Health Study Quiz
{"name":"Health Study Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases. This is the shortest unit you guys will have and will be prepping with one of the more little bit more uncomfortable units which is Sexuality, which is where we will be talking about gender identity, sex itself, genitalia but I will certainly have fun with my classes on this one (Probably will write a book on the best classes with this unit when I'm living on a retirement fund and have won the lottery living in Hawai'i with my daughters going to school and my 3 dogs). But while this will be very uncomfortable I hope that EVERYONE STAYS AS MATURE AS POSSIBLE! While it'll be hard and it's understandable I set up a new system called the Laugh System. If you laugh more then 3 times you're out (Personally using this system because I love Softball & Baseball, 3 strikes you're OUT!) This will be a practice quiz if you score 80% and Higher you can tell your parents that I told you can sit back and relax because this will show me you are prepped for this test. I highly encourage you to take this with a classmate instead of a parent since I know a few students who parents are in the medical field or have had experience in the medical field whether it be military or part-time, I guarantee you 99.98% (Leaving the .01% just in the chance of that rare case) that they have learned this stuff and definitely will know how this stuff works. Your test tomorrow will only be in Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases. Good luck tomorrow. The test will consist of 25 questions and this practice test will NOT BE FOR EXTRA CREDIT.DID YOU KNOW: That this practice quiz is literally 99% of the stuff that will be on your test and are from your notes. The extra 1% is from the extra jibber jabber I made you do to my hilarity and to spread out time more, so thank you for being entertaining my classes without knowing it :)HEADS UP ON HOME ACCESS CENTER: For those of you this missed announcements today due to your Eastland Field Trip. Home Access Center will close TONIGHT AT 5:30 PM IN PREPARATION FOR THOSE THAT ARE PARTAKING IN THE OFFICIAL ACT ASSESSMENT! DUE TO OVER 800 SENIORS, 150 JUNIORS AND 80 SOPHOMORES TAKING IT! THEY WILL HAVE IT CLOSED JUST IN THE CASE OF ACT SCORES NOT GOING TO NON-TEST TAKERS TRANSCRIPTS! IT WILL BE BACK UP APPROXIMATELY ANYWHERE FROM MONDAY 9 PM to TUESDAY 7:30 AM! GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WHO WILL BE TAKING IT TOMORROW THAT IS IN MY CLASS! BEST OF LUCK, THIS IS YOUR COLLEGE CAREER ON THE LINE!!!, What is a warning for a heart attack?, What is it call when you compress someone's chest and connect each-others lips (or kissing for people being immature) to give them oxygen prior to cardiac arrest?","img":""}