Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Fri, 18 Feb 22
[2202.08297] Subeen Pang, George Barbastathis: Unified treatment of exact and approximate scalar electromagnetic wave scattering
[2202.08301] Luciano da F. Costa, Eric K. Tokuda: A Similarity Approach to Cities and Features
[2202.08303] Aaron Babier, Rafid Mahmood, Binghao Zhang et al.: OpenKBP-Opt: An international and reproducible evaluation of 76 knowledge-based planning pipelines
[2202.08304] M. Y. Kaygorodov, D. P. Usov, E. Eliav et al.: Ionization potentials and electron affinities of Rg, Cn, Nh, and Fl superheavy elements
[2202.08305] Hugo A. Castillo Sanchez, Mihailo R. Jovanovic, Satish Kumar et al.: Understanding viscoelastic flow instabilities: Oldroyd-B and beyond
[2202.08307] Aishwarya Nair, Amirkhosro Kazemi, Oscar Curet et al.: Porous cylinder arrays for optimal wake and drag characteristics
[2202.08322] Shuai Shuai, Darish Jeswin Dhas, Anubhbab Roy et al.: Instability of a dusty vortex
[2202.08332] Zahida Ehsan, Nazia Batool, Volodymyr M. Lashkin: Coupling of acoustic and drift modes, harmonic modons in astrophysical dusty plasma and a new mode in the Comet Halley
[2202.08342] Ruiying Xu, Xu-Hui Zhou, Jiequn Han et al.: A PDE-free, neural network-based eddy viscosity model coupled with RANS equations
[2202.08467] Kirthy K. Srinivas, Sourabh S. Diwan: Absolute and "upstream" convective instabilities in plane Couette-Poiseuille flow
[2202.08488] Fanzhi Zeng, Wei Zhang, Jinping Li et al.: Adaptive Model Refinement Approach for Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Turbulence Model
[2202.08503] Linjie Liu, Zhilong Xiao, Xiaojie Chen et al.: Early exclusion leads to cyclical cooperation in repeated group interactions
[2202.08528] Cai-Yun Zhao, Yi Zhang, Hui-Li Han et al.: Hyperspherical approach to atom--dimer collision with the Jacobi boundary condition
[2202.08531] L.Bezrukov, A.Gromtseva, I.Karpikov et al.: Potassium abundance in the Earth and Borexino data
[2202.08547] Siba Prasad Acharya, M. S. Janaki: Nonlinear dynamical modelling of high frequency electrostatic drift waves using fluid theoretical approach in magnetized plasma
[2202.08561] Ke Hu, Longqing Yi: Intense high-harmonic optical vortices generated from a micro-plasma-waveguide irradiated by a circularly polarized laser pulse
[2202.08598] Juho Karhu, Tuomas Hieta: Enhancement of photoacoustic spectroscopy with sorption enrichment for ppt-level benzene detection
[2202.08605] A. Chrisment, P. Loiseau, J.-L. Feugeas et al.: Analysis of a kinetic model for electron heat transport in inertial confinement fusion plasmas
[2202.08611] Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Lorenzo Orsini, Minwoo Jung et al.: Multimodal interference and bound in the continuum modes in indirectly-patterned hyperbolic cavities
[2202.08612] Alexander C. Paul, Sarai D. Folkestad, Rolf H. Myhre et al.: Oscillator strengths in the framework of equation of motion multilevel CC3
[2202.08618] Jing Wu, E Zhou, Zhenzhen Qin et al.: Accessing negative Poisson`s ratio of graphene by machine learning interatomic potentials
[2202.08631] Ilham Variansyah, Ryan G. McClarren: Population Control Techniques for Time-Dependent and Eigenvalue Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Calculations
[2202.08637] Dhruv Balwada, Jin-Han Xie, Raffaele Marino et al.: Direct observational evidence of an oceanic dual kinetic energy cascade and its seasonality
[2202.08643] S. A. R. Horsley: Tutorial: Topology, waves, and the refractive index
[2202.08665] S. Hossein S. Yaghoubi, Samira Ebrahimi, Masoomeh Dashtdar: Structured illumination in Fresnel biprism-based digital holographic microscopy
[2202.08668] Y. Litman, E. S. PΓ³s, C. L. Box et al.: Dissipative Tunneling Rates through the Incorporation of First-Principles Electronic Friction in Instanton Rate Theory I: Theory
[2202.08681] Y. Litman, E. S. PΓ³s, C. L. Box et al.: Dissipative Tunneling Rates through the Incorporation of First-Principles Electronic Friction in Instanton Rate Theory II: Benchmarks and Applications
[2202.08709] Alberto Baiardi, MichaΕ‚ Lesiuk, Markus Reiher: Explicitly correlated electronic structure calculations with transcorrelated matrix product operators
[2202.08741] Gleb Penyazkov, Leonid V. Skripnikov, Alexander V. Oleynichenko et al.: Effect of the neutron quadrupole distribution in the TaO$^+$ cation
[2202.08746] M. Bonesini, R. Bertoni, R. Benocci et al.: Detection of low-energy X-rays with 1/2 and 1 inch LaBr3:Ce crystals read by SIPM arrays
[2202.08769] Hartmut Lemmel, Michael Jentschel, Hartmut Abele et al.: Neutron interference from a split-crystal interferometer
[2202.08773] Tejas Narasegowda, Navneet Kumar: Experimental observations on interaction between a root and droplets in relation to aeroponic agriculture
[2202.08784] Aditya Varma, Binod Sreenivasan: The role of slow magnetostrophic waves in the formation of the axial dipole in planetary dynamos
[2202.08798] Thomas R. Shaw, Frank J. Fazekas, Sumin Kim et al.: A lateral resolution metric for static single molecule localization microscopy images from time-resolved pair correlation functions
[2202.08804] Fabian Jirasek, Robert Bamler, Stephan Mandt: Hybridizing Physical and Data-driven Prediction Methods for Physicochemical Properties
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