Yo this is test

Pick one
Ice cream
Bitter chocolate
Just ice
Vanilla cake
White choccy
Eyy hoped u picked bitter choccy. anyway!! more. Salty or sweet snaccs
I am running out of things to ask.
Ha ha stupid
Aww man :(
Lets sayyyyy a child is crying on the bus. What you do?
I am the reason its crying.
Try to calm it down
Leave the bus. Id rather walk
Youre at a hotel on vacation
Mess the room up on purpose. Fuck the staff
Leave the room cleaner then how you found it
Imagine being able to afford a vacation
Someone is annoying you
Blackmail them into doing your bidding!!
Come up with an excuse to leave
Make their death look like an accident
Curse them and their family
Yell at them and if that doesnt work just kill them on the spot
{"name":"Yo this is test", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"pick one, eyy hoped u picked bitter choccy. anyway!! more. salty or sweet snaccs, i am running out of things to ask.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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