Psyc 391 - Final

A vibrant illustration of a classroom setting with psychology elements like brain diagrams, ethical guidelines, and historical figures on the walls, featuring a diverse group of students engaged in a lively discussion.

Final Psychology Quiz

Test your knowledge in psychology with our comprehensive final quiz designed for Psyc 391 students. Challenge yourself with questions spanning historical figures, ethical principles, and intelligence theories. Perfect for reviewing key concepts and preparing for exams!

  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Assess Understanding of Key Concepts
  • Ideal for Students and Professionals
125 Questions31 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingMind27
Which age range is more likely to experience mental illness and/or substance use disorders than any other age group?
Confidentiality is under which guiding principle of ethics?
Principle I: Respect for the Dignity of Persons
Principle II: Responsible Caring
Principle III: Integrity in Relationships
Principle IV: Responsibility to Society
Who conducted one of the first talk therapies?
Who introduced the term and profession of clinical psychology?
Who created the first diagnostic system?
Who first questioned the effectiveness of psychotherapy?
Who found that psychotherapy was effective?
Smith, Glass, and Miller
Freud and Skinner
Beck, Ellis and Miller
When looking to understand why some people don't follow medical advice, which type of psychologist would you consult?
Cognitive psychologist
Social psychologist
Health psychologist
Your child is having difficulty understanding and learning new material in school. Your child's teacher has recommended that your child sees a psychologist. Which psychologist did they recommend?
School Psychologist
Developmental psychologist
Cognitive psychologist
Offsetting/correcting harm is included in which ethical principle?
Principle I: Respect for the Dignity of People
Principle II: Responsible Caring
Principle III: Integrity in Relationships
Principle IV: Responsibility to Society
Which are the two pillars of clinical psychology? (Choose all that apply)
Which is NOT a step of ethical decision making?
Identify the individuals and groups potentially affected.
Analyze likely risks and benefits of each course of action on all involved/likely to be affected.
Continue practice even if no improvement is seen, sometimes change takes time to emerge
Act appropriately to prevent future occurrences of the dilemma
In Canada, we are more likely to use the _____ to diagnose mental disorders.
Mayo clinic
Which model states that depression in your maternal grandmother may be passed to your maternal mother and then to you?
Interpersonal Stress Model
Diathesis-Stress Model
Biopsychosocial Model
Social Learning Theory
Sensitivity is...
True positives only
True positives/(true positives + false negatives)
True negatives/(true negatives + false positives)
False positives only
Specificity is...
True positives only
True positives/(true positives + false negatives)
True negatives/(true negatives + false
False positives only
Psychological assessments are more complex than psychological testing
Which is NOT a measure of validity? (Check all that apply)
Internal consistency
_____________ is whether a test measures what it's supposed to, ____________ is if the results of the test are consistent.
Validity, validity
Validity, reliability
Reliability, validity
Validity, standardization
Which of the following is an open question?
Where did you grow up?
Did you experience heart palpitations?
When did these problems start?
What was going on for you at the time?
Did your boss get angry at you?
Which of the following is an element of effective active listening?
Asking questions
Using reflections
All of the above
In the correct order, please identify which Act corresponds with which limit of confidentiality. A) College code of conduct B) Child, Family, and Community service act C) Motor vehicle act D) College code of conduct
A) Child abuse/neglect, B) Unsafe to drive, C) Imminent risk of harm to self or others D) Court order
A) Unsafe to drive B) Child abuse/neglect C) Court order D) Imminent risk to self or others
A) Child abuse/neglect B) Imminent risk to self or others C) Court order D) Unsafe to drive
A) Imminent risk to self or others B) Child abuse/neglect C) Unsafe to drive D) Court order
Which is NOT a type of interview?
Fully structured
None of the above
The Flynn Effect is...
The effect seen when a client undergoing therapy spontaneously improves
The effect seen when a therapist experiences sudden burnout
The effect explaining the increase in IQ from generation to generation
The effect explaining the sudden increase in need for therapy in recent years
Spearman's 'g' stands for general factor and represents the common core of intellectual abilities
__________ intelligence is the ability to solve novel problems, an innate potential, and ____________ intelligence is what we have learned from education and life experience.
Crystalized, liquid
Fluid, crystalized
Liquid, crystalized
Crystalized, fluid
Which Weschler scale is best for testing the intelligence of a middle aged man who is able to pay attention for long periods of time?
Which Weschler scale would be best for testing the intelligence of a 14 year old with a short attention span?
Which is NOT a scale/assessment of intelligence?
Weschler Scales
Kaufman Scales
Ravens Progressive Matrices
None of the above
Who first emphasized the importance of considering both personality and contextual factors in clinical practice?
The Rorschach Inkblot Test was introduced by...
The Rorschach Inkblot Test is an example of a projective measure
___________ are judgements different from what we should conclude, ______________ are mental shortcuts.
Heuristics, biases
Prejudices, techniques
Techniques, prejudices
Biases, heuristics
When people believe that someone's personality plays a role more than their environment does in deciding their behaviour, they are demonstrating which bias?
Self-serving attributional bias
Fundamental attribution error
Hindsight bias
Confirmatory bias
During an assessment, client's typically do not receive feedback
You are working to implement a prevention program in your old school. Your prevention program will target youth at risk of developing depression and will bring attention to the prevalence of depression by raising awareness in order to prevent it before it starts. What kind of prevention program is this?
Primary, universal
Secondary, selective
Secondary, universal
Primary, selective
You are working with a young individual who is experiencing mild symptoms of depression, but does not show enough symptoms to be diagnosed. You work with them to prevent the disorder from worsening and prevent a relapse. What kind of prevention is this?
Most psychologists focus on primary intervention
Awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving is an example of what kind of prevention?
Primary, universal
Secondary, universal
Tertiary, indicated
Secondary, selective
Rehabilitation is in what category of prevention?
Prevention is more common than intervention
Which is NOT one of the more empirically supported theoretical approaches?
Interpersonal Therapy
Short-term psychodynamic Therapy
Process-experiential Therapy
Cognitive-behavioural Therapy
Long-term psychodynamic Therapy
Which empirically supported therapy helps clients see how conflicts influence therapeutic relationship, how they developed, and how they affect(ed) their lives?
Interpersonal Therapy
Process-experiential Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
Short-term psychodynamic Therapy
Which is NOT a major strategy in short-term psychodynamic therapy?
Which empirically supported therapy emphasizes interpersonal elements in the development, maintenance, and alteration of psychological problems
Interpersonal therapy
Short-term psychodynamic therapy
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
Process-experiential therapy
Process-experiential therapy emphasizes in session emotion, and emotions as a whole.
Which therapy emphasizes the role of thoughts and behavior in psychological problems
Interpersonal Therapy
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
Process-experiential therapy
Short-term psychodynamic therapy
The majority of clients receive more than 10 sessions of therapy.
Which is NOT a tactic for increasing therapy attendance rates?
Clarify expectations of the client for therapy
Allow clients to choose a therapist and appointment times
Be available to your client whenever they need
Use motivational interviewing techniques to explore reasons for seeking treatment
Telehealth does not work as well as face-to-face treatment
During intervention, consent is not required.
The ___________ Act states that consent is legal if confident that child understands nature, consequence, benefits, and risks of services and confident that services are in child’s best interest
If intervention is not clearly effective, it must continue until change is seen.
From best -> less good, what are the most empirically supported therapies?
CBT, behavioural, psychodynamic, humanistic
CBT, psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioural
CBT, psychodynamic, behavioural, humanistic
Behavioura, CBT, psychodynamic, humanistic
A treatment that has been shown to be more effective than a placebo and other alternative treatments, that has been supported by many studies is...
Possibly efficacious
Efficacious and specific
A treatment that is supported by one, strong study and does not have any conflicting evidence...
Possibly efficacious
Efficacious and specific
A treatment that has conflicting evidence, but the majority of studies support the treatment, is...
Possibly efficacious
Efficacious and specific
__________ designation based only on RCTs and equivalent designs, ___________ considers all available evidence.
Evidence-based therapy, empirically supported treatment
Evidence-based therapy, evidence-based practice
Empirically supported treatment, evidence-based therapy
Evidence-based practice, empirically supported treatment
Which three types of studies have the most empirical support? (Check all that apply)
Imperfect randomized control trials
High-quality randomized control trials
Field studies
Pilot studies
Training in evidence-based treatments is very limited
What is the most effective way we can increase the number of evidence-based treatments being implemented
Increase training in evidence-based treatments
Increase the number of studies conducted determining if a treatment is effective
Bring awareness to how well evidence-based treatments really work
Re-establish the guidelines that psychologists follow
Sally attends all of her therapy sessions and completes her homework between sessions. Her family sees and change and Sally feels a change. What stage of change is Sally in?
Joseph has been told that his temper is getting the best of him. He has recently been through a divorce and is not coping well with his new lifestyle. What stage of change is he in?
Joseph has been told that his temper is getting the best of him. He has recently been through a divorce and is not coping well with his new lifestyle. What would an interpersonal therapist be focusing on?
Role transition
Role dispute
Which would be abuse of power/influence?
Asking a client to donate to a charity of your choice
Accepting a gift at token value
Reporting a client for drinking and driving
Self-disclosing to relate to the client further
Which of the following would be a problematic dual relationship?
Your client's great niece is in your class
Your student also works as a research assistant in your lab
Your client's best friend comes in for therapy
Your TA requests you as their supervisor
Physical contact is never allowed.
____________ groups capitalize on the dynamics of a group. _____________ groups are extensions of individual treatments.
Process, Structured
Large, Small
Structured, Process
Small, Large
During group therapy, each member of the group works together to support one another by giving advice or in other ways. This is known as....
Instilling hope
Imitative behaviour
You are attending family therapy with the rest of the members of your family. During your session, you notice the therapist is very teacher-like, and acts as model to help with communication. Which kind of family therapy is this?
Concurrent family therapy
Conjoint family therapy
Collaborative family therapy
After attending group therapy, you understand that you are not alone and that others having similar experiences as you. This is known as...
Group cohesiveness
Instilling hope
Jake attends family therapy, however, each family member attends a different session but sees the same therapist. What kind of family therapy is this?
Concurrent family therapy
Conjoint family therapy
Collaborative family therapy
The family therapist you are seeing believes that the problems within your family are caused by multiple things such as the individual, the family, school, etc. What kind of family therapy is this?
Multisystemic therapy
Concurrent family therapy
Behavioural approach
Conjoint family therapy
The family therapist you are seeing attempts to solve your family's issues by implementing reinforcement tactics. What kind of family therapy is this?
Multisystemic therapy
Concurrent family therapy
Behavioural approach
Conjoint family therapy
For family therapy, eclectic and behavioral/psychoeducational ________ effective, humanistic and systemic _________ effective.
Least, most
Most, decently
Decently, not
Most, least
Which couples therapy focuses on problem-solving techniques and support-understanding techniques?
Behavioural Marital Therapy
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
Which couples therapy focuses on recognizing own needs and modifying interactions with each other?
Behavioural Marital Therapy
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
Parent motivation is most important to ensure...
Active participation in sessions
Attendance to sessions
Positive change
Child cooperation
Youth motivation is most important to ensure...
Attendance to sessions
The child understands treatment
Positive change
Parent motivation
Even though a child may not be interested in treatment, you must proceed if the parent wishes.
Group treatments are more effective than other types of psychotherapy
Behavioural principles are grounded in which theory?
Social learning theory
Diathesis-stress theory
Psychoanalytic theory
Behavioural intervention theory
____________ research understand therapeutic process, what is going on in therapy, ______________ research understand how an intervention works.
Analytic, qualitative
Process, process-outcome
Qualitative, quantitative
Process-outcome, process
A client with very severe symptoms with low expectations of treatment will likely...
Have a poorer treatment outcome than others
Have a better treatment outcome than others
Have a poorer treatment outcome than others, but have a better client-therapist alliance
Have a better treatment outcome than others, but have a poorer client-therapist alliance
Focus on insight helps if... Focus on symptom reduction helps more if...
Introspective, introverted, or internalizing; impulsive, under-controlled, externalizing
Impulsive, under-controlled, externalizing; introspective, introverted, or internalizing
Introspective, impulsive, externalizing; introverted, internalizing, under-controlled
Introverted, internalizing, under-controlled; introspective, impulsive, externalizing
Which scenario is most likely to have positive change?
Matt has a very good therapist alliance, he completes his homework between sessions, however his expectations for the therapy were fairly low.
Juno has very severe symptoms and his functioning is quite impaired. He entered therapy with low expectations and doesn't believe his therapist understands him.
Nikita has high expectations for treatment, and does not demonstrate severe symptoms. However, she does not get along with her therapist.
Emma's therapist is relatively inexperienced, but she gets along with him well. Emma went into therapy with an opened mind, however, she is struggling with a personality disorder.
Which of the following is an element of an effective therapy?
All of the above
The __________ model states that disability is a characteristic of the person, whereas the _____________ model states that disability is a function of the physical and social environment
Biopsychosocial, medical
Medical, social
Social, medical
Medical, biopsychosocial
Ali wants to be a clinical health psychologist. To accomplish this goal, she needs additional training in.. (Check all that apply)
Normal lifespan development
Behavioral medicine and psychological issues related to health
Psychopathology and psychopharmacology
Cognitive deficits, attention, and memory functions
Clinical health psychologists are often found working in...
Private businesses
Hospitals and clinics
Schools and daycares
Which of the following would a clinical health psychologist NOT do?
Help clients relearn 'lost' skills
Overcome impairment by teaching new strategies
Assist athletes and other sports participants
Develop new community resources
All of the above
Ken is experiencing difficulty with everyday tasks following a somewhat serious concussion. What kind of psychologist would he likely be referred to?
Clinical health psychologist
Community psychologist
Sports psychologist
Peter is a hockey player that is experiencing extreme stress while playing his games. He has recently gone off his medication, despite being advised to take it every day. What kind of psychologist would he be referred to?
Forensic psychologist and community psychologist
Neuropsychologist and sports psychologist
Health psychologist and sports psychologist
Sports psychologist and general psychologist
Max wants to become a neuropsychologist. Which of the following would Mac NOT need to learn about?
Neuroanatomy, physiology, pharmacology
Behavioral medicine and psychological issues related to health
Human neuropsychology and neuropathology
Lifespan development
What type of psychologist deals with pain management?
Forensic psychologist
Community psychologist
Sports psychologist
None of the above
How may a neuropsychologist treat their client?
Compensate for impairments by modifying the environment
Using aids so that the patient is capable of carrying out an activity
Ddress social, psychological, and physical barriers to participation
All of the above
Which of the following is NOT a sports psychologist's job to understand?
Well-being of athletes and athlete's mental health
Development and social aspects of sports participation
Systemic issues associated with sports settings and organization
Athletes performance
Justine is a psychologist. Large portions of her job include developing community resources, community control of mental health services, and understanding and appreciating diversity. What kind of psychologist is Justine?
Forensic psychologist
Community psychologist
General psychologist
Health psychologist
None of the above
You are a community psychologist who has been recruited to help an organization create an even more effective prevention program. What kind of consultation is this?
Consultee-centered case consultation
Client-centered case consultation
Program-centered administrative consultation
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
You are a community psychologist who has been approached by an individual asking for help with a specific problem. What kind of consultation is this?
Consultee-centered case consultation
Client-centered case consultation
Program-centered administrative consultation
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
You are a community psychologist who has been asked by an organization to help them further understand and appreciate diversity in the workplace. What kind of consultation is this?
Consultee-centered case consultation
Clien-centeredcase consultation
Program-centered administrative consultation
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
Which is not a phase of consultation?
Precontemplation phase
Entry or preparatory phase
Beginning or warming up phase
Alternative action phase
You are a community psychologist meeting with a social worker to identify strategies to help them work more effectively with borderline clients. What form of consultation are you engaging in?
Client-centered case consultation
Consultee-centered case consultation
Program-centered administrative consultation
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
What is arguably the most important part of a forensic psychologist's job?
Risk assessment
Fitness to stand trial assessment
NCRMD assessment
Fitness to stand trial requires the assessment of __________ psychological functioning, whereas NCRMD requires assessment of ____________ psychological functioning - functioning at the time of the crime.
Deviant, past
Current, deviant
Past, current
Current, past
Majority of clinical psychology students are men
SFU uses the clinical-scientist model
List the types of grad school training models, from greatest to least amount of science and research.
Scientist-practitioner model, clinical scientist model, practitioner scholar model
Clinical scientist model, scientist-practitioner model, practitioner scholar model
Vail model, Boulder model, clinical scientist model
Boulder model, Vial model, clinical scientist model
Which grad school training model typically ends with a PsyD?
Vail model
Boulder model
Clinical scientist model
Scientist-practitioner model
Which is NOT a concern about PsyD programs?
Quality of training
Less financial support
Ethical issues
Part-time instructors with little experience
Conduct less research
_______ grants accreditation in Canada
College of Psychologists
Which test is no longer required at many grad schools?
Oral Exam
What should your Curriculum vitae (CV) include? (Check all that apply)
Honours and awards
GRE scores
Conference presentations
Work and volunteer experiences
Typical graduate coursework would NOT include... (unless in a specialty program)
Professional issues
Cognitive science
Research methods
You must get registered in order to call yourself a psychologist
Which topic is NOT covered in the EPPP?
Sports psychology
Developmental psychology
Social psychology
Community psychology
Industrial/organizational psychology
What skills are NOT assessed in the oral exam?
Assessment and evaluation
Human diversity
Cultural understanding
Professional ethics and standards
Legal and regulatory mandates
Once registered, you are able to practice anywhere in the world.
The guideline for fees for a private practice is...
As a clinical psychologist, you must maintain records for at least ______ years, or _______ years after age of adulthood.
4, 7
5, 5,
7, 7
4, 5
Which is NOT a legitimate reason to terminate services?
Client no longer wants or needs services
Psychologist does not believe they can help the client
Conflict of interest or dual relationship arises
Feel threatened or endangered by client or someone close to the client
Client is not benefitting from the relationship
Which is NOT a consequence of malpractice?
Impose limits or conditions on practice
Suspend registration
Impose fine
The _____________________ applies to public bodies such as schools, hospitals, and the ___________________________ applies to private practice, private businesses
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Personal Information and Privacy Act
Personal Information and Privacy Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Jim is a clinical psychologist. Lately, he has been feeling emotionally exhausted, mentally exhausted, and unsatisfied with his personal accomplishments. It is likely that Jim is suffering from...
{"name":"Psyc 391 - Final", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in psychology with our comprehensive final quiz designed for Psyc 391 students. Challenge yourself with questions spanning historical figures, ethical principles, and intelligence theories. Perfect for reviewing key concepts and preparing for exams!Multiple Choice QuestionsAssess Understanding of Key ConceptsIdeal for Students and Professionals","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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