Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 Oct 21
[2110.06216] Arkadiusz Bochniak, Zohar Nussinov, Alexander Seidel et al.: Exact Operator Fractionalization and Edge Physics in the Lowest-Landau-Level
[2110.06229] DinhDuy Vu, Sankar Das Sarma: Thermal melting of a quantum electron solid in the presence of strong disorder: Anderson versus Wigner
[2110.06264] Shenglin Huang, Ian R. Graham, Robert A. Riggleman et al.: Predicting the unobserved: a statistical mechanics framework for non-equilibrium material response with quantified uncertainty
[2110.06266] Sen Zhou, Ziqiang Wang: Chern Fermi-pockets and chiral topological pair density waves in kagome superconductors
[2110.06293] Mohammad Samani, Christian P. Scheller, Nikolai Yurttagül et al.: Microkelvin electronics on a pulse-tube cryostat with a gate Coulomb blockade thermometer
[2110.06327] Z. Wang, C. McPherson, R. Kadado et al.: AC sensing using nitrogen vacancy centers in a diamond anvil cell up to 6 GPa
[2110.06345] Damian C. Swift, Kazem Alidoost, Ryan Austin et al.: Dislocation-based strength model for high energy density conditions
[2110.06349] Raquel A. Ribeiro, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Li Xiang et al.: Small moment antiferromagnetic ordering in single crystalline La2Ni7
[2110.06415] Jia-Qi Guan, Li Wang, Pengdong Wang et al.: Honeycomb lattice in metal-rich chalcogenide Fe2Te
[2110.06417] Wei Ren, Hao Ru, Kun Peng et al.: Oxygen adsorption induced superconductivity in ultrathin FeTe film on SrTiO3(001)
[2110.06437] Yong Han, James W. Evans, Michael C. Tringides: Thermodynamics and kinetics of H adsorption and intercalation for graphene on 6H-SiC(0001) from first-principles calculations
[2110.06454] L. A. Arias-Hernandez, G. Valencia-Ortega, F. Angulo-Brown et al.: Energy conversion theorems for some linear steady-states
[2110.06478] Daisuke Miura, Akimasa Sakuma: Theoretical Study of Temperature Dependence of Spin Susceptibility in Anisotropic Itinerant Ferromagnets
[2110.06491] Ryo Makuta, Chisa Hotta: Dimensional reduction in quantum spin-1/2 system on a 1/7-depleted triangular lattice
[2110.06503] Shunsuke C. Furuya, Masahiro Sato: Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Anisotropies: Applications to Kitaev Spin Liquids and Topological Spin Textures
[2110.06519] Tania Chatterjee, Arnab Mukherjee, Prabir Pal et al.: Nonmonotonic magnetic field dependence of remanent ferroelectric polarization in reduced-graphene-oxide-BiFeO$_3$ nanocomposite
[2110.06522] Andrey D. Poletayev, Matthias C. Hoffmann, James A. Dawson et al.: The Persistence of Memory in Ionic Conduction Probed by Nonlinear Optics
[2110.06538] T.P.H. Sidiropoulos, N. Di Palo, D.E. Rivas et al.: Probing the energy conversion pathways between light, carriers and lattice in real time with attosecond core-level spectroscopy
[2110.06552] Takumi Funato, Mamoru Matsuo: Spin elastodynamic motive force
[2110.06563] B. Michon, A.B. Kuzmenko, M.K. Tran et al.: The spectral weight of hole doped cuprates across the pseudogap critical point
[2110.06569] Raúl Bombín, Maite Alducin, Iñaki Juaristi: Adsorption and dissociation of diatomic molecules in monolayer $1H$-MoSe$_2$
[2110.06578] Motohiko Ezawa: Nonlinearity-induced transition in nonlinear Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and nonlinear higher-order topological system
[2110.06582] Zhi-Fan Zhang, Zhen-Gang Zhu, Gang Su: Theory of Nonlinear Response for Charge and Spin Currents
[2110.06586] Yulin Yang, Tong Yang, Tingting Song et al.: Selective hydrogenation improves interface properties of high-k dielectrics on 2D semiconductors
[2110.06587] Niraj Kumar Singh, Divya Rawat, Dibyendu Dey et al.: Electron-Phonon Coupling and Quantum Correction to Topological Magnetoconductivity in Bi2GeTe4
[2110.06590] Raúl Guerrero-Avilés, Marta Pelc, Fabian Geisenhof et al.: Relative Stability of Bernal and RhombohedralStackings in Trilayer Graphene under Distortions
[2110.06597] Qi-Bo Zeng: Real spectra, Anderson localization, and topological phases in one-dimensional quasireciprocal systems
[2110.06606] Tamil Arasan Bakthavatchalam, Suriyadeepan Ramamoorthy, Malaikannan Sankarasubbu et al.: Bayesian Optimization of Bose-Einstein Condensates
[2110.06622] Jean-Yves Fortin, Pierrick Lample: Itinerant electrons on dilute frustrated Ising lattices
[2110.06644] Lotte Borkowski, Niclas Schlünzen, Jan Philip Joost et al.: Doublon production in correlated materials by multiple ion impacts
[2110.06645] Rui Peng, Zhonglin He, Ying Dai et al.: Intrinsic Valley-Related Multiple Hall Effect in 2D Organometallic Lattice
[2110.06646] Mario Galante, Alexandre Tkatchenko: Anisotropic van der Waals Dispersion Forces in Polymers: Structural Symmetry Breaking Leads to Enhanced Conformational Search
[2110.06658] Ming Yang, Yundan Liu, Wei Zhou et al.: Large-Gap Quantum Spin Hall State and Temperature-Induced Lifshitz Transition in Bi4Br4
[2110.06666] Leonardo Martinelli, Davide Betto, Kurt Kummer et al.: Fractional spin excitations in the infinite-layer cuprate CaCuO$_2$
[2110.06673] Qi Zheng, Yu-Chen Zhuang, Qing-Feng Sun et al.: Coexistence of electron whispering-gallery modes and atomic collapse states in graphene WSe2 heterostructure quantum dots
[2110.06684] Gatien Verley: Non-equilibrium equivalence classes for Markov jump processes
[2110.06693] Gaia Pozzoli, Benjamin De Bruyne: Survival probability of random walks leaping over traps
[2110.06699] Shihori Koyama, Tomoki Matsuno, Takashi Noguchi: Anomalous Diffusion in a Monolayer of Lightweight Spheres Fluidized in Airflow
[2110.06706] Alexander Osinsky, Nikolai Brilliantov: Collision fragmentation of aggregates. The role of the interaction potential between comprising particles
[2110.06727] David Feldmann, Bat-El Pinchasik: How Droplets Move on Surfaces with Directional Chemical Heterogeneities
[2110.06728] Ganesh Ji Omar, Weilong Kong, Hariom Jani et al.: Large Rashba Spin-orbit Effect by Orbital Engineering at SrTiO3 based Correlated Interfaces
[2110.06731] Daniel Staros, Guoxiang Hu, Juha Tiihonen et al.: A Combined First Principles Study of the Structural, Magnetic, and Phonon Properties of Monolayer CrI$_{3}$
[2110.06737] Danijela Marković, Matthew W. Daniels, Pankaj Sethi et al.: Easy-plane spin Hall nano-oscillators as spiking neurons for neuromorphic computing
[2110.06747] Camille Bishop, Kushal Bagchi, Michael F. Toney et al.: Vapor deposition rate modifies anisotropic glassy structure of an anthracene-based organic semiconductor
[2110.06757] Florian Trybel, Thomas Meier, Biao Wang et al.: Absence of proton tunneling during the hydrogen bond symmetrization in $δ$-AlOOH
[2110.06772] F. Gabriele, C. Castellani, L. Benfatto: Generalized plasma waves in layered superconductors
[2110.06776] Junyin Zhang, Bo Zhang, Junyi Xu et al.: Machine learning for percolation utilizing auxiliary Ising variables
[2110.06797] Abhishek Kumar, Kush Saha: Unconventional pumping in non-Hermitian Rice-Mele model
[2110.06811] Stephen Carr, Charles Snider, D. E. Feldman et al.: Signatures of electronic correlations and spin-susceptibility anisotropy in nuclear magnetic resonance
[2110.06818] Basile Herzog, Mauricio Chagas da Silva, Bastien Casier et al.: Assessing the Accuracy of Machine Learning Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory: Density Functional Theory and Beyond
[2110.06845] Lin Sun, Jibiao Wang, Xiang Chu et al.: Effects of lattice-continuum mixing on superfluidity of atomic Fermi gases in a two-dimensional optical lattice
[2110.06857] Sergei Iskakov, Emanuel Gull: Phase transitions in partial summation methods: Results from the 3D Hubbard model
[2110.06860] Yuri Zhuravlev, Eduard Naichuk, Nikolai Iorgov et al.: Large time and long distance asymptotics of the thermal correlators of the impenetrable anyonic lattice gas
[2110.06888] Yongtao Liu, Maxim Ziatdinov, Sergei V. Kalinin: Exploring causal physical mechanisms via non-gaussian linear models and deep kernel learning: applications for ferroelectric domain structures
[2110.06889] F. González-Cataldo, B.K. Godwal, Kevin Driver et al.: Model of Ramp Compression of Diamond from Ab Initio Simulations
[2110.06895] Paul C. Bressloff, Ryan D. Schumm: The narrow capture problem with partially absorbing targets and stochastic resetting
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 Oct 21","img":""}
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