History USA examine

Putting down a small amount of cash to buy shares of a stock is known as
Percentage buying
Buying on margin
Mania buying
Buying on time
Shantytowns of the suddenly poor and displaced were known as
Dust Bowls
Bust Towns.
In 1932 a march on Washington was made by a group of unemployed veterans called
Coxey’s Army
The Bonus Army.
Hoover’s Army
The Bogus Army
The stock market “crash” refers to
the failure of people to repay loan for stock bought on the margin
The huge drop in the value of stocks.
The inflated value of many stocks
Millions of shares of stock being traded in one day
In 1932 the percentage of unemployed was about
10 percent
25 percent
20 percent
35 percent
Hoover opposed direct government relief for individuals MAINLY because he believed that
The costs would bankrupt the nation
The character of the American people would be damaged
The economy was about to recover
Private charity would rescue those in need
Which is the correct chronological order of presidential administrations?
Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt
Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Franklin Roosevelt
Hoover, Harding, Coolidge, Franklin Roosevelt
Coolidge, Harding, Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt
The “hundred days” was the time period
Between FDR’s election and the first inauguration
Immediately following FDR’s first inauguration
Concluding FDR’s first term.
Immediately following FDR’s second inaugurationstock speculation.
The Twenty-first Amendment ended
Stock speculation.
The four-month “lame-duck” period
The gold standard
The four-month period between election and inauguration of a new President was eliminated by
Order of the Supreme Court
Ratification of the Twentieth Amendment
Ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment.
Order of the Federal Election Commission.
The Glass-Steagall Act reformed the
Banking system
Election system
Tax system
Securities system
In 1938, Roosevelt resumed large-scale spending to counter the
Congressional purge
Roosevelt recession
Expansion of Italy, Germany, and Japan.
Actions of the Supreme Court.
Roosevelt’s first cabinet was made up of
Loyal Democrats
Professors and scholars
A mixture of politicians, leaders, and friends
Former cabinet members
FDR’s “pump priming” required
Balancing the federal budget
Limiting production.
Running up a federal deficit
Repealing Prohibition.
To regulate the stock market and to prevent abuses by sellers of stocks and bonds, Congress in 1934 set up the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission
The purpose of the WPA was to
Help business
Reestablish confidence in the banking system
Provide immediate financial aid to farmers
Provide work for the able-bodied unemployed.
The New Deal came to an end in 1938 because
The Supreme Court ruled most New Deal programs unconstitutional
FDR was stricken with polio
National concern shifted to overseas aggression
FDR was defeated in his bid for reelection
The course of business recovery from 1933 to 1939
Was steadily upward
Was up one year and down the next.
Peaked in 1935
Was upward until hit by a recession in 1937–1938
Most New Deal programs
Were continuations of earlier programs.
Were aimed at trust-busting
Were aimed at helping farmers
Greatly expanded the role of government
The agreement to dismember Czechoslovakia was made in the
Munich Pact
Platt Amendment
Neutrality Act of 1937
Versailles Peace Treaty
A British Prime Minister who favored a policy of appeasement was
Winston Churchill
Neville Chamberlain
Cordell Hull
Henry Stimson.
A measure by which the United States made plans for Philippine independence was the
€�Good Neighbor policy.”
Neutrality Act of 1939
Tydings-McDuffie Act
Japanese-American Commercial Treaty
An institution invented by the Nazis to hold and dispose of Jews and political opponents was a (an)
Concentration camp
Quarantine camp
German district
Isolation district
The event that started World War II in Europe was Germany’s invasion of
The Soviet Union
From 1933 to 1939 Congress responded to war and threats of war in the world by
Ordering the arming of American merchant vessels
Insisting on freedom of the seas
Putting limits on the sale of arms to belligerents.
Stopping manufacture of armaments
Which of the following most reflected the desire of the United States for neutrality prior to 1941?
Destroyers-for-bases” deal
Convoying of British ships
Lend-Lease Act
Passage of Tydings-McDuffie Act
The co-signers of the Atlantic Charter were
Churchill and Roosevelt
Stalin and Hitler
Mussolini and Hitler
Chamberlain and Roosevelt.
The “Day of Infamy” refers to the
German bombing of Conventry
Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbo
Signing of the Munish Pact.
German seizure of Czechoslovakia
What evidence best illustrates that the mood of the American public was strongly isolationist before 1939?
A. Reaction to the “Panay” incident
The Good Neighbor policy
Passage of a conscription act
A 1937 public opinion poll on a proposed constitutional amendment
United States gunboat sunk by Japan in China in 1937, for which Japan apologized.
Atlantic Charter
Nonaggression pact
Blaming a country’s problems on a particular group
Atlantic Charter
Nonaggression pact
1939 agreement between Germany and the USSR not to fight and to share control of Poland.
Atlantic Charter
Nonaggression pact
Hatred of Jews
Atlantic Charter
Nonaggression pact
Statement of postwar aims issued by Churchill and FDR in 1941
Atlantic Charter
Nonaggression pact
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