(30 min/30 Qs) Anatomy Neck Exam (Module 1)

Anatomy Neck Exam: Test Your Knowledge!
Welcome to the Anatomy Neck Exam! This quiz consists of 31 carefully crafted questions designed for anatomy enthusiasts, medical students, and professionals. Challenge your understanding of the neck's anatomy and related structures, and see how well you can identify key nerves, muscles, and fun
Topics covered include:
- Thyroid surgery implications
- Neck nerve injuries
- Voice and swallowing difficulties
- Cervical plexus anatomy
- Muscle fun
ctions in neck movement
A 38-year-old man has had thyroid surgery to remove his papillary carcinoma. The external laryngeal nerve that accompanies the superior thyroid artery is damaged during the surgery. This injury could result in a severe impairment of function of which of the following?
Relaxing the vocal cords
Rotating the arytenoid cartilages
Tensing the vocal cords
Widening the rima glottidis
Abducting the vocal cords
A 27-year-old woman with a goiter comes to the hospital for surgical treatment. The surgeon must ligate the superior laryngeal artery before surgically resecting the goiter, so care must be taken to avoid injury to which of the following nerves?
External laryngeal nerve
Internal laryngeal nerve
Superior laryngeal nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
Vagus nerve
A 17-year-old boy receives an injury to the phrenic nerve by a knife wound in the neck. The damaged nerve passes by which of the following structures in the neck?
Anterior to the subclavian vein
Posterior to the subclavian artery
Medial to the common carotid artery
Superficial to the anterior scalene muscle
Deep to the brachial plexus
A 26-year-old singer visits her Physician Assistant and complains of changes in her voice. A laryngoscopic examination demon strates a lesion of the superior laryngeal nerve, causing weakness of which of the following muscles?
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Middle pharyngeal constrictor
Superior pharyngeal constrictor
A young singer at the local music theater visits her physician and complains of vocal difficulties. On examination, she is unable to abduct the vocal cords during quiet breathing. Which of the following muscles is most likely paralyzed?
Vocalis muscle
Cricothyroid muscle
Oblique arytenoid muscle
Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
Thyroarytenoid muscle
71-year-old woman often visits an emergency department with swallowing difficulties and subsequent choking while eating food. Which of the following pairs of muscles is most instrumental in preventing food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing?
Sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles
Oblique arytenoid and aryepiglottic muscles
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor and thy rohyoid muscles
Levator veli palatini and tensor veli pal atini muscles
Musculus uvulae and geniohyoid muscles
A 43-year-old man has new onset of difficulty with speaking. Examination by the ENT resident reveals problems in elevating the hyoid bone and fl oor of the mouth, sec ondary to paralysis of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. Which of the following nerves is most likely involved?
Accessory nerve
Trigeminal nerve
Ansa cervicalis
Facial nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
A 37-year-old man feels a little discom fort when moving his tongue, pharynx, and larynx. Physical examination indicates that the muscles attached to the styloid process are paralyzed. Which of the following groups of cranial nerves are damaged?
Facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal nerves
Hypoglossal, vagus, and facial nerves
Glossopharyngeal, trigeminal, and vagus nerves
Vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves
Facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves
A 32-year-old woman has hoarseness in her voice, and her uvula is deviated to the left on phonation. Which of the following nerves is damaged?
Right trigeminal nerve
Left trigeminal nerve
Right vagus nerve
Left vagus nerve
Left glossopharyngeal nerve
A high school basketball player experiences a sudden difficulty in breathing and is brought to an emergency department. When a low tracheotomy is performed below the isthmus of the thyroid, which of the follow ing vessels may be encountered?
Nferior thyroid artery
Inferior thyroid vein
Costocervical trunk
Superior thyroid artery
Right brachiocephalic vein
A 59-year-old man complains of numbness in the anterior cervical triangle. Therefore, damage has occurred to which of the following nerves?
Phrenic nerve
Greater auricular nerve
Transverse cervical nerve
Supraclavicular nerve
Lesser occipital nerve
A 76-year-old man with swallowing difficulties undergoes imaging for a possible mass. The CT scan image at the level of the cricothyroid ligament in his neck should show which of the following structures?
Inferior laryngeal nerves
External carotid arteries
Inferior thyroid veins
Thyrocervical trunks
Internal laryngeal nerves
During surgery for a malignant parotid tumor in a 69-year-old woman, the main trunk of the facial nerve is lacerated. Which of the following muscles is paralyzed?
Masseter muscle
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Anterior belly of the digastric muscle
Buccinator muscle
Tensor tympani
An angiogram of a 45-year-old man shows an occlusion of the costocervical trunk. This obstruction could produce a marked decrease in the blood flow in which of the following arteries?
Superior thoracic artery
Transverse cervical artery
Ascending cervical artery
Deep cervical artery
Inferior thyroid artery
A 64-year-old woman is unable to open her mouth or jaw because of tetanus resulting from a penetrating wound from a rusty nail. Which of the following muscles would most likely be paralyzed?
Masseter muscle
Medial pterygoid muscle
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Buccinator muscle
Temporalis muscle
A 59-year-old stroke patient is unable to swallow because of a nerve injury. Which of the following nerves is unaffected?
Hypoglossal nerve
Spinal accessory nerve
Vagus nerve
Facial nerve
Trigeminal nerve
The branch from the hypoglossal nerve that supplies thyrohyoid muscle is actually derived from
Which one of the following branches from the cervical plexus is mixed (motor and sensory)?
Greater Auricular
Lesser Occipital
Transverse Cervical
A PA is performing a minor surgery on the lateral part of the neck of a 38 year old patient. He will find out that the roots of cervical plexus pass anterior to which muscle?
Scalenus Medius
Scalenus Anterior
Scalenus Posterior
Semispinalis capitis.
While dissecting a cadaver in the lab, the PA student will find out that the posterior triangle is divided into two triangles by the which muscle?
Moving the head so that the face looks upwards and to the left is a movement produced by the:
Left trapezius only
Right geniohyoid only
Right sternocleidomastoid
Posterior belly of digastric
While performing a surgery on a 20 year old paralyzed patient, the surgeon finds significant amount of pus in Superior Mediastnum. Which space of the neck, did the pus originate in?
Which one of the following ligaments is a thickened part of investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
Ligamentum Flaveum
After getting knocked out of his gaming league, a 22 year old boy shows frustration which anatomically is described by depressing the mandible and lower lip and tensing the skin of the anterior neck. Which nerve helps him show that emotion?
Transverse Cervical
The hyoid bone is connected to the scapula through which muscle:
The inferior root of ansa cervicalis spirals around the:
Subclavian Artery
Internal Jugular Vein
External Jugular vein
Internal Carotid Artery
External Carotid Artery
A Physician Assistant palpates the thyroid gland of a 22 year old female who comes in with neck pain. The thyroid gland moves with swallowing because it is tight by the which layer of deep cervical fascia:
A 55 year old man with chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis shows significant erosion of Atlas on an x-ray of the neck, The Atlas is atypical cervical vertebra because
Lack of body or spinous process
Presence of longest spine
Presence of the odontoid process
Absence of foramen transversarium.
Presence of lateral mass on each side
What is the axis of the Atlantoaxial Joints during their movement?
Odontoid process.
Occipital condyles.
Lateral mass of C1.
Lateral mass of C2.
Anterior arch of C1.
A newborn with her neck tilted towards one side and shortening of a specific muscle. This muscle is completely covered by
Carotid sheath.
Investing layer.
Superficial fascia.
Pretracheal fascia.
Prevertebral fascia.
A 35 year old patient keeps getting foriegn particles in his larynx for the past two days which makes him cough abruptly and violently. Which nerve might have been damaged in this patient?
Superior Laryngeal Nerve
Inferior Laryngeal Nerve
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Phrenic Nerve
Ansa Cervicalis
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