AP European History Finals Practice

A detailed collage of iconic European historical events, featuring famous paintings, notable historical figures, and landmarks, with a vintage map background.

AP European History Finals Practice Quiz

Test your knowledge of European history with this comprehensive quiz designed for AP History students. Covering significant events, influential figures, and major movements, this quiz offers a thorough review of essential topics.


  • 77 multiple-choice questions
  • In-depth coverage of key historical events
  • Perfect for exam preparation
77 Questions19 MinutesCreated by EngagingHistorian723
Wanderer Above the Mists was what type of art?
What were the results of 1848 Revolution?
Ended in success
Ended in failure
Ended in slaughter of many Europeans
Ended in peace
Cavour is strong in what policies?
Cavour and Garibaldi agreed on what?
Italy should engage in war
Italy should be dependant
Italy should be independent
Italy should take over countries
Political philosophers Monarich and Edmond Burke agreed on what?
Engage in war
Start a new political system
Disbanding governments
Reforming governments
Who was Bismarck?
Ruled Italy from 1847 to 1878
Ruled France from 1859 to 1886
Ruled Germany from 1862 to 1890
Ruled Ireland from 1850 to 1874
How did Bismarck assert that the questions of the day will be settled?
War and conflict
Peace and understanding
Iron and blood
Hard work and determination
How did Prussia beat Austria in the 7-weeks war?
Hunters of the Alps won at the Battle of Bezzecca
Hunters of the Alps won at the Battle of Custoza
Hunters of the Alps won at the Battle of Gitschin
Hunters of the Alps won at the Battle of Lissa
What provoked Franco-Prussian war?
Germany attacked Prussia to start a war
Germany wanted Prussia nationalism to make a great Prussian empire
Prussia wanted German nationalism to make a great German empire
Prussia attacked Prussia to start a war
Demand of English chartists?
Universal female suffrage
Equal rights for both men and women
Universal male suffrage
Woman get paid equal to men
What is the Crystal Palace?
A blue and clear colored structure
A palace used for political debates
A pure glass structure
A cast-iron and plate-glass structure
What was the new political party in 1900 Britain that represented working people?
Labour Representative Committee
Indian National Congress
Conservative Party
Nationalist Party
How did Darwin explain evolution?
Organisms change from generation to generation
Organisms change depending on illnesses on has had
Organisms change over time
Organisms change quickly
What was the leading industry of the Industrial Revolution?
Steam engine
Cotton mill
Textile mill
Prior to factory system, what helped increase manufacturing goods?
Division of labor
Food labor
What did social Darwinists believe?
Life changes quickly
Life is fair and free
Life is survival of the fittest
Life goes away fast
Who is Claude Monet?
A French impressionist painter
An Irish expressionist painter
A German cubist painter
An English fauvist painter
Who wrote the Interpretation of Dreams?
Franz Deuticke
Joseph Campbell
Wilhelm Stekel
Sigmund Freud
What was Sigmund Freud's most significant contribution?
Theory of corrupt government
Theory of psychological reality
Theory of combat and confrontations
Theory of personal identity
Explain the Impressionist Movement.
The spread of impressionist art
The spread of expressionist art
The spread of fauvist art
The spread of cubist art
What type of art was The Scream?
What is Fauvism?
Art with geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and collage
Art that uses a lot of bright and vibrant colors
Art with vivid expressionistic and non-naturalistic use of color
Art that shows the world from a subjective and distorted perspective
What is the difference between new and old imperialism?
Old had the idea of a democratic government while new had the idea of a republican government
There is no difference
Old had the idea of conquering land while new had the idea had the idea of independent countries
Old had the idea of independent countries while new had the idea had the idea of conquering land
What is the White Man's Burden?
Task that white colonizers believed they had to impose their civilization of black inhabitants of their colonies
Task of white colonizers believing blacks should have there own government
Task of white colonizers wanting a more democratic government
Task of white colonizers needing a new type of government
What were Protectorates?
Territories that get taken over by countries
Territories that take over countries
Independent territories with local autonomy
Dependent territories with local autonomy
What was the result of the Battle of Adwa?
Ends in a tie between both countries
Italy claims victory over Ethiopia
Ends peacefully between both countries
Ethiopia claims victory over Italy
What was the result of the Russian Revolution in 1905?
Ended in a tie between both sides
Collapse of the empire and rise of Marxian socialism
Collapse of Marxian socialism and rise of the empire
Ended in peace between both sides
What was the cause of World War I?
Franz Ferdinand set world domination as his goal
Assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand
Germany declared war on Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary declared war on Germany
What were the underline causes of World War I?
Arms Race
What was the result of the Schlieffen Plan?
Helped in Austria-Hungary's defeat
Helped Germany in World War II
Failed in letting Germany win World War II
Helped Austria-Hungary and others defeat Germany
How did Austria-Hungary respond to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
They declared war on Germany
They assassinated one of Germany's leaders
They gave the Serbian government an ultimatum
They set up soldiers around their borders
What was the Blank Check to Austria-Hungary?
Germany would declare war on Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary would support Germany
Germany would support Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary would declare war on Germany
What was the first major power, globalized army in 1914?
Triple Entente
Allied Powers
Neutral Powers
Central Powers
Why did the German government send the Bolsheviks to Russia from Germany?
To put an end to wars
To cause a revolution
To hopefully make Russia an ally
To gain Russia's trust
How did World War I and World War II transform women's lives?
Women were given roles such as working
Women were given roles such as soldiers
Women were given roles such as nurses
Women were given roles such as staying at home
What were Provisionist Wilson's 14 points?
Points that discusses the aims of Germany in World War I
Points that discusses the aims of the US in World War I
Points that discusses the aims of Austria-Hungary in World War I
Points that discusses the aims of Russia in World War I
What was the Guilt Clause?
Opening article of the reparations of the Treaty of Varkiza
Opening article of the reparations of the Treaty of London
Opening article of the reparations of the Treaty of Versailles
Opening article of the reparations of the Balkan Pact
Characterizations in European art and literature in the 1920s.
Racial pride
How did Bolsheviks differ from Mensheviks?
Different opinions of revolutions and parties
Different opinions on war
Different religions
Different races and beliefs
What was the Dawes Plan of 1924?
Attempt to forgive Germany for both World Wars
Attempt to solve Germany's World War II reparations
Attempt to give Germany no reparations
Attempt to solve Germany's World War I reparations
What is the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Treaty?
Agreement to split Germany into two separate countries
Agreement to outlaw war
Agreement to make Germany pay for reparations
Agreement to help Germany out after World War I
Why did the czar fall in 1917?
Due to World War I
Due to the Russian Revolution
Due to the Cold War
Due to World War II
What's the definition of a Soviet in 1905 and 1917?
Political organizations and governmental bodies in Austria-Hungary
Political organizations and governmental bodies in Germany
Political organizations and governmental bodies in Russia
Political organizations and governmental bodies in Italy
What was the October Manifesto?
Document promising reparations
Document promising improved government
Document promising no more war
Document promising political reforms
What was the cause of the Great Depression?
Stock market crash of 1934
Stock market crash of 1924
Stock market crash of 1929
Stock market crash of 1939
What was the effect of the Great Depression?
Severe unemployment
Lack of money
Government collapsing
More homeless civilians
What kind of artist was Salvador Dali?
What is dadaism?
Art that shows the world from a subjective and distorted perspective
Art with vivid expressionistic and non-naturalistic use of color
Art marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity
Art with geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and collage
What is cubism?
Art that uses a lot of bright and vibrant colors
Art with geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and collage
Art with vivid expressionistic and non-naturalistic use of color
Art that shows the world from a subjective and distorted perspective
What type of art caused a revolt?
What was the result of the purges in the 1930s?
Over 500000 to 2 million people died
Over 600000 to 3 million people died
Over 700000 to 4 million people died
Over 400000 to 5 million people died
What is the abbreviation for Nazi?
Arbeiterparei Nationalsozialistich Deutsche
Nationalsozialistich Arbeiterparei Deutsche
Nationalsozialistich Deutsche Arbeiterparei
Arbeiterparei Deutsche Nationalsozialistich
What was the ideal role for Aryan women?
Nurses and soldiers in war
Working and business
Education of children and housekeeping
Birth and housekeeping
How did Hitler rise to national prominence?
He declared war on Austia-Hungary
He started a revolution
He formed the Nazi party
He joined a political party called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Who was the former leader that Hitler controlled the same amount of land as?
Galeazzo Ciano
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin
Gustav Stresemann
What was the factor and success in the Royal Air Force?
Helped win the Battle of Britain with aerial support
Helped win the Battle of Stalingrad with aerial support
Helped win the Battle of the Bulge with aerial support
Helped win the Battle of Kursk with aerial support
What was Hitler's greatest political and strategic wonder?
Powerful weapons like the tiger tank
Alliancing with Japan
Forming a new type of government
Forming the Nazi part
What did the Big 3 agree upon in Yalta?
Forgive Germany and to form a new bond
Demand Germany's surrender and make plans for a post-war world
Demand Germany to become an ally
Demand reparations from Germany
What was the Truman Doctrine?
Policy to counter Soviet expansion during the Cold War
Policy to extend US expansion during the Cold War
Policy to go to war with the Soviet Union
Policy to achieve peace between US and Soviet Union
What was Truman's main concern?
If it was a good idea to engage in battle with Japan first
If it was a good idea to create the atomic bomb
If it was a good idea to use the atomic bomb on Japan
If it was a good idea to enter World War II
What was the Marshall Plan?
Initiative for the US to economically help Japan after World War II
Initiative for the US to economically help Western Europe after World War II
Initiative for the US to economically help Russia after World War II
Initiative for the US to economically help Eastern Europe after World War II
What was the result of the Marshall Plan?
US paid 14.4 billion dollars to Western Europe
US paid 11.4 billion dollars to Western Europe
US paid 13.4 billion dollars to Western Europe
US paid 12.4 billion dollars to Western Europe
What is the USSR's greatest achievement in the Kruschev years?
Seven Year Plan
Six Year Plan
Five Year Plan
Eight Year Plan
What did the common market in 1957 do?
Helped Europe's debt from World War II
Helped Europe's movement toward an economic and political union
Helped Europe become allies with the US
Helped Europeans understand one another on religion
What was the Arms Race in US and USSR based on?
Supremacy in nuclear warfare
Getting to the moon first
Forming a pact between countries
Why did people say the USSR was ahead of the US in the Arms Race?
Russia had superior weaponry
Russia had more money
Russia had smarter scientists
Russia had more weaponry
What was the most dangerous Western/Soviet confrontation in the Cold War?
Cuban Missile Crisis
War of Attrition
Guatemalan Civil War
Suez Crisis
Why was the Revolution of 1989 not really a revolution?
Both sides didn't want to start it
There was no fighting and ended peacefully
It was an unofficial revolution
Collapse was a function of Mikhail Garbechev's decision to give the Eastern bloc financial insolvency
Definition of Perestroika.
Every facet of a nation would be employed into a war effort
Practice of more open consultative government and wider spread of information
Practice of restructuring the economic and political system
Independent trade union movement in Poland that developed a massive campaign for political change in the 1980s
Definition of Glasnost.
Practice of restructuring the economic and political system
Independent trade union movement in Poland that developed a massive campaign for political change in the 1980s
Practice of more open consultative government and wider spread of information
Every facet of a nation would be employed into a war effort
Definition of Solidarity.
Every facet of a nation would be employed into a war effort
Independent trade union movement in Poland that developed a massive campaign for political change in the 1980s
Practice of restructuring the economic and political system
Practice of more open consultative government and wider spread of information
What was the major goal of the EEC?
Convert religions
Continue to make war
Form a pact with the US
Preserve peace and liberty
What was the Velvet Revolution?
Non-violent transition of power in what was then Slovenia
Non-violent transition of power in what was then Czechoslovakia
Non-violent transition of power in what was then Liechtenstein
Non-violent transition of power in what was then Trentino
What was the Soveit Union in 1991 succeeded by?
Dependent republics
Independent republics
What reforms did Tony Blair and the British Labor Party do?
Finance and wealth
Religion and faith
Reparations and alliances
Education and health
What is the Maastricht Treaty?
Reflected the serious intentions of all countries, signed by 12 nation leaders
Showed off the corrupted governments in countries, signed by 12 nation leaders
Created a friendlier Europe, signed by 12 nation leaders
Made Europe and US allies, signed by 12 nation leaders
Why did Pope John Paul II want to centralize the Catholic Church?
Wanted to make other nations and religions understand each other
Wanted everything to be free for everyone
Wanted other religions to convert to Catholic
Wanted to show off the Catholic religion
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