Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 28 Sep 21
[2109.12117] Xiao-Qi Sun, Jing-Yuan Chen, Steven A. Kivelson: Large extrinsic phonon thermal Hall effect from resonant scattering
[2109.12127] Hyunjin Kim, Youngjoon Choi, Cyprian Lewandowski et al.: Spectroscopic Signatures of Strong Correlations and Unconventional Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene
[2109.12138] Brenden W. Hamilton, Matthew P. Kroonblawd, Alejandro Strachan: The Potential Energy Hotspot: Effects from Impact Velocity, Defect Geometry, and Crystallographic Orientation
[2109.12160] Muhed S. Rana, Joshua R. Hendrickson, Christopher E. Stevens et al.: Steady-state nonlinear optical response of excitons in monolayer MoSe$_2$
[2109.12168] Lin Xin, M. S. Chapman, T. A. B. Kennedy: Fast generation of time-stationary spin-1 squeezed states by non-adiabatic control
[2109.12202] Rebecca A. Bone, Daniel J. Sharpe, David J. Wales et al.: Stochastic paths controlling speed and dissipation
[2109.12226] Richard K. Bowles, Peter Harrowell: The Influence on Crystal Nucleation of an Order-Disorder Transition among the Subcritical Clusters
[2109.12231] V. V. Konev, Yu. D. Panov: Phase diagram of semi-hard-core bosons on a square lattice
[2109.12254] Ana Luiza Ferrari, Luiz N. Oliveira: Real-space numerical renormalization-group computation of transport properties in the side-coupled geometry
[2109.12260] Kushal Seetharam, Yulia Shchadilova, Fabian Grusdt et al.: Quantum Cherenkov transition of finite momentum Bose polarons
[2109.12283] Sadman Sadeed Omee, Steph-Yves Louis, Nihang Fu et al.: Scalable deeper graph neural networks for high-performance materials property prediction
[2109.12301] Hideyuki Mizuno, Makoto Hachiya, Atsushi Ikeda: Structural, mechanical, and vibrational properties of particulate physical gels
[2109.12305] Anup Pradhan Sakhya, Shiv Kumar, Arindam Pramanik et al.: Behavior of gapped and ungapped Dirac cones in an antiferromagnetic topological metal, SmBi
[2109.12329] Ram Prakash Pandeya, Anup Pradhan Sakhya, Sawani Datta et al.: Emergence of well screened states in a superconducting material of the CaFe$_2$As$_2$ family
[2109.12330] Swapnil Patil, Aniket Maiti, Surajit Dutta et al.: Anomalies in the electronic structure of a 5$d$ transition metal oxide, IrO$_2$
[2109.12446] Kyuil Cho, M. Kończykowski, S. Ghimire et al.: Multi-band $s_{++}$ superconductivity in $\textrm{V}_{3}\textrm{Si}$ determined from the response to a controlled disorder
[2109.12461] Gang Sun, Peter Harrowell: The Structural Transformation of a Supercooled Liquid into an Amorphous Solid
[2109.12468] Matheus S. M. de Sousa, Fujun Liu, Mariana Malard et al.: Turning Graphene into Nodal-Line Semimetals by Vacancy Engineering
[2109.12476] Yongliang Wang: A General Circuit Analysis and Simulation Method for Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices
[2109.12488] Shixi Zang, Jiayao Ma, Yan Chen: Deformation characteristics and mechanical properties of a non-rigid square-twist origami structure with rotational symmetry
[2109.12522] K. Hagiwara, M. Ishikado, M. Horio et al.: Superconducting gap and pseudogap in the surface states of the iron-based superconductor PrFeAsO$_{1-y}$ studied by angle-resolved photoemission spe...
[2109.12529] Keyan Liu, Huaxin He, Chenhui Wang et al.: Spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates in a toroidal trap: even-petal-number necklacelike state and persistent flow
[2109.12557] Wolfgang Körner, Reyhaneh Ghassemizadeh, Daniel F. Urban et al.: Influence of (N,H)-terminated surfaces on stability, hyperfine structure, and zero-field splitting of NV centers in diamond
[2109.12578] J. Briones, H. C. Schneider, B. Rethfeld: Monte Carlo simulation of ultrafast nonequilibrium spin and charge transport in iron
[2109.12582] Chenyue Wen, Xingchuan Zhu, Zhisong Xiao et al.: superconducting pairing symmetry in the kagome-lattice hubbard model
[2109.12588] Guolin Zheng, Zheng Chen, Cheng Tan et al.: Gate-controllable giant anomalous Hall effect from flat bands in kagome metal CsV3Sb5 nanoflakes
[2109.12594] Bogdan Guster, Pedro Melo, Bradley A. A. Martin et al.: Fröhlich polaron effective mass and localization length in cubic materials: degenerate and anisotropic electronic bands
[2109.12596] Manish Anand: Disorder-Induced Complex Magnetization Dynamics in Planar Ensembles of Nanoparticles
[2109.12602] Lilan Qiao, Raymond Kapral: Control of active polymeric filaments by chemically-powered nanomotors
[2109.12605] Johannes Mögerle, Robin Schuldt, Johannes Reiff et al.: Transition state dynamics of a driven magnetic free layer
[2109.12623] Anh Thu Phan, Aïmen E. Gheribi, Patrice Chartrand: Phase equilibria - thermal conductivity relationship within multicomponent Phase Change Materials from 273 K up to above the melting tempera...
[2109.12631] Simon Turkel, Joshua Swann, Ziyan Zhu et al.: Twistons in a Sea of Magic
[2109.12639] Matthias Lerbinger, Armand Barbot, Damien Vandembroucq et al.: On the relevance of shear transformations in the relaxation of supercooled liquids
[2109.12658] Ingrid Ibagon, A. P. Furlan, T. J. Oliveira et al.: Phase diagram and critical properties of a two-dimensional associating lattice gas
[2109.12667] Samuel Vadnais, Rene Cote: Quantum magnetic oscillations in Weyl semimetals with tilted nodes
[2109.12678] Amina B. Belkadi, Emma Zeng, A. F. Isakovic: Ni3Si2 Nanowires for Efficient Electron Field Emission and Limitations of the Fowler-Nordheim Model
[2109.12684] M. Yu. Kagan, K. I. Kugel, A. L. Rakhmanov: Electronic phase separation: recent progress in the old problem
[2109.12689] Himadri S Samanta: Self-generated gradients guide cells in their long-distance expeditions
[2109.12739] Nicholas G. Hallfors, Dejan Maksimovski, Ilyas A. H. Farhat et al.: Layered, Tunable Graphene Oxide Heterostructures for Wearable Electrocardiogram Sensors
[2109.12757] Fanjie Wang, Chong Wang, Andrey Chaves et al.: Prediction of hyperbolic exciton-polaritons in monolayer black phosphorus
[2109.12778] Yongqing Cai, Yuan Wang, Zhanyang Hao et al.: Emergence of Quantum Confinement in Topological Kagome Superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ family
[2109.12793] Hemant Kumar, Saheb Bera, Subhadeep Dasgupta et al.: Dipole alignment of water molecules flowing through a carbon nanotube
[2109.12794] Haoyu Hu, Ang Cai, Lei Chen et al.: Spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing correlations in antiferromagnetically coupled Kondo systems
[2109.12806] Hong Qian: Thermodynamic Behavior of Statistical Event Counting in Time: Independent and Correlated Measurements
[2109.12809] Z. E. Krix, H. D. Scammell, O. P. Sushkov: Correlated physics in an artificial triangular anti-dot lattice
[2109.12811] N. N. Wang, M. W. Yang, K. Y. Chen et al.: Pressure-induced monotonic enhancement of Tc to over 30 K in the superconducting Pr0.82Sr0.18NiO2 thin films
[2109.12816] Zhayu Fei, Jin-Fu Chen, Yu-Han Ma: Efficiency statistics of a quantum Otto cycle
[2109.12817] Andreas Dechant, Shin-ichi Sasa, Sosuke Ito: Geometric decomposition of entropy production in out-of-equilibrium systems
[2109.12823] Hao Su, Xianbiao Shi, Jian Yuan et al.: Magnetization tunable Weyl states in EuB6
[2109.12826] Jiaju Zhang, M. A. Rajabpour: Entanglement of magnon excitations in spin chains
[2109.12834] Bohai Liu, Christos Pavlou, Zuyuan Wang et al.: Determination of the elastic moduli of CVD graphene by probing graphene/polymer Bragg stacks
[2109.12859] Mikito Koshino, Hiroki Oka: Topological invariants in two-dimensional quasicrystals
[2109.12861] Francesca Mirabella, Matthias Muellner, Thomas Touzalin et al.: Ni modified Fe3O4(001) surface as a simple model system for understanding the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
[2109.12864] Kazuhiro Nawa, Yoshinori Imai, Youhei Yamaji et al.: Strongly electron-correlated semimetal RuI$_3$ with a layered honeycomb structure
[2109.12868] Francesca Mirabella, Jan Balajka1, Jiri Pavelec et al.: Atomic-scale studies of Fe3O4(001) and TiO2(110) surfaces following immersion in CO2-acidified water
[2109.12875] Alexandra Papadogianni, Takahiro Nagata, Oliver Bierwagen: The electrical conductivity of cubic (In$_{1-x}$Ga$_x$)$_2$O$_3$ films ($x\le0.18$): Native point defects, Sn-doping, and the surfac...
[2109.12890] Silang Zhou, Jordi Antoja-Lleonart, Václav Ocelík et al.: Thin films of the alpha-quartz SixGe1-xO2 solid-solution
[2109.12897] Jacquelin Luneau, Clément Dutreix, Quentin Ficheux et al.: Topological power pumping in quantum circuits
[2109.12898] Jean-Guy Caputo, Ionut Danaila, Cyril Tain: An Abelian Higgs model of pulsed field magnetization in superconductors
[2109.12905] Xiaoguang Luo, Jian Shi, Ziang Niu et al.: Filtering electrons by mode coupling in semiconductor superlattices
[2109.12939] Juan Pedro Ramírez González, Giorgio Cinacchi: Phase behavior of hard circular arcs
[2109.12945] Kali E. Wilson, E. Carlo Samson, Zachary L. Newman et al.: Generation of high winding-number superfluid circulation in Bose-Einstein condensates
[2109.12947] M Sahoo, Arsha N, P R Baral et al.: Accuracy and speed of elongation in a minimal model of DNA replication
[2109.12958] Peng He, Yu-Guo Liu, Jian-Te Wang et al.: Damping transition in an open generalized Aubry-André-Harper model
[2109.12973] U. Garlando, Q. Wang, O. V. Dobrovolskiy et al.: Numerical model for 32-bit magnonic ripple carry adder
[2109.12977] Jan Hulva, Matthias Meier, Roland Bliem et al.: Unravelling CO adsorption on model single-atom catalysts
[2109.12994] A. Tiene, J. Levinsen, J. Keeling et al.: Effect of fermion indistinguishability on optical absorption of doped two-dimensional semiconductors
[2109.13019] Alexander Mitrofanov, Sergei Urazhdin: Orbital entanglement mechanism of superconductivity in cuprates
[2109.13038] Lior Zarfaty, Eli Barkai, David A. Kessler: Discrete sampling of extreme events modifies their statistics
[2109.13044] Olugbenga Adeniran, Zhen-Fei Liu: Quasiparticle electronic structure of phthalocyanine:TMD interfaces from first-principles $GW$
[2109.13056] A. Ramazani, F. Shayeganfar, V. Sundararaghavan et al.: First principles study of electron transport through diarythylene transition metal dichalcogenide molecular switch
[2109.13084] Florian Kraushofer, Nikolaus Resch, Moritz Eder et al.: Surface Reduction State Determines Stabilization and Incorporation of Rh on α-Fe2O3(1-102)
[2109.13088] Žiga Krajnik, Enej Ilievski, Tomaž Prosen: Breakdown of the Large Deviation Principle in an Integrable Magnet
[2109.13091] Gianmarco Munaò, Santi Prestipino, Dino Costa: Early stages of aggregation in fluid mixtures of dimers and spheres: a theoretical and simulation study
[2109.13127] Alex Barbier--Chebbah, Olivier Benichou, Raphael Voituriez: Self-interacting random walks : aging, exploration and first-passage times
[2109.13128] Mariana Krasnytska, Bertrand Berche, Yurij Holovatch et al.: Generalized Ising Model on a Scale-Free Network: An Interplay of Power Laws
[2109.13130] Guangze Chen, Maryam Khorsravian, Jose L. Lado et al.: Designing spin-textured flat bands in twisted graphene multilayers via helimagnet encapsulation
[2109.13134] Kallol Mondal, Sudin Ganguly, Santanu K. Maiti: A driven fractal network: Possible route to efficient thermoelectric application
[2109.13135] Kallol Mondal, Sudin Ganguly, Santanu K. Maiti: Spin-dependent transport in a driven noncolinear antiferromagnetic fractal network
[2109.13140] Jannis Neuhaus-Steinmetz, Elena Y. Vedmedenko, Thore Posske et al.: Complex magnetic ground states and topological electronic phases of atomic spin chains on superconductors
[2109.13149] Jose A. Pereiro-Morejón, Jorge Fernández-de-Cossio-Díaz, R. Mulet: Inferring metabolic fluxes in nutrient-limited continuous cultures: A Maximum Entropy Approach with minimum information
[2109.13181] Yunyan Yao, Ranran Cai, See-Hun Yang et al.: Half-integer Shapiro Steps in Strong Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions
[2109.13195] Mayank Gupta, B. R. K. Nanda: Spin Texture as Fingerprint of Halide Perovskites
[2109.13207] Maria N. Gastiasoro, Maria Eleonora Temperini, Paolo Barone et al.: Theory of Rashba coupling mediated superconductivity in incipient ferroelectrics
[2109.13220] Ravi Kashikar, B. R. K. Nanda: Feeble Metallicity and Robust Semiconducting Regime in Structurally Sensitive Ba(Pb, Sn)O$_3$ Alloys
[2109.13224] Haoyu Hu, Ang Cai, Lei Chen et al.: Unconventional Superconductivity from Fermi Surface Fluctuations in Strongly Correlated Metals
[2109.13229] Denitsa R. Baykusheva, Hoyoung Jang, Ali A. Husain et al.: Ultrafast renormalization of the onsite Coulomb repulsion in a cuprate superconductor
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 28 Sep 21","img":""}
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