking (GCS)
B. Aspirin
C. Warfarin
D. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
E. Aspirin and clopidogrel
A 24 year old man admitted to the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle accident. He has a contused chest wall and is in respiratory distress. His left chest is resonant on percussion and no breath sounds can be heard on auscultation. His trachea is deviated to the right. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
B. Pulmonary embolism
C. Spontaneous pneumothorax
D. Haemothorax
E. Tension pneumothorax
A 25 year old man who has had a motor bike accident. On arrival at the Emergency Department, his vital signs are heart rate 130/minute, blood pressure 90/60 mmHg, respiratory rate 32/minute, temperature 36ºC and his peripheral oxygen saturation is 97 percent. What should be your initial response?
A. Assess his airway and apply an oxygen mask
B. Insert an IV cannula and take blood for a cross-match
C. Assess his cervical spine and then apply a hard collar
D. Assess his Glasgow Coma Score
E. Request a cervical spine X-ray and chest X-ray
{"name":"Surgery p7(301-350)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in the field of surgery with our comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. This quiz covers various topics, including trauma management, surgical principles, and patient care.Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and enhance your learning experience. Get ready to:Evaluate your surgical knowledge.Identify areas for improvement.Prepare for examinations or real-world scenarios.","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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