Surgery p8(351-

Surgical Assessment Mastery Quiz
Welcome to the Surgical Assessment Mastery Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to test your medical knowledge and decision-making skills in urgent surgical scenarios.
Participate in this comprehensive quiz to:
- Evaluate your understanding of surgical emergencies
- Enhance your clinical reasoning skills
- Challenge yourself with real-life case studies
A 25 year old man who has had a motor bike accident. On arrival at the Emergency Department, his vital signs are heart rate is 130/minute, blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, respiratory rate of 32/minute, temperature is 36°C. His peripheral oxygen saturation is 97 percent on room air. What would be your initial order for IV fluids?
A. Two packs of O negative blood over half an hour
B. A litre of normal saline over 2 hours
C. A litre of 4 percent dextrose and 0.18 percent saline over an hour
D. A litre of normal saline over half an hour
E. A litre of Hartmans solution over 2 hours
A 24 year old woman presents with a 3 day history of lower abdominal pain and swinging fever to 39°C. She underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy for perforated appendicitis 5 days ago. The procedure was uncomplicated and she was discharged following 2 days of hospital admission. On physical examination, her temperature is 38.9°C, pulse rate is 120 beats/minute and blood pressure is 140/70 mmHg. Her abdomen is mildly distended and there is mild right iliac fossa tenderness. The laparoscopic wounds are clean. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Intraabdominal abscess
B. Appendiceal stump leak
C. Appendiceal stump appendicitis
D. Urinary tract infection
E. Salpingitis
A man is brought into the Emergency Department after being assaulted. His Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) is 8 and he has a markedly dilated pupil on the right. Which of the following is the most important priority?
A. Arrange an urgent computed tomography (CT) brain
B. Give mannitol
C. Give phenytoin
D. Establish an airway
E. Check for reflexes
A skin flap refers to soft tissue that is characterised by which of the following?
A. Can be designed in any shape, form and size
B. Incorporates its own vascular supply
C. Cannot be designed in all parts of the body
D. Contains all layers of the skin and muscle
E. Does not leave a donor site behind after harvesting
An acute attack of abdominal colic means that the pain:
A. Has been present for at least 12 hours
B. Is so severe that the patient cannot clearly describe it
C. Is sharp and worse on inspiration
D. Is constant and severe
E. Is of recent onset and rises and falls in intensity
Regarding analgesic doses of ketamine, which of the following statements is correct?
A. It should be given carefully to asthmatics as it may worsen bronchospasm
B. It is likely to cause nausea and vomiting
C. It antagonises the effects of opiates
D. It is unlikely to cause respiratory depression
E. It may worsen neuropathic pain
A 56 year old man is brought into the Emergency Department following a car accident. When you assess his respiratory system you find that he has reduced chest expansion on the right with a midline trachea. The percussion note is dull on the right posteriorly and laterally but resonant on the left. He is very tender in the right axilla. Breath sounds are absent at the right base and generally vesicular with occasional crackles elsewhere. What is the most likely diagnosis based on these findings?
A. Haemothorax on the right
B. Simple pneumothorax on the right
C. Right lower lobe aspiration pneumonitis
D. Acute severe asthma
E. Generalised lung contusions
A 45 year old man who presents to the Emergency Department with pain in the lateral aspect of his wrist after a fall on an outstretched hand. On examination he is tender in his anatomical snuffbox. On X-ray he does not have an obvious fracture. Which fracture are you most concerned about?
A. Fracture of the proximal thumb
B. Fracture of the scaphoid
C. Fracture of the radial styloid
D. Fracture of the base of the second metacarpal bone
E. Fracture of the capitate
A 45 year old man, presents to Emergency Department after being knocked off his bicycle by a car. He is talking and has no recollection of the event. Physical examination is unremarkable except for bilateral periorbital brusing. CT scan of the head shows a small amount of air in the cranial cavity. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Depressed skull fracture
B. Closed head injury
C. Subdural haematoma
D. Base of skull fracture
E. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Mrs Chubb, a 60 year old woman, presents to the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle accident. On primary survey: her airway is intact; she is breathing spontaneously with a respiratory rate of 20 per minute, pulse rate of 90 beats per minute and blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg; Glasgow Coma Score of 15. The secondary survey is unremarkable except for marked tenderness over the mid sternum on palpation. No haemothorax, pneumothorax or fractures are seen on a chest X-ray with a sternal view. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Fractured sternum
B. Soft tissue injury
C. Fractured ribs
D. Cardiac contusion
E. Mediastinal haematoma
A 65 year old woman, presents to the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle accident. Following initial assessment, she is found to have a minimally displaced fractured left clavicle. What is the most appropriate management following 5 milligrams of intramuscular morphine injection?
A. Thoracic epidural analgesia with bupivacaine
B. Spinal analgesia with bupivacaine
C. Open interal fixation of clavicle under general anesthesia
D. External fixation of clavicle under local anaesthesia
E. Oral analgesia and rest the arm in a sling
A 22 year old man, presents to the Emergency Department after being tackled in rugby. He complains of left arm pain and is unable to move his left shoulder because of pain. X ray shows a minimally displaced fracture of the mid shaft of the humerus. His left arm is warm with good distal pulses. Sensation in the left upper arm is also normal. What is the most appropriate management of this humeral fracture?
A. Oral analgesia and support the arm in a sling
B. Open reduction and internal fixation under general anaesthesia
C. External fixation under local anaesthesia
D. Upper limb angiogram to exclude dissection of left brachial artery
E. Closed reduction under sedation
A 15 year old girl presents with a 12 hour history of right iiac fossa pain. Which of the following symptoms or signs is usually not associated with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis?
A. Pain starting in the peri-umbilical region and moving to the right iliac fossa.
B. Temperature of 39.5 degrees
C. Localised tenderness in the right iliac fossa
D. Coated tongue with bad breath
E. Pain that strated in the right iliac fossa
A 35 year old woman presents with a 24 hour history of right iliac fossa pain. She is tender with moderate rebound tenderness in the right iliac fossa. Which of the following is the LEAST likely differential diagnosis?
A. Acute appendicitis
B. Right tubo-ovarian abscess
C. Mesenteric adenitis
D. Ruptured ovarian follicle (Mittelschmertz syndrome)
E. Ruptured endometrial cyst of the ovary
A 72 year old woman presents with severe abdominal pain. She has been on the waiting list for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstone disease. She is afebrile,with a normal pulse and blood pressure and is tender in the epigastrium. Aprovisional diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is made and confirmed with an elevated lipase and amylase level. Which of the following is NOT useful in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis?
A. An elevated white cell count > 16,000
B. Serum amylase level >1,000 I/U
C. Age greater than 55
D. Serum albumin < 32 g/l
E. Arterial pO 2 < 60 mmHg
In which of the following is topical anaesthesia with lignocaine NOT effective?
A. Cornea
B. Posterior pharynx
C. Auditory canal
D. Urethra
E. Nasal mucosa
A 23 year old man presents with abdominal pain after a single low velocity gunshot wound to the left chest. The entrance wound is 3 cm inferior and lateral to the left nipple and the exit wound 6 cm below the left scapula. A chest tube is inserted and drains 400 ml of blood initially and 50 ml over the next hour. A chest X-ray reveals an expanded lung and no pleural fluid. His initial blood pressure was 70/20 mmHg with a pulse of 120/min. After 2 litres of saline his blood pressure is 85/55 mmHg and pulse is 110/min. An initial FAST (focused abdominal scan in trauma) scan is negative. Which of the following should be the next step in his management?
A. A computed tomography (CT) scan of chest and abdomen
B. Repeat FAST
C. Continued observation
D. Emergency laparotomy
E. Local wound exploration under local anaesthetic
A 48 year old woman develops sudden onset of right sided abdominal pain while playing tennis. She presents to you with persistent sharp pain in the right lower abdomen with associated nausea. Examination reveals a low grade fever (37.2ºC) and tenderness to the right of the midline below the umbilicus with an impression of a mass in this region. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute appendicitis
B. Caecal carcinoma
C. Haematoma of the rectus sheath
D. Torsion of an ovarian cyst
E. Acute cholecystitis
A 72 year old man undergoes a right total knee replacement and on the 2nd post operative day is found to have a swollen leg with pain in the calf on movement. Which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis?
A. Normal post operative swelling
B. Acute joint infection
C. Popliteal artery thrombosis
D. Post operative bleed into the joint space
E. Post operative deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
A 24 year old man has fallen from his motorbike. He was paraplegic at the scene with a sensory level at T10. You review him in the Emergency Department. His legs appear warm and well perfused but he is tachycardic (105 bpm) and hypotensive (85/40 mmHg). His haemoglobin level is normal (120 g/L). What is the most correct statement?
A. He has undiagnosed internal bleeding and requires further imaging
B. He has undiagnosed bleeding and should be given whole blood
C. He has spinal shock and needs resuscitation with crystalloid
D. He is a young athlete and this is normal for age
E. He has spinal cord shock which can be reversed with high dose intravenous methylprednisolone
A 50 year old man was moving house when he felt a twinge in his back that was followed by the sudden onset of severe pain in his left leg. It travelled from the buttock into the posterior thigh and calf. The pain has been present for 2 weeks. He has now noticed that his calf muscles are weak on the left side. He is unable to stand on his toes on the left side. A CT scan of the lumbar spine shows a left lateral disc protrusion compromising the S1 nerve root. Which is the most correct statement?
A. Surgical treatment should be offered
B. Intensive physiotherapy for at least 2 months should be offered
C. Epidural steroid injection should be offered
D. Rest and analgesia should be offered
E. An operative decision will depend on the size of the disc on MRI scanning
A 65 year old woman collapsed while standing at the watercooler at work. She was noted to clutch at her head as she fell. She is brought to the Emergency Department and a computed tomography (CT) scan is reported as showing blood in the basal cisterns. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
B. Intracerebral haemorrhage
C. Epidural haemorrhage
D. Extradural haemorrhage
E. Subdural haemorrhage
{"name":"Surgery p8(351-", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Surgical Assessment Mastery Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to test your medical knowledge and decision-making skills in urgent surgical scenarios.Participate in this comprehensive quiz to:Evaluate your understanding of surgical emergenciesEnhance your clinical reasoning skillsChallenge yourself with real-life case studies","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}