Animal Behaviour

Detailed observation and description in the field are cornerstones of which approach to the study of animal behaviour?
Animal psychology
Behavioural ecology
Questions about ultimate causation are:
€�how’ questions
‘when’ questions
€�why’ questions
'where’ questions
Apart from ‘Origins’, Charles Darwin also wrote:
The Evolution of Human Consciousness
The Expression of the Emotions in Animals and Man
Evolution in Mind
On Human Nature
The statement ‘lemmings disperse from areas of high population because they have inherited the ability from lemming-like ancestors’ is an hypothesis about:
Evolved function
Evolutionary history
Genetics and development
Physiological mechanism
What was the name of the ship aboard which Darwin explored South America and the Pacific islands?
H.M.S. Endeavour
H.M.S. Victory
H.M.S. Nautilus
H.M.S. Beagle
What is the generally accepted reason for the lengthy delay in publishing the theory of evolution by means of natural selection?
Ill health
Fear of religious confrontation
Concentration on geological research and writing
Incomplete evidence base
Darwinian ‘fitness’ means:
Most aggressive
Most reproductively successful
Most intelligent
Most attractive
Which of the following is least likely to be considered a Darwinian puzzle?
Monogamy in male songbirds
Altruism in worker ants
Camouflaged colour patterns in grasshoppers
Siblicide in brown boobies
Combinations of sign stimuli and fixed actions patterns are called:
Innate Discharge Mechanisms
Innate Releasing Mechanisms
Liberation Mechanisms
Genetic Trigger Mechanisms
Once activated, Fixed Action Patterns continue:
Until the animal gets bored
Until the animal is exhausted
To their conclusion
Placing human babies under six months old in a pool of water causes them to:
Make escape attempts and then float helplessly if these aren’t successful
Circadian rhythms happen once every:
In the absence of light/dark cues most daily rhythms are:
Shorter than 24hrs
Exactly 24hrs
Longer than 24hrs
Rove beetles are able to obtain food from worker ants because:
Their hungry look acts as a sign stimulus
They use force to overpower them
They are able to activate a fixed action pattern in the ant
They release a sexual attractant
Moving the egg of a Sooty Tern a few inches from its original position results in:
The Tern abandoning the nest
The Tern sitting on the place where the egg was
The Tern sitting on the place where the egg now is
The Tern retrieving the egg
If over time, a rat reduces its orienting response to a stimulus, ____ has occurred.
The phenomenon of overshadowing demonstrates that:
The presence of a salient stimulus reduces learning about a less salient stimulus
A US needs to be surprising for learning to take place
A CS needs to be novel for learning to take place
Associations can form between neutral stimuli
Garcia and Koelling’s famous finding was that:
Rats were poor at forming associations between bright-noisy water and illness
Rats were good at forming associations between bright-noisy water and illness
Rats were good at forming associations between tasty water and shock
Rats were only able to form associations between tasty water and illness if the illness was immediate
Watson’s criticism of Thorndike’s law of effect was:
A connection between neural centres cannot be observed
The perception of a stimulus cannot be observed
Satisfaction cannot be observed
The law of effect does not allow for the encoding of the reinforcer identity
Conditioned inhibition should be detected with:
An inhibition test
A summation and inhibition test
A retardation and summation test
A summation test
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