She Codes - HTML Quiz 1
<p>Sample text goes here.</p>
<p>Sample text goes here.</p>
<title>My web page</title>
<p>Sample text goes here.</p>
<body>, </body>
<head>, </head>
<p>, </p>
<html>, </html>
<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
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<p>, </p>
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<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
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<head>, </head>
<p>, </p>
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<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
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<p>, </p>
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<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
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<p>, </p>
<html>, </html>
<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
Below is a paragraph element. What is a benefit of inputting text into one?
<p> Hello world! </p>
What is the fun
<title> This tag </title>
What will the line "Blog" be displayed as on the browser?
Attributes are made up of two parts: ______________ and ____________ separated by equals sign (=)
<body>, </body>
<head>, </head>
<p>, </p>
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<title>, </title>
<h2>, </h2>
<body> , <title>
<h1> , <p>
<title> , <head>