Lab Dental Reseach 2

Create an illustration of a dental laboratory setting, with researchers working on experiments, surrounded by dental research materials and equipment, conveying a sense of scientific inquiry and collaboration.

Lab Dental Research Quiz

Test your knowledge in the field of dental research with this comprehensive quiz designed for both students and professionals. With 35 thought-provoking questions, this quiz covers various essential concepts and practices in research methodology.

Key features of the quiz include:

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Focus on original research and methodologies
  • Applicable for dental and general research fields
35 Questions9 MinutesCreated by ExploringWisdom42
51. An original research article cannot be published if :
 The research results are not novel
σ� The research results are not reported
σ� The research results are negative
σ� All are corrects
52. Research is:
σ� Searching again and again
σ� Finding solution to any problem
σ� Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
σ� None of the above
53. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?:
σ� Searching sources of information to locate problem.
σ� Survey of related literature
σ� Identification of problem
σ� Searching for solutions to the problem
54. Action research means:
σ� A longitudinal research
σ� An applied research
 A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
σ� A research with socioeconomic objective
55. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?:
σ� Socio-economic Status
 Marital Status
σ� Numerical Aptitude
 Professional Attitude
56. The essential qualities of a researcher are:
 Spirit of free enquiry
 Reliance on observation and evidence
σ� Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
σ� ) All the above
57. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on:
σ� Primary Data only
σ� Secondary Data only
σ� Primary and Secondary Data
σ� None of the above
58. Reading centre’s, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are forms of …:
σ� Extension service
 Service of a public library
σ� Extension service and Service of a public library
σ� None
59. Informal self education is possible in what kind of library?:
σ� National Library
σ� Public Library
σ� College Library
σ� Specific Library
60. What is the collection of terms or records in MARC called?:
 System
σ� Network
σ� Website
σ� Database
61. Conference proceedings are considered as..................documents.:
σ� Conventional
σ� Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary
62. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is.........:
σ� Bibliography
σ� Directory
σ� Encyclopedia
σ� Dictionary
63. Questionnaire is a :
σ� Research method
 Measurement technique
σ� Tool for data collection
 Data analysis technique
64. A periodical evaluation of an employee is done through.........:
σ� Job rotation
σ� Performance appraisal
σ� Refresher course
σ� Work guide
65. Controlled Group is a term used in...........:
σ� Survey research
σ� Historical research
σ� Experimental research
σ� Descriptive research
66. Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation”?:
 Pie Chart
σ� Bar Chart
σ� Table
σ� Histogram
68. A set of rules that govern overall data communications system is popularly known as...............:
σ� Protocol
σ� Pact
σ� Memorandum
 Agreement
69. Staffing is concerned with providing and maintaining................resources.:
 Physical
 Financial
σ� Human
σ� Technical
70. Which of the following is not true about e journals?:
 They are distributed through digital methods
σ� They also have editors or editorial boards
σ� They are publications of serial nature
σ� They are always free of cost
71. Whether Library is a system?:
σ� Yes, it has various sections as sub-systems coordinating each other forming a system
σ� No, it cannot be a system
σ� It is quite impossible
σ� Library is separate from a system.
72. Which of the following do we recommend as ways to build your general knowledge of a topic area?
σ� Read a good recent textbook chapter.
σ� Find and use a reader on the topic in question 
Read a good recent textbook chapter and Find and use a reader on the topic in question.
σ� Look for the most recent ‘in press’ publication before reading any other material.
73. Which of the following are relevant databases for most psychology dissertation topics?
σ� PsycINFO
 Web Of Science
σ� PsycINFO and Web Of Science
74. Which of the following is the sequence in which you should use a database?
 Limit dates of papers; print out full text papers; read abstracts; enter search terms
 No answer
σ� Print out papers; read abstracts; limit dates; think of search terms
σ� Think of search terms; enter terms into database; limit dates of papers; read abstracts; print out full text papers
75. Which of the following are top tips we offer to help you improve your use of the literature?
σ� Keep a research notebook
σ� Sort your references in a spreadsheet 
Apply Fisher’s notation to the arguments you encounte
R  All are corrects
76. Which of these describes our advice on using internet search engines?
σ� Engines such as Yahoo and Google are much more efficient and effective than databases such as PsycINFO
σ� Web addresses ending in, or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources
σ� Wiki entries are more up to date and accurate than journal articles
σ� All are corrects
77. Which of the following are ways in which we suggest you might maximize your marks?
 Using the internet to find key researchers
 All are corrects
σ� Review notes you made on editorial and overview papers and chapters. 
Be as critically evaluative of your own study as you were of other people’s
78. To be original a study must be:
σ� Radically different from previous research
σ� Conducted with a sample that has never been studied before
σ� Addressing a gap in the existing research literature
σ� All are corrects
79. Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your institution?:
σ� Whether an abstract should be included
 The format for referencing
 The word limit
σ� All are corrects
80. The role of a project supervisor is to:
σ� Make sure you keep to your schedule and deadlines
σ� Provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback
σ� Give you a reading list
σ� Negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf
81. You can manage your time and resources best, by:
σ� Working out a timetable
σ� Finding out what resources are readily available to you
σ� Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
σ� All are corrects
82. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
σ� If they guide your literature search
σ� If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
σ� If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
 All are corrects
83. Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?
σ� It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit
σ� Your sample frame and sampling strategy
σ� The ethical issues that might arise  Negotiating access to the setting
σ� All are corrects
84. Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?
σ� To give you something to do in the early stages of your research when nothing is happening
σ� Because funding councils generally demand to see written evidence that you were working every day during the period of the research
 To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the research process
σ� It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit
85. What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?
 Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
σ� Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
 Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee
 All are corrects
67. The transmission of receiver’s reaction back to the sender is known as.............:
σ� Noise
σ� Feedback
 Medium
σ� Source
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