ARCH 112

A detailed scene of early human ancestors interacting in a prehistoric landscape, with tools and artifacts visible, showcasing evolution and anthropology themes.

Exploring Human Evolution: An Anthropology Quiz

Test your knowledge on the fascinating journey of human evolution and anthropology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering key concepts, important discoveries, and significant figures in the field, this quiz is designed for students, educators, and anyone interested in human origins.

  • 69 challenging questions
  • Multiple choice and drop list formats
  • Engaging for all levels of learners
69 Questions17 MinutesCreated by CuriousBison57
The first (oldest) member of the genus Homo is
Homo florensiensis can be accurately described as:
A diminutive Homo erectus
A diminutive Homo habilis
A large-brained chimpanzee
A diseased Homo sapiens
Anthropology is the study of:
Primitive people
Ancient people
Pre-Biblical times
The subfield within the discipline of anthropology that focuses on living groups of human beings is called:
Tools of the Oldowan industry may have been made by
Homo habilis
Homo erectus
All of the above
None of the above
The Three-Age system divided prehistory into
The Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic.
The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages.
The Ancient, Historic, and Modern Eras.
The early stone age, the later stone age, and the age of metals.
The Sumerian, the Egyptian, and the Greco-Roman Ages
The first Homo erectus fossils found on the island of Java were found by ________
Mary Leakey
Raymond Dart
Louis Leakey
Donald Johanson
Eugene Dubois
Proponents of the __________ model postulate that bipedalism arose so as to allow our ancestors to more successfully compete against animals that were bigger, stronger, and faster than our ancestors.
Upright scavenger
Efficient walker
Upright provider
Endurance runner
The purpose of an archaeological survey is to
Find artifacts and features
Discover and document the physical remains of human activity
Plot a grid over a site so as to control for horizontal space
The act of manufacturing or making of stone tools is
Irrelevant to what archaeologists call an industry
A typical component of any lithic analysis
Generally referred to as flint knapping
Something that is of little importance in the study of our ancestors
All members of the human lineage after it split with the chimpanzee lineage are included within
At the time of its discovery by Eugene Dubois in 1892, Pithecanthropus erectus was seen as the missing link. Now, however, as more data have accumulated, these fossils are seen as evidence for
The spread of Oldwan industry tools to Southeast Asia.
The early arrival of members of the genus Homo in what is now Java, Indonesia
The use of fire by Homo erectus.
All of the above
None of the above
The teeth and musculature of Paranthropus robustus suggest a diet of:
Meat and soft vegetal foods like leaves and fruits
Seeds, nuts, and other hard foods
Early hominins, including Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Kenyanthropus, are found
Throughout the Old World.
On all continents except Australia.
Just in Eurasia.
Only in Africa.
Around the Mediterranean Basin.
_____________ Homo erectus practiced controlled use of fire. (Fill in the blank with one of the following)
It is proven beyond reasonable doubt that
Only from Eurasian sites dating to about 500,000 years ago is there clear evidence that
Evidence suggests that between about 770,000 and 1,000,000 years ago
There is absolutely no indication whatsoever that
True or false. Evidence has been found that clearly indicates Neanderthals sometimes included offerings in their burials.
One of the key differences between artifacts and features is that artifacts are ________ while features are not.
Monkeys and apes are all quadrupeds. In addition to their feet, however, monkeys usually walk on this part of their hand, __________; while apes usually use their ________.
When excavating an archaeological site, archaeologists often maintain horizontal control of space by use of a ____________, and vertical control by using a ___________.
According to most paleoanthropologists, Homo erectus descended from ___________, but according to Lee Berger and his colleagues, they descended from Australopithecus _________.
In 1795 James Hutton proposed the concept of __________ which suggests that the same processes of erosion and weathering that we see operating on the earth today, operated in the past to produce the world we see around us.
Before we came to understand that stone artifacts are tools left behind by our ancestors, various sources for their production or manufacture were given, one of which was __________
What does the latin phrase "in situ" mean?
To sit somewhere
In ones self
In place
A leader
Which of these is NOT a way that sites are preserved
By desert winds and sand
Volcanic eruption
Coverage by animal hide
River and lake deposits
Which of these is NOT a way that sites are discovered
Erosion by heat waves
Erosion by waves
Animals bringing artifacts to surface
Wind blowing sediment away
Which of these is NOT a way that sites are surveyed
Digging test pits
Scanning aerial photos
Chemical analysis of soil
Underground radial imaging
Which of these is NOT a way that sites are read(note: more than 1 answer)
GPS( Global Positioning System)
GIS( Global Information System)
GDS( Global Detection System)
GAS(lots of Taco Bell)
What does "datum" refer to?
"Dat um ass thicc"
A bone found in early hominids that is no longer present in modern humans
A point of reference measuring for depth
A tool used by early hominids
What are coprolites?
Fossilized body waste
Fossilized plant matter
Fossilized animal matter
Fossilized cops
What are ecofacts ?
Human waste left that can be analyzed to determine the ecosystem at the time
Any objects, substances or natural material such as plants, animals or sedimentsrecovered from archaeological sites that results from or reflect human activity
Facts about the ecosystem
Environmental factors that change the theories about human migration
What is dendrochronology?
The study teeth to determine age
The study of soil to determine earth age
The study of tree rings to determine age
The study of artifacts to determine age
Difference between species and genus?
Species is a group of genus
Genus is a group of species
With the presence of more _____ than _______ there was more grasslands
35P; 36P
13C; 14C
15O; 16O
14N; 12N
What was the earliest hominin found, what is their "nickname" and where was it found?
Australopithecus afarensis; Lucy; Ethiopia
Kenyanthropus platyops; Ted; Kenya
Ardipithecus ramidus: Ardi; Ethiopia
Sahelanthropus tchadensis; Toumai; Chad
Orrorin tugenensis; Tugeye; Tunisia
In which period did evidence of tool use begin? What was the tools referred to as?
Oldowan; Chopper & flake
Jurassic: spear & arrow
Pliocene: Hammer & cleaver
Miocene: Digger & flint
Which is NOT a theory on why bipedalism began
Upright Provider
Upright Scavenger
Efficient Walker
Endurance Runner
Emerging Hunter
Who are the closest primate/ape relatives to humans
What was the nickname of Homo Habilis?
Hungry man
Hunter man
Handy man
Running man
Could homo habilis be the ancestor of homo erectus? why/why not?
Yes; but there is some overlap
No; because there is some overlap
Yes; because there is definitive proof
No; the is another ancestor
Did H. Habilis and H. Erectus live on earth at the same time?
Which species of homo did Turkana boy belong to? Why is he so important?
H. habilis; most complete skeleton found
H. erectus; most complete skeleton found
H. habilis; only male specimen ever found
H. erectus; only male specimen ever found
Why is the site of Dmansi so important?
Many h. Habilis specimens were found there
Many h. Erectus specimens were found there
Many Australopithecus afarensis specimens were found there
Many Australopithecus africanus specimens were found there
What do sites on Java island show?
Hominin dispersal into North America
Hominin dispersal into Australia
Hominin dispersal into Asia
Hominin dispersal into South America
True or False. By modern standards of archaeology, a legitimate reason for excavating an archaeological site is to obtain artifacts
In which basin were hominin sites found in China
From which primate did humans like inherit human pubic lice from
How did humans likely obtain pubic lice?
From interbreeding with primates
From sharing the nests of primates
From having unprotected sex
From the migration of lice from head to pubic area
Which hominin was Lucy?
Ardipithecus ramidus
Homo habilis
Australopithecus afarensis
Homo erectus
What do Middle Paleolithic and Mousterian mean?
Time period; type of tool assemblage
Time period; type of shelter assemblage
Time period; type of hominin
Time period; type of hunting style
H. Erectus is often associated with which type of tool?
With the evidence of the hyoid mentioned in class was H. Erectus able to speak?
What is the difference between Acheulian and Oldowan tool?
Oldawan more elaborate showed H. Erectus smarter than H. habilis
Oldawan more elaborate showed H. Habilis smarter than H. erectus
Acheulian more elaborate showed H. Erectus smarter than H. habilis
Acheulian more elaborate showed H. Habilis smarter than H. erectus
Based on what was mentioned in class had H. Erectus social groups developed enough to have base camps?
What method was used to produce desired flakes?
Wingardium leviosa
When did bipedalism likely begin?
Bipedalism at > 6 mya
Bipedalism at < 6 mya
Bipedalism at > 3 mya
Bipedalism at > 2 mya
When did Ardipithecus ramidus live?
2.4-2.5 mya
7.4-7.5 mya
4.4-4.5 mya
5.4-5.5 mya
When did Australopithecus afarensis live?
6.9-5.9 mya
3.9-2.9 mya
2.9-1.9 mya
5.9-4.9 mya
Who are the best known specimens of A. afarensis?
Lucy, Turkana Boy, Ardi
Lucy, Nigel, Dmansi
Lucy, Fat Man, Little Boy
Lucy, Salem, Big Boy
When did H. Habilis live?
3.8-2.5 mya
4.8-3.5 mya
5.8-4.5 mya
2.8-1.5 mya
When did H. Erectus live?
2.8-1.8 mya
1.8-400000 ya
400000-200000 ya
3.8-2.8 mya
Which hominin specimen were found in Dmanisi?
H. erectus
H. habilis
A. ramidus
A. afarensis
Where were Zhoukaudian specimens found
East Africa
East Asia
What does patrilocality refer to?
Males moving into different groups to take a partner
Females moving into different groups to take a partner
Interbreeding within groups
The patriots winning the World Series(jk idk sports)
How does potassium argon dating work? When doe sit work best?
Taking samples on the object and dating them directly; when things are older than 100000 years
Calculating the ration of potassium vs. Argon in a sample to determine date; when things are younger than 100000
Dating the environment around the sample; when things are older than 100000 year
Determining how much pottasium argon is in a specimen which correlates to a time period; when things are younger than 100000
What is the single most used dating method? When does it work best?
Pottasium Argon dating; younger than 100000
Argon dating; younger than 10000
Radio carbon dating; younger than 50000
Taking them out to a nice restaurant; when you're attractive and rich
What does Phylogeny refer to?
The evolutionary history of a species based on fossils and genetics
The study of humonin migration throughout the world
The evolutionary history of social groups and the interbreeding of hominins
The study of hominin genetics through paternal DNA analysis
When did hominins evolve?
Which epoch are we currently in?
Who's the best person in the world?
Angela Asare
Not this option
Definitely not this option
Should be obvious here guys
{"name":"ARCH 112", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the fascinating journey of human evolution and anthropology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering key concepts, important discoveries, and significant figures in the field, this quiz is designed for students, educators, and anyone interested in human origins.69 challenging questionsMultiple choice and drop list formatsEngaging for all levels of learners","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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