Which Irven Are You?

You get thirsty mid-day. What do you opt to drink?
Coffee. It's too early for this.
Some water. Hydration is important.
Whiskey. It's Happy Hour somewhere.
An energy drink. It tastes good, and has caffeine.
Milk. You may not have strong feelings about much, but you need those strong bones.
Green Tea. It's calming and delicious, and if the leaf stands up it's good luck so why not have fun with your drink?
The Svet Military is practicing island invasion in The Northborne Islands again. How do you respond?
There's a lot of opportunity for good photos here, I should be sure to get some.
I sure hope nobody that lives there is inconvenienced by the practices.
Let's GO! Take that hill you little girlscout! Move! Move! MOVE!
I hope everybody is safe, those practice displays can be so dangerous!
This is a good display of strength, and a practical training experience. This is smart.
I bet I could do a better job than half of the fools there with a dart gun and two whoopee cushions.
It's time to live abroad, where do you go?
Carida. There's a lot of tradition there, and they're also Nine Divine faith in majority, so finding a congregation won't be hard.
The Community. They have excellent medical records, and their culture is absolutely wonderful.
Xelha. It's nice and quiet, and business is really picking up there for Maltski State trading.
Salazarstan. I'm promised to be the smartest person there, and the best looking too.
Old Ras. It's so divergent in culture, I'm assured to find somewhere that feels like home.
I want to say "Regia Nautica" but I have a feeling I'll fall for a trap in Sonitusia.
What is the most important part of family to you?
Compassion. If you're not there for each other, who are you there for?
Sacrifice. If you can make life easy for them, even if that makes it harder on you, that's what families do for one another.
Admiration. If you don't admire your relatives they're no different than your every-day friends.
Understanding. You don't need to be up-front with how you feel as long as you know in your heart you love and care for one another.
Selflessness. Putting yourself and your needs after everybody elses' shows how much you care.
Bonding. Having a few drinks with your family is always a good way to create memories - good or bad.
Oh no! You forgot to take your medication this morning! What did you need to take?
Anti-Anxiety Medication. I hope I'll be okay, but probably not, I mean I'll probably be walking down the street when a guy tries to mug me and he'll be mad I don't have my wallet one me and....
Anti-Depressants. It's okay, everything sucks with or without them, but at least now everything sucks for my own reasons.
Pain Killers. I suppose I don't need to walk anywhere today. Oh well.
Caffeine Pills. I knew my coffee this morning felt so much weaker than normal.
I missed Chemo? Shit! I hope the hospital doesn't call anybody asking about my appointment. I don't need them knowing I have cancer.
Not my Creatine! Dammit, my work out is going to be awful now. Thanks a lot, self.
Which one of these is "your aesthetic"?
What do you want to do before you die?
I want to travel the world and try new foods and experience new cultures.
I want to watch my children grow up and be happy, successful, and financially stable.
I want to make the future I leave for the next generation better than the future I was left by my predecessors.
I want to overcome my weakness and finally be my own person.
I want to be forgiven for everything wrong I've done and turn over a new leaf.
I want to give somebody the wisdom to help them life their life to the fullest.
Quick! It's snack time, what do you go get from the kitchen?
That leftover Egg Salad from last night would be a healthy, delicious option.
Some Chips and Dip is a good enough option, right? Just don't let the chips stab your gums.
I'd love a Banana, and the potassium in it will help me stay energized.
Fruit Snacks. My child won't eat them fast enough, so somebody has to.
I'll probably go for a snack, and just get a glass of Water instead because I'm indecisive.
I have some patties in there so why not just make a Burger?
You're buying some new shoes, what do you look for in them?
Are they good looking? They have to look good.
I need a practical set of boots. You can wear them year round, and they'll last forever.
Do I have anything in my wardrobe that matches with them, or do I need more clothes as well?...
Does this make walking easy? I don't want to have to return this if it doesn't feel good, that'd make me feel so awful.
I need my ass-kicking boots, dammit, and I need 'em now!
Can I wear them around the house as well as out around town? I need all-purpose shoes.
You have to tell somebody at work you caught their wife having an affair, how do you do it?
I'm anxious as can be, so I'll probably stutter a lot and they'll get annoyed at first until I start talking about what happened, then because I can't shut up they'll just look mortified as I talk about every detail and just...oh Divines above....
I'll just blatantly tell them, and give the facts. Wasting time on their feeling about it is their issue. I've done my part to tell them what I know, that's all I should worry about for now.
I'd probably email them, and tell them I'm here for them if they need to talk. Maybe a few drinks at the bar after work would help cheer them up? Even just a little?
I'd probably cry with them. Unless they don't cry. Then I'm the only one crying. Why am I crying? I didn't have the affair. Ugh, I need to stop watching dramatic television....
I'd tell them after work. I don't want them getting in trouble if they have a break-down. Plus, I can immediately offer to take them to get something to eat to get their mind off it as much as I can.
It's not my business, I'm not telling anybody anything.
What is your Briggs-Meyer personality type? (https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test if unsure.)
Something entirely different
{"name":"Which Irven Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You get thirsty mid-day. What do you opt to drink?, The Svet Military is practicing island invasion in The Northborne Islands again. How do you respond?, It's time to live abroad, where do you go?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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