Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 28 Mar 22
[2203.13274] Chengkang Zhou, Meng-Yuan Li, Zheng Yan et al.: Evolution of Dynamical Signature in the X-cube Fracton Topological Order
[2203.13279] S. Aria Hosseini, Sarah Khanniche, G. Jeffrey Snyder et al.: Mode- and Space- Resolved Thermal Transport of Alloy Nanostructures
[2203.13326] K. Kondratenko, D. Guerin, X. Wallart et al.: Thermal and electrical cross-plane conductivity at the nanoscale in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):trifuoromethanesulfonate thin films
[2203.13328] T. Doerries, A. V. Chechkin, R. Metzler: Apparent anomalous diffusion and non-Gaussian distributions in a simple mobile-immobile transport model with Poissonian switching
[2203.13330] S. V. Syzranov: Effect of vacancy defects on frustrated magnets and quantum spin liquids
[2203.13341] P. Forgacs, A. Libal, C. Reichhardt et al.: Using Active Matter to Introduce Spatial Heterogeneity to the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered Model of Epidemic Spreading
[2203.13355] Ezra Day-Roberts, Rafael M. Fernandes, Turan Birol: Gating-Induced Mott Transition in NiS$_2$
[2203.13358] Jatindranath Gain, Madhumita Dassarkar, Sudakhina Kundu: Energy effective mass dependence of electron tunneling through CdS/CdSe, AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs and AlSb/InAs Multiple Quantum Barriers
[2203.13359] Cristal Solares-Bockmon, Aniqa Ibnat Lim, Mohammadjavad Mohebinia et al.: Generalized Dynamic Junction Theory to Resolve the Mechanism of Direct Current Generation in Liquid-Solid Interfaces
[2203.13360] Chetan Sriram Madasu, Mehedi Hasan, Ketan D. Rathod et al.: Datta-Das transistor for atomtronic circuits using artificial gauge fields
[2203.13361] Yun-Yi Pai, Claire E. Marvinney, Liangbo Liang et al.: Phonon Chirality Induced by Vibronic-Orbital Coupling
[2203.13378] Wen-Yu He, Patrick. A. Lee: Magnetic Impurity as a Local Probe of the U(1) Quantum Spin Liquid with Spinon Fermi Surface
[2203.13384] Andreas B. Michelsen, Patrik Recher, Bernd Braunecker et al.: Supercurrent-enabled Andreev reflection in a chiral quantum Hall edge state
[2203.13388] Logan Bishop-Van Horn, Kathryn A. Moler: SuperScreen: An open-source package for simulating the magnetic response of two-dimensional superconducting devices
[2203.13407] Jae-Ho Han, Seung-Hwan Do, Kwang-Yong Choi et al.: Weak-coupling to strong-coupling quantum criticality crossover in a Kitaev quantum spin liquid $α$-RuCl$_3$
[2203.13426] Dongliang Gong, Junyi Yang, Lin Hao et al.: Reconciling monolayer and bilayer $J_{\rm eff} = 1/2$ square lattices in hybrid oxide superlattice
[2203.13463] Mohammad Monish, S. S. Major: Microstructure dependent residual stress in reactively sputtered epitaxial Si-doped GaN films
[2203.13490] Urban F. P. Seifert, Lucile Savary: Phase diagrams and excitations of anisotropic $S=1$ quantum magnets on the triangular lattice
[2203.13498] Kai-Hui Li, Fei-Ping Xiao, Wen Guan et al.: Strain-dependent structural and electronic reconstructions in long-wavelength WS$_{2}$ moiré superlattices
[2203.13509] Pierre-Adrien Mante, Chin Shen Ong, Daniel Finkelstein Shapiro et al.: Photo-induced Hidden Phase of 1T-TaS2 with Tunable Lifetime
[2203.13518] S.A. Muntean, V.C.E. Kronberg, M. Colangeli et al.: Quantitative analysis of phase formation and growth in ternary mixtures upon evaporation of one component
[2203.13538] Govind Paneru, Sandipan Dutta, Hyuk Kyu Pak: Colossal power extraction from active cyclic Brownian information engines
[2203.13546] A. Schellenberger, M. Hörmann, K.P. Schmidt: Dynamic structure factor of the antiferromagnetic Kitaev model in large magnetic fields
[2203.13547] Guillem Müller-Rigat, Maciej Lewenstein, Irénée Frérot: Probing quantum entanglement from magnetic-sublevels populations: beyond spin squeezing inequalities
[2203.13562] Hung-Hsiang Yang, Namrata Bansal, Philipp Rüßmann et al.: Magnetic domain walls of the van der Waals material Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$
[2203.13606] Michael C. Röttger, Antoine Sanner, Luke A. Thimons et al.: -- Create, analyze and publish digital surface twins from topography measurements across many scales
[2203.13614] Ioannis Kleftogiannis, Ilias Amanatidis: Energetical self-organization of a few strongly interacting particles
[2203.13615] Imran Saeed, Hyuk Kyu Pak, Tsvi Tlusty: Quasiparticles, Flat Bands, and the Melting of Hydrodynamic Matter
[2203.13636] C P Race, T Ungar, G Ribarik: Validation of x-ray line-profile analysis of extended defects in deformed crystals
[2203.13638] Ilian Pihlajamaa, René de Bruijn, Paul van der Schoot: Geometric percolation of colloids in shear flow
[2203.13640] E. S. Pikina, A.R. Muratov, E. I. Kats et al.: Long-range interactions between membrane inclusions: Electric field induced giant amplification of the pairwise potential
[2203.13643] C P Race, T Ungar, G Ribarik: Validating x-ray line-profile defect analysis using atomistic models of deformed material
[2203.13646] Julian Benedikt Mayer, Miguel A. Sierra, Ewelina M. Hankiewicz: Intrinsic emergence of Majorana modes in Luttinger $j=3/2$ systems
[2203.13651] I. Vergara, M. Magnaterra, J. Attig et al.: Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in Ti-doped Ca2RuO4 studied by ellipsometry
[2203.13668] Lenart Dudy, Julian Aulbach, Jörg Schäfer et al.: Lack of temperature dependence for the filling of the metallic-like bands in Si(553)-Au
[2203.13670] Simeon Völkel, Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Comment on "Hysteretic transition between states of a filled hexagonal magnetic dipole cluster"
[2203.13673] Pablo A. Morales, Jan Korbel, Fernando E. Rosas: Ode to Legendre: Geometric and thermodynamic implications on curved statistical manifolds
[2203.13688] Piotr Chudzinski, Lenart Dudy: ARPES in strongly disordered systems -- theory of electronic bands melting
[2203.13689] Martin Lang, Marijan Beg, Ondrej Hovorka et al.: Bloch points in nanostrips
[2203.13702] U. Basu, V. Démery, A. Gambassi: Dynamics of a colloidal particle coupled to a Gaussian field: from a confinement-dependent to a non-linear memory
[2203.13711] Runze Chen, Yu Li, Vasilis F. Pavlidis et al.: Voltage-Controlled Skyrmionic Interconnect with Multiple Magnetic Information Carriers
[2203.13728] Marcin Maździarz, Rafał Psiuk, Agnieszka Krawczyńska et al.: Effect of zirconium doping on mechanical properties of $W_{1-x}Zr_xB_2$ on the base of ab initio calculations and magnetron sputte...
[2203.13761] R. Aristegui, F. Chiaruttini, B. Jouault et al.: Electrical control of excitons in GaN/(Al,Ga)N quantum wells
[2203.13763] Joao C. de Abreu, Jean Paul Nery, Matteo Giantomassi et al.: Spectroscopic signatures of nonpolarons : the case of diamond
[2203.13781] Walid Redjem, Ariel J. Amsellem, Frances I. Allen et al.: Defect engineering of silicon with ion pulses from laser acceleration
[2203.13816] Madeleine Laitz, Alexander E. K. Kaplan, Jude Deschamps et al.: Uncovering Temperature-Dependent Exciton-Polariton Relaxation Mechanisms in Perovskites
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 28 Mar 22","img":""}