Year 12 STMC Momemto Survery

This memento will be designed as an interactive video to help graduated student recall the events that occurred in their year 12 lives as well as to present them in a option based journey. Would you like a tutorial to be provided for this video journey?
Yes, presented in text format
Yes, presented in video format (plays through by itself)
Yes, presented in an interactive format (picking options with video format)
Do you have these disabilities (Please select all that apply)
Complete Blindness
Colour Blindness
Partial Blindness (glasses)
Complete Deafness
Partial Deafness
Any physical disability disabling you from using your hands
What events from Year 12 would you like to be in this video journey? (Please select all desired events)
Athletics Carnical
Swimming Carnival
Silver Slipper
Battle of the Junnebei's
Year 12 Retreat
Year 12 Formal
Music Events (e.g Christmas in July)
Each play through of this video journey will likely be different, meaning that certain outcomes can only be achieved by undergoing certain paths. How long do you want one play-through of the video journey to be?
5 minutes or less
10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes or more
Please tick all electronic devices which you'd be able to use for this video journey after graduation
Android Smartphone
Apple Smartphone
How frequently will you likely use this video journey?
Daily Basis
Weekly Basis
Fortnightly Basis
Annual Basis
How often would you like to see animations and other visual content?
Barely any, minor visual changes and few transition animations
Part of the video transitions with some visual displays for presentation
Animations and visual displays are part of the interface
What level of interactivity would you want in this video journey?
Minimal interactivity (Few options for users to make choices and with little controllable options)
Medium interactivity
Highly interactive (Mini-games, drag and drop options)
Would you like a contact form for contacting the developer?
What features would like to see in this interactive video? (Select all desirables)
Mini Games
Videos from events
{"name":"Year 12 STMC Momemto Survery", "url":"","txt":"This memento will be designed as an interactive video to help graduated student recall the events that occurred in their year 12 lives as well as to present them in a option based journey. Would you like a tutorial to be provided for this video journey?, Do you have these disabilities (Please select all that apply), What events from Year 12 would you like to be in this video journey? (Please select all desired events)","img":""}
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