PhysWell Final

Fitness gains diminish in about half the time it takes to acquire them.
Substituting a healthy behavior for an unhealthy behavior is known as what?
How many minutes of moderate physical activity should an adult perform each week to maintain health?
75 minutes
60 minutes
150 minutes
200 minutes
Wellness is defined as
The absence of disease
The highest level of fitness
The optimal soundness of body and mind
The ability to exercise without excessive strain
Healthy life expectancy is calculated by
Subtracting years of disability or illness from overall life expectancy
Comparing life expectancies over the past decade
Subtracting overall life expectancy from years of disability or illness
Examining causes of death over the past decade
What percentage of adults in the US participates in regular leisure-time physical activity?
When planning your fitness program, which of the following is the best question to ask yourself?
How many calories do I want to burn?
What motivates me?
What activity is most popular with my friends?
Which exercise will help me lose weight the fastest?
Adaption is defined as
The ability of muscles to exert force
Subjecting a muscle to more activity than it is used to
A change in the body as a result of overload
The ability to perform motor tasks smoothly
The first step in making a behavior change is
Collecting data on the behavior
Acknowledging that a problem exists
Beginning to work on the change
Tracking the behavior in a journal
When performing range-of-motion exercises, your movements should be _____ and _____.
Fast; purposeful
Forceful; repetitive
Relaxed; controlled
Slow; powerful
The FITT formula is used to
Design a safe and effective exercise program
Determine how much water to consume during exercise
Estimate energy expenditure
Estimate body composition
ACSM recommends that adults perform at least _____ minutes of moderate activity per week.
The "m" in the "SMART" system for setting goals stands for which of the following?
The stage of the transtheoretical method in which a person does not acknowledge a need to change a behavior is
Bettina has been exercising for a few weeks and is becoming adjusted to her current intensity level. To improve further, she must
Increase her overload training
Begin to train using a different mode of activity
Target skills that will improve her sports performance
Readjust her expectations because she has reached her plateau
The ability of your muscles to contract repeatedly over time is known as
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Reaction time
The ability to change body position with speed and accuracy is
Hypokinetic diseases are defined as
Diseases caused by poor diet
Diseases caused by inactivity
Diseases caused by exposure to environmental toxins
Diseases caused by factors outside an individual's control
Stationary cycling at a moderate level would be equivalent to approximately _____ METS.
To progress safely and improve fitness, it is recommended that you
Increase overload frequency by no more than 20% each time you make changes in your program
Increase overload frequency and intensity by 20% each time you make changes in your program
Increase overload intensity and duration by 10% each time you make changes in your program
Increase overload frequency, intensity, or duration by no more than 10% each week
Jim and Steve have been working out together for 3 months. Although they have been doing the same workout, Steve has shown faster improvement. This difference in their responses to exercise illustrates the principle of
Mind over body
If you understand your _____, you can plan activities in a way that makes you more likely to stick with the program.
Cardiovascular system
Body's physiology
Respiratory rate
John is getting ready to do bench presses. After doing some jumping jacks and light rowing activity, he begins to concentrate on range-of-motion exercises for his shoulders. John has moved from the _____ phase to the _____ phase of warm-up.
Gradual; intense
General; specific
Rest; exercise
Basic; core
The overload principle states that to see improvements in physical fitness
You must train every day
You must train at a level that is greater than what your body is accustomed to
You must increase your training level on a weekly basis
You must train with a consistent routine that you are used to
Physical fitness is the ability to
Perform moderate to vigorous physical activity without undue fatigue
Perform motor tasks accurately
Maintain equilibrium while moving
Perform more successfully in agility sports
Which of the following statements is true of spot reduction
Arm toners can achieve spot reduction in the arms
Cellulite creams can achieve spot reduction in the abdominal region
Repeated exercise to one area can achieve spot reduction in that area
Spot reduction is not possible by any means
_____ is the most common form of cardiovascular disease.
Angina pectoris
Coronary heart disease
Hypertrophy is a physiological change resulting from resistance training that involves which of the following?
Increased muscle cross-sectional area
Decreased body fat
Increased tendon strength
Decreased insulin sensitivity
Submaximal tests are typically used to assess fitness because they
Are safer than maximal tests
Require more expertise than maximal tests
Must be performed in a laboratory setting
Are more accurate than maximal tests
SMART goals are
Sensible, meaningful, action-oriented, realistic, and targeted
Specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented
Specific, meaningful, aerobic, rigorous, and targeted
Strategic, measurable, advanced, realistic, and time-oriented
The three metabolic energy systems are
Stored, oxidative, and antioxidative
Immediate, oxidative, and nonoxidative
Nonoxidative, glycolytic, and anaerobic
Immediate, stored, and delayed
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Improves self-esteem
Reduces immune system function
Lowers metabolic rate
Makes it more difficult to control body composition
A subjective assessment of exercise intensity is
Perceived exertion
Maximal heart rate
Maximal oxygen consumption
Stroke volume
Short-term, high-intensity training, such as sprinting, is known as
Interval training
Aerobic training
Anaerobic training
The stable, constant internal environment that our body maintains at rest is known as
Muscular endurance is defined as the ability
To contract a muscle repeatedly over an extended period of time
Of a muscle to contract with maximal force
Of the musculoskeletal system to perform daily activities without undue fatigue
To move the limbs through their full range of motion
People who stop resistance training will see their muscles revert to pertraining strength and size, a condition known as
Pressure applied to the walls of the arteries during the heart's relaxation phase is known as _____ pressure.
Aerobic exercise training has been shown to
Increase plasma
Improve cognitive function
Decrease brain volume
Decrease metabolic rate
Training that alternates exercise modes within a given program is
Interval training
Circuit training
Aerobic training
Muscular strength is often measured by determining the maximum
Weight a person can lift 20 times consecutively
Range of motion achieved during a sit-and-reach test
Number of push-ups that can be completed in 1 minute
Weight a person can lift one time
Which of the following decreases as the result of cardiorespiratory training?
Maximal oxygen consumption
Resting heart rate
Left ventricular volume
Fat use for energy in exercise
Training that involves continuous activity sustained for 20 or more minutes is known as
Interval training
Aerobic training
Anaerobic training
Muscular fitness is defined as the ability
To contract a muscle repeatedly over an extended period of time
Of a muscle to contract with maximal force
Of the musculoskeletal system to perform daily activities without undue fatigue
To move the limbs through their full range of motion
Jim has been jogging for 20 minutes per session and is now ready to increase his program. According to the 10 percent rule, Jim should increase his workout time by no more than
2 minutes
6 minutes
10 minutes
14 minutes
After 8 weeks on a resistance-training program, Nathan notices he can snowboard for a longer period of time before tiring. This is due to improved
Muscular strength
Motor unit recruitment
Muscle cross-sectional area
Muscular endurance
The respiratory system consists of the
Air passageways and lungs
Heart and the blood vessels
Stomach and intestines
The human heart consists of _____ chambers
Which of the following would be considered an example of an aerobic activity
Half-court basketball
A group of obesity-related risk factors associated with heart disease and type 2 diabetes is known as
Sedentary risk
Hereditary chronic disease risk
Metabolic syndrome
Women need _______% essential fat for reproductive system-related fat deposits.
__________ is defined as the relative amounts of lean and fat tissue in the human body.
Body composition
Lean body mass
Body weight
__________ is defined as the body's total amount of fat free tissue.
Body Composition
Lean body mass
Body weight
What would cause a beginning exerciser to experience a weight gain without and accompanied increase in storage fat?
An increase in muscle tissue
An ineffective exercise regimen
An increase in adipose tissue
Not performing enough sit-ups
Your friend Joe would like to know his BMI. He is 6'3" (1.905 m) and his weight is 250 lbs (113.4 kg). What is his BMI (kg/m2)?
Which of the following is a limitation of BMI?
It doesn't differentiate between fat and lean tissue
It is not helpful for individuals with average muscle and bone density
It is impractical to use in assessing large populations for weight classification and disease risk
It requires expensive equipment to use
Skinfold measurements have what range of error in predicting percent body fat?
A poor diet contributes to heart disease, breast cancer, obesity, and...
Low fat-to-lean ratios
Hay fever
Vitamin overdose
A measure of the amount of chemical energy that a food provides is known as...
A calorie
The glycemic index
Dietary reference intake
A good source of complex carbohydrate includes...
Simple carbohydrates primarily provide...
Nutrient-dense calories
Which of these is the best source of soluble fiber?
Dried beans
White bread
The glycemic index is a measure of the rate at which foods...
Release free fatty acids.
Raise blood sugar levels
Trigger the release of glycogen stores from the muscles
Are eliminated from the body
Fats that are solid at room temperature are...
A disease associated with low calcium intake is known as...
Cirrhosis of the liver
Water is used in the body to...
Facilitate transport of substances
Provide energy
Develop and maintain bones
Facilitate the absorption of calcium
Compared to refined foods, whole foods...
Are extensively processed
Have more additives
Have higher amounts of fiber
Have longer shelf lives
Excessive protein should be avoided during a pre-game or pre-workout meal because...
It takes longer to digest
Can lead to decreased urination
Can cause a surge in insulin
Can lead to an accelerated heartbeat
In the past 25 years, obesity rates for adolescents have...
Remained the same
Declined significantly
More than doubled
More than tripled
Successful weight loss can be best accompanied by...
Using supplements
Making small dietary changes over time
Adhering to short-term diets
Decreasing energy expenditure
The relationship between the amount of calories consumed in food and the amount of calories expended through metabolism and physical activity is known as...
Body mass index
Energy balance
Metabolic rate
Metabolic equivalent
On average, what percentage of our daily calories comes from sweets, sodas and fruit drinks, alcoholic beverages, and salty snacks?
Which lifestyle factor is related to weight gain?
Fidgeting at one's desk
Smoking tobacco products
Getting less than 6 hours of sleep
Drinking soda water with meals
What percentage of Americans engage in no exercise, sports, or other physical activity at all during their leisure time?
A prejudice against overweight and obese people is known as...
Body dysmorphic disorder
Metabolic syndrome
Weight cycling
Weight stigma
What term is described by this statement? "When someone views you in a negative way because you have a distinguishing characteristic or a unique trait that is thought to be, or actually is, a disadvantage."
Social inequality
None of these
Decreasing stress related to performance demands involves
Setting priorities
Having high expectations
Pushing yourself harder
Setting unrealistic deadlines
Research has shown that prayer can result in increased
Heart rate
Blood pressure
Breathing rate
Immune response
Both stress and sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain.
Which of the following is a time-management strategy?
Focus on long term goals
Schedule tasks for peak performance
Work on pleasant tasks first
Work on one task at a time rather than consolidating tasks
A set of physical or emotional reactions following a stressful event or circumstance is
A stress response
A stressor
A fight-or-flight response
Although incidence of depression in college students has increased slightly, the incidence of anxiety has actually decreased.
Stepping back to a simpler life is known as
Hygge (pronounced hue-gah) is
An african tradition
The act of creating intimacy with yourself, friends and home
A ritual requiring a lot of effort
Everyday ordinary things
In major depression, studies have shown a significant decrease of omega-3 fatty acids.
Stress from positive events or circumstances is
A stressor
A fight or flight response
In just a few days of getting only 4-5 hours of sleep each night, individuals begin to show signs of:
Heart attack
Bi-polar disorder
_____ are the happiest nation in the world because they make enjoyment a priority and take the time to nourish the soul.
The most important strategy for improving your sleep maintenance is
Taking a late-afternoon nap of no more than 10-20 minutes daily
Setting and keeping a regular sleep-wake schedule
Drinking a small glass of water just before bed
Maintaining a bedroom temperature of at least 68F
Which of the following statements about short sleep is true?
Short sleep is any amount of total nightly sleep below 7 hours
Half of all American adults experience short sleep every night
Short sleep is another name for stage 1 of non-REM sleep
Short sleep is associated with increased longevity
In severe cases, an individual's response to stress may develop into
An autoimmune disorder
Parkinson's disease
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Sleep is as important as food and air.
A good strategy for overcoming insomnia is to:
Sleep in on weekends
Don't eat a meal or snack for at least 2 hours before bedtime
Drink an alcoholic beverage at bedtime to help you relax
Use you bed only for sleeping
A state of stress-induced physical and mental exhaustion is known as
Allostatic load
Which of the following is likely to lead to poor sleep?
Avoiding caffeine in the evening
Doing your workout about an hour before bedtime
Sleeping in a cool, ventilated room
Going to bed at a regular time every night
Homeostasis can be described as
Maintaining the body's normal physiological equilibrium
Remembering a sad event that occurred in your past
A disturbed emotional state caused by an event or circumstance
A viral infection
The stimulant most commonly associated with sleep problems is
Chronic sleep deprivation has a similar effect on the body as:
Drinking too much coffee
Running a mile
Drinking alcohol
Sleep deprivation does not have an effect on the body
According to a national survey of college students, which of the following represents the biggest impediment to academic success?
Infectious disease
Tuition rates
Housing rates
Sarah narrowly avoided a traffic accident and is experiencing rapid heart rate and other symptoms of the fight-or-flight stress response. Based on her physical and emotional state, Sarah is in which stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
Which of the following types of managed-care plans offers the consumer the most options in seeking a provider?
Health maintenance organization (HMO)
Preferred provider organization (PPO)
Point-of-service plans (POS)
Mini-med plan
Coinsurance is:
An arrangement in which an employer hires a third party to deliver administrative services to the employer such as claims processing and billing; the employer bears the risk for claims.
A form of medical cost sharing in a health insurance plan that requires an insured person to pay a fixed dollar amount when a medical service is received. The insurer is responsible for the rest of the reimbursement.
A fixed dollar amount during the benefit period- usually a year- that an insured person pays before the insurer starts to make payments for covered medical services. Plans may have both per individual and family deductibles.
A form of medical cost sharing in a health insurance plan that requires an insured person to pay a stated percentage of medical expenses after the deductible amount, if any, was paid
APR is
An acronym for annual percentage rate
The officially quoted interest rate you pay over a 1 year period
A good starting point for comparison shopping for credit cards
All of the above
None of the above
To obtain high quality health care at an affordable cost, you do not need to be an informed consumer.
The four stages of competence are:
Incompetence and competence
Unconscious incompetent and competent, conscious incompetent and competent
Unconsciously, unknowingly, known and unknown
Don't know you know, know you don't know, don't know you know, and don't know
Flexible spending accounts or arrangements (FSA) are accounts offered and administered by employers that provide a way for employees to set aside, out of their paycheck, pretax dollars to pay for the employee’s share of insurance premiums or medical expenses not covered by the employer’s health plan. The employer may also make contributions to a FSA. Typically, benefits or cash must be used within the given benefit year of the employee loses the money. Flexible spending accounts can also be provided to cover childcare expenses, but those accounts must be established separately from medical FSA’s
A pre-existing condition is a health problem that existed before the day your health insurance became effective.
FICO stands for:
Fair Isaac Corporation
Filipino International Children's Outreach
Fair Isaac Credit Organization
A & C
What is acupuncture an example of?
Conventional medicine
Alternative medicine
Energy therapy
Discretionary spending is
Money used to buy food
Money spent when you have a budget deficit
Purchasing things you like but don't need
As soon as you enter your Dr.'s office, you get tongue-tied. When you try to find the words to describe what's wrong, your Dr. Keeps interrupting. When given advice, your doctor uses such technical language that you can't understand what it means. What do you do?
A. Decide you'd be better off with someone who specializes in alternative therapies and seems less intimidating.
Prepare better for your appointment
Leave the office upset- wanting never to return
Pretend you understand what your doctor is talking about.
What does a credit score evaluate?
The length of a person's credit history
The amount of debt a person has
The number of credit cards a person holds
How likely a person is to default on a loan
One provision of the Affordable Care Act is that young people can stay on a parent's insurance plan until what maximum age?
Which of the following is NOT considered a practitioner of conventional medicine?
Nurse practitioners
Medical doctors
Which of the following is characteristic of managed-care health insurance plans?
The more flexibility you want in selecting a health-care provider, the more the insurance will cost.
There are no out-of-pocket fees associated with them
They offer no flexibility for medical care outside of the plan's approved providers
They don't cover medication
What is NOT an example of preventative care?
Taking cold medication correctly
Eating nutritiously
Scheduling regular physicals
Wearing a seatbelt
Loan Management should be thought of as
Something to ignore
A way to increase your credit report
Taking care of a 'significant other'
Screening tests are
Used to identify a disease when symptoms are present
Used to identify a disease when symptoms are not present
Used to monitor the progress of a disease
Used to analyze certain genes or segments of a chromosome
A type of managed-care plan in which all health care must be managed by a primary care physician is known as a
Health maintenance organization plan (HMO)
Preferred provider organization plan (PPO)
Point-of-service plan (POS)
Mini-med plan
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan:
An indemnity plan where coverage is provided to participants through a network of selected health care providers (such as hospitals and physicians). The enrollees may go outside the network, but would incur larger costs in the form of higher deductibles, higher coinsurance rates, or non discounted charges from the provider.
A health care system that assumes both the financial risks associated with providing comprehensive medical services and the responsibility for health care delivery in a particular geographic area to HMO members, usually in return for a fixed, prepaid fee. Financial risk may be shared with the providers participating in the HMO.
A type of medical plan that reimburses the patient and/or provider as expenses are incurred.
A more restrictive type of preferred provider organization plan under which employees must use providers from the specified network of physicals and hospitals to receive coverage; there is no coverage for care received from a non-network provider except in emergency situations.
A deductible is:
A form of medical cost sharing in a health insurance plan that requires an insured person to pay a stated percentage of medical expenses after the deductible amount, if any, was paid.
A form of medical cost sharing in a health insurance plan that requires an insured person to pay a fixed dollar amount when a medical service is received. The insurer is responsible for the rest of the reimbursement.
A fixed dollar amount during the benefit period-usually a year-that an insured person pays before the insurer starts to make payments for covered medical services. Plans may have both per individual and family deductibles
An arrangement in which an employer hires a third party to deliver administrative services to the employer such as claims processing and billing; the employer bears the risk for claims
For self insured plans, the cost per covered employee, or the amount the firm would expect to reflect the cost of claims paid, administrative costs, and stop-loss premiums.
A premier physician who serves as a group member's primary contact within the health plan.
Agreed upon fees paid for coverage of medical benefits for a defined benefit period
A form of reinsurance for self-insured employers that limits the amount the employers will have to pay for each person's health careor for the total expenses of the employer.
Sandy just turned 65 and his friends tell him he can now participate in a federal public insurance plan for people 65 years of age and over. Which program is this?
Health savings account
Point-of-service plan
All of the following are ways to be a smarter consumer EXCEPT
Research information
Evaluate information critically
Make informed decisions
All of these are ways to be a smarter consumer
Mitchell's employer offers a program, not attached to an insurance plan, which allows employees to save pre-tax dollars to cover certain medical costs. What type of program is this?
Health Savings Account
Flexible Spending Account
{"name":"PhysWell Final", "url":"","txt":"Fitness gains diminish in about half the time it takes to acquire them., Substituting a healthy behavior for an unhealthy behavior is known as what?, How many minutes of moderate physical activity should an adult perform each week to maintain health?","img":""}
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