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Nomor Tes
121. The merger of the two companies was funded by a ...
A. Capitalize
B. Capital
C. Capitalist
D. Capitalism
122. The student did not do well in the class because he had a problem with ...
A. Absentation
B. Absentia
C. Absent
D. Absently
123. PKN STAN students ...
A. Are intelligent, active and diligence
B. Are intelligent, active and are dilligent
C. Are intelligent, active and diligent
D. Are intelligence, active and diligent
124. Close the door, ...
A. Will you?
B. Do you?
C. Please you?
D. Shall you?
125. ... Read the newspaper because she just read novel.
A. Sinta did never
B. Sinta never did
C. Did Sinta never
D. Never did Sinta
126. The fire spread quickly and before the fireman arrived, the whole block of old building had ...
A. Burnet out
B. Burned over
C. Burned down
D. Burned out
127. I started school when I was five years old. I ... A student for seventeen years now.
A. Have been
B. Am
C. Am being
D. Am to be
128. According to him, watching a football game is as interesting as ...
A. The playing of basketball
B. When he plays a basketball
C. Playing basketball
D. When playing basketball
129. The assignment for Friday is to write ... about World Cup 2002.
A. A five-hundred-word-composition
B. A five-hundred-words-composition
C. A five-hundred-word-compositions
D. A five-hundreds-word-composition
130. Mrs. Defi ... If she had been delayed.
A. Would call
B. Would have called
C. Will call
D. Would have been called
131. The building .... He lives is very old.
A. On which
B. In which
C. On where
D. In where
132. Ricardo Mandowen ... As one of the best writers in Indonesia.
A. Is regarded
B. Regarded
C. Regards
D. Regarding
133. Could you please tell me ...
A. Where Mr. Budi’s office?
B. Where is Mr. Budi’s office?
C. Where Mr. Budi’s office is?
D. Is where Mr. Budi’s office?
134. That’s the boy ... Parents you meet.
A. Where
B. What
C. Whom
D. Whose
135. Romeo Way's career as a social reformer ... in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in Indiana, she called for a state woman's rights convention.
A. Begin
B. Began
C. Have begun
D. To have begun
136. James Mc Charty, ..., wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.
A. Whose eloquent writing
B. An eloquent writer
C. Writing eloquent
D. Writer of eloquent
137. Although beavers rarely remain submerged for more than two minutes, they can stay underwater ... Fifteen minutes before having to surface for air.
A. As long as
B. So long that
C. As long
D. So long
138. Natural selection is defined as the process ... The course of evolution by preserving those traits best adapted for an organism's survival.
A. That directs
B. Directs it
C. Of which directs it
D. To which directs
139. ... Ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.
A. All
B. All of
C. Every
D. All every
140. Protein digestion begins in the stomach ... Ends in the small intestine.
A. While
B. And
C. How
D. Because
Over this decade, employment in jobs requiring education beyond a high school diploma will grow more (141)... Than employment in jobs that do not; of the 30 fastest growing occupations, more than half require post secondary education. With the average earning of college graduates at a level that is twice as high as that of workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is now the clearest (142)... Into the middle class.
In higher education, the U.S. (143)... internationally. While the U.S. Ranks ninth in the world in the proportion of young adults enrolled in college, we have fallen to 16th in the world in our share of certificates (144)... Degrees awarded to adults ages 25-34 – lagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan, and other nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six years, the (145)... For low income students in around 25 percent.
141. The option that best completes (141) is ...
A. Rapid
B. Rapidly
C. Rapidness
D. Rapidation
142. The option that best completes (142) is ...
A. Pathway
B. Position
C. Effort
D. Advantage
143. The option that best completes (143) is ...
A. Outpaced
B. Has been outpaced
C. Outpace
D. Outpacing
144. The option that best completes (144) is ...
A. And
B. Than
C. Because
D. Although
145. The option that best completes (145) is ...
A. Completion rate
B. Academic capacity
C. Logical understanding
D. Learning achievement
In the mid-nineteenth century, the United States had tremendous natural resources that could be exploited in order to develop heavy industry. Most of the raw materials that are valuable in the manufacture of machinery, transportation facilities, and consumer goods lay ready (146)... Into wealth. Iron, coal, and oil-the basic ingredients of industrial growth-were plentiful and needed only the application of technical expertise, organizational skill, and labor.
One crucial development in this movement toward (147)... Was the growth of the railroads. The railway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the United States looked like a spider’s web, with the steel filaments connecting all important sources of raw materials, their places of manufacture, and their centers of distribution. The railroads contributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, (148)... By themselves consuming enormous amounts of fuel, iron, and coal.
Many factors influenced emerging modes of production. For example, machine tools, the tools used to make goods, were steadily improved in the latter part of the nineteenth century-always with an eye to speedier production and lower unit costs. The products of the factories were rapidly absorbed by the growing cities that sheltered the workers (149)... The distributors. The increased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that, in turn, was made more productive by the use of the new farm machinery. American agricultural production kept up with the urban demand and still had surpluses for sale to the industrial centers of Europe.
The labor that ran the factories and built the railways was recruited in part from American farm areas where people were being displaced by farm machinery, in part from Asia, and in part from Europe. Europe now (150)... To send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe-most of whom were originally poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities. The money to finance this tremendous expansion of the American economy still came from European financiers for the most part, but the Americans were approaching the day when their expansion could be financed in their own “money market”.
146. The option that best completes (146) is ...
A. To be worked
B. worked
C. working
D. Had worked
147. The option that best completes (147) is ...
A. Industry
B. Industrializm
C. Industrialization
D. Industrially
148. The option that best completes (148) is ...
A. But also
B. Not to
C. Because
D. Eventhough
149. The option that best completes (149) is ...
A. Not so
B. because
C. not
D. and
150. The option that best completes (150) is ...
A. began
B. begin
C. beginning
D. Had begun
  1. Although she was exhausted, Jessica wrote to her parents a letter explaining the

               A                                                                         B                    C                   D


  1. The article suggests that when a person is under unusual stress you should
                                              A                                                                       B                   
    be especially careful to eat a well- balanced diet.

                   C                                          D

  1. Mila was definitely a faster swimmer than anyone on her team
                                          A                           B        C                                
    and appeared headed for the state championship.


  1. The stage production that we saw in  Singapore was very much as the one 
               A                                          B                                                        C          
    we had previously seen in Paris


  1. Both Sony, Tono and Jon are outstanding golfers and reasonably good tennis players.
      A                                                              B                                  C                 D
156.    Did you hear many news about your mother situation while you were in that city?
  1.                                   A                                     B                              C                     D

157.     Opposite with the gambir station, you will find the old “Monas Square” and the statue
  1.                A                                                       B      C                                                                      D

    of R.A Kartini.


158.       The children were surprised when the teacher had them to close their books
  1.                                              A                                          B                 C



159.    Recently, the work had been being done by Mr. Pambudi.
  1.         A           B                          C                          D

160.    I try to figure in the answer of what the function of the organitation is.
  1.         A                   B                            C                                                             D

Reading 1 (no 161-166)
Herman Melville, an American author best known today for his novel Moby Dick, was actually more popular during his lifetime for some of his other works. He traveled extensively and used the knowledge gained during his travels as the basis for his early novels. In 1837, at the age of eighteen, Meville signed as a cabin boy on a merchant ship that was to sail from his Massachusetts home to Liverpool, England. His experiences on this trip served as a basis for the novel Redburn (1849). In 1841 Melville set out on a whaling ship headed for the South Seas. After jumping ship in Tahiti, he wandered around the island of Tahiti and Moorea. This South Sea island sojourn was a backdrop to the novel Omoo (1847). After three years away from home, Melville joined up with a U.S. Naval frigate that was returning to the eastern United States around Cape Horn. The novel White-Jacket (1850) describes this lengthy voyage as a new seaman.
With the publication of these early adventure novels, melville developed a strong and loyal following among readers eager for his tales of exotic places and situation. However, in 1851, with the publication of Moby Dick, Melville’s popularity started to diminish. Moby Dick, on one level the saga of the hunt for the great white whale, was also a heavily symbolic allegory of the heroic struggle of man againts the universe. The public was not ready for melville’s literary metamorphosis from romantic adventure to philosophical symbolism. It is ironic that the novel that served to diminish Melville’s popularity during his lifetime is the one for which he is best known today.
161. The main idea of this passage is ...
A. Moby Dick
B. Melville’s biography
C. The popularity of Melville’s novels
D. Melville’s travel
162. In what year did Melville’s book about his experience as a cabin boy appear?
A. 1849
B. 1837
C. 1847
D. 1841
163. The passage implies that Melville stayed in Tahiti because ...
A. He was on leave while his ship was in port
B. He had unofficially left his ship
C. He had received permission to take a vacation in Tahiti
D. He had finished his term of duty
164. According to the passage, Melville’s early novels were ...
A. Based on his travel
B. Based on his imagination
C. Published when he was travelling
D. Fiction
165. According to the passage, Moby Dick ...
A. Is a romantic adventure
B. Is a short story about a whale
C. Is a single-faceted work
D. Is symbolic of man fighting his environment
166. How did the publication of Moby Dick affect Melville’s popularity?
A. It had no effect on his popularity
B. His popularity increase immediately
C. It caused his popularity to decrease
D. His popularity remained as strong as ever
Reading 2 (no. 167-173)
Medical bills in the United States have risen outrageously since beginning of the 1960’s, and steps need to be taken to reverse this trend or the average American will not be able to afford medical care. The major factor in increasing the cost of medical care has been the dramatic increase in the cost os hospital service. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be only pastly blamed on inflation since hospital bills in the last two decades have risen at a considerably higher rate than inflation.
Another factor cited by doctor as a major cause for the increase in the cost of medical care is malpractice. Increasingly large award for malpractice have caused doctors to increase their rates to cover the higher malpractice insurance premium. Because of the large malpractice awards, doctors are also prescribing more conservative and more extensive and therefore more costly-treatment for patients as a defense againts malpractice claims. Whatever the causes of the wild increases in the cost of medical care, the goverment needs to take strong action before it is too late for Americans.
167. What is the subject of this passage?
A. Factor causing the increase in U.S. Medical bills
B. The increasing cost of malpractice insurance
C. The outrageous medical profession
D. Steps to take our insurance
168. The passage implies that a slowing in inflation would have what kind of effect on medical costs?
A. Nonexistent
B. Tremendous
C. Slight
D. Maximum
169. How does the author feel about the tremendous increase in medical bills?
A. Enthusias
B. Disquit
C. Impassive
D. Amazed
170. The main factor that make increasing medical bills is ..
A. Tax
B. Emblezzing
C. Malpractice
D. Corrupt
171. Which of the following is not stated in the passage concerning malpractice?
A. The increase in malpractice insurance is because of inflation
B. Malpractice insurance premium are on the increase
C. The increase in malpractice payouts has caused an increase in doctor’s bills
D. High malpractice awards have caused doctors to work more conservatively
172. What is the author’s main point in this passage?
A. Insurance companies are at fault in raising medical bills
B. Doctor need to work to decrease malpractice
C. Action is needed to counteract increase in medical bills
D. Inflation is having a terrible effect on medical bills
173. What does the paragraph following this passage most likely contain?
A. The tremendous increase in malpractice increase in malpractice insurance
B. The steps the goverment could take to curb medical cost
C. Forecast of how inflation will influence medical care in the future
D. A discussion of why the average American will soon be unable to afford medical care
Reading 3 (no. 174-180)
Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow which reacher the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to a foot of precipitation. A general formula computing the precipitation of snowfall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York States, for example, twenty inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be recorded as forty-two inches.
The amount of precipitation is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude, proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailing winds. Most of the precipitation in the U.S is brought originally by prevailling winds from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Great Lakes. Because this prevailing winds generally come from the west, the Pacific Coast receives more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast. Along the Pacific Coast itself, however, altitude causes some diversity in rail fall. The mountain ranges of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountain Range and the Appalachian Mountain Range influence the amount of precipitation in their areas. East of the Rocky Mountain, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountain. The precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountain is about 40 percent less than that south of the Appalachian mountain.
174. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A. Prevailling
B. Mountain
C. Precipitation
D. Ocean
175. The another word that is often used in place of precipitation is ...
A. Wetness
B. Humidity
C. Rainfall
D. Rain-snow
176. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?
A. Thirty-six
B. Thirty-four
C. Forty
D. Forty-two
177. Where is the annual precipitation highest?
A. The Gulf of Mexico
B. The great Lakes
C. The Pacific Coast
D. The Atlantic Coast
178. The word “substantially” in the line 17 could best be replaced by ...
A. Fundamentally
B. Completetly
C. Highly
D. Slighly
179. The phrase “proximity to” in line 10 is closest in meaning to ...
A. Nearness to
B. Similarity to
C. Depends on
D. Communication with
180. Which of the following was not mentioned as a factor about amount of precipitation?
A. Wind
B. Mountains
C. Latitude
D. The sea
{"name":"TONAS ONLINE PAKET TBI", "url":"","txt":"121. The merger of the two companies was funded by a ..., 122. The student did not do well in the class because he had a problem with ..., 123. PKN STAN students ...","img":""}
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