Do You Really Care about Saving Energy?

On a typical weekend, you spend your time:
Playing video games or watching TV
Partly playing electronics and partly playing outside
Playing outside
When you charge your cellphone:
You keep the charger plugged in just enough time to charge it
Your charger is always plugged in
You keep the charger plugged in more than necessary
When you need something from the refrigerator, you:
Open the door, get all the items at a time and close it
Open and close the door quickly several times
Spend a long time checking what is inside
On the weekends, your family usually goes to places:
By car
By bike/walking
By public transportation
What mostly applies to you?
You always take quick showers
You like to relax or sing for a long time in the shower
You often take a long relaxing bath
When you do group work, you usually:
Share a computer
Get a computer for each member of the group only if necessary
Leave all the computers on even if you are not using them
When you go to the supermarket:
You use plastic bags
You sometimes forget your reusable bags at home
You always take reusable bags
You are working /playing in your room. When you leave, you:
Sometimes remember to turn the lights off
Turn the lights off
Leave the lights on
When you go to work / school:
You go bike or walking
You go by van / public transportation
You go by car
How often do you eat meat?
Two - three times a week
Never / once a week
Every day / almost every day
At home, you use:
Only incandescent light bulbs
Some flourecent and some incandescent light bulbs
Only flourescent light bulbs
On a cold day, at home, you:
Use the fireplace
Wear a jacket / blanket
Leave the heater on
In the summer, you:
Never / rarely use the air conditioner
Only use the air conditioner when you are in the room
You leave the air conditioner on all time
During the meals, you:
Always talk to your family
Sometimes play with phone or I-pad
Always turn the TV on
During the day , you:
Turn all the lights on
Open the curtains and use daylight
Turn the lights on only in the room where you are in
If you need to talk to someone who lives nearby, you mostly:
Cal him / her
Send an e-mail
Talk to him / her personally
When you get home from school / work, you spend most time:
Reading a book and / or playing with toys
Watching TV and playing games
Playing video games or using electronics
When your clothes don´t fit anymore, you
Keep them in a storage
Throw them in the trash
Donate them
When you wash your clothes, you:
Hang up most and use the drier for a few
Hang them up to dry
Use a drier
When you brush your teeth, you:
Only use water when needed
Leave the water running all the time
Brush your teeth in the shower
When you wake up, you:
Turn the bedroom lights on
Turn all the lights on
Open the curtains
{"name":"Do You Really Care about Saving Energy?", "url":"","txt":"On a typical weekend, you spent your time ?, When you charge your cellphone?, When you need something in the refrigeretor, you ?","img":""}
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