USH Ch 2 & 4-5

What does South Carolina, Georgia, and the Caribbean colonies all have in common?
Economy dominated by sugarcane
Established as a buffer colony
Settled mostly by squatters from Virginia
Cash crops and plantations
Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the Navigation Acts?
Salutary neglect led to smuggling
The Dutch controlled trade in the middle colonies
Certain products, like tobacco, could only be exported to England
Trade could only be carried in English ships
New Amsterdam, later becomes the English colony of New York, was first a colony of which of the following?
The Scandinavians
The French
The Dutch
The Italians
The Plymouth colony was a result of which of the following?
The Spanish Inquisition
Bacon's Rebellion
The Protestant Reformation
Which of the following groups was NOT protected under the Act of Toleration (1649) in Maryland?
Which of the following was NOT an important part or characteristic of the Jametown colony?
Church membership
The House of Burgess
John Smith's discipline and work ethic
In the Massachusetts Bay colony, what was John Winthrop's goal in the establishment of a "City upon a hill?"
To be a model of a free and democratic society
To have secure defenses against Native American attacks
To build a diverse economy
To be a model of a moral and holy society
Corporate Colony
Ruled directly by the monarch
Land given to an individual or group
Land given to a joint-stock company
Ruled directly by the monarch
Land given to an individual or group
Land given to a joint-stock company
Ruled directly by the monarch
Land given to an individual or group
Land given to a joint-stock company
What major event occurred between Spain and England that resulted in a major change in the colonization of North America?
The defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588)
The Spanish Inquisition
"The Protestant wave"
Pope's Rebellion
Which nation was England's chief rival in the three colonial wars that predated the Seven Years War?
Iroquois Confederation
Which former territory of Spain was gained by England in the 1763 Treaty of Paris?
Hudson Bay
New Orleans
John Locke, the right to ___, ____, and _____
Life, liberty, and property
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Life, liberty, and bixby
Life, liver tea, and Ceylon Tea
The Declaration of Independence, the right to _, _, and _
Life, ability, and tranquility
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Light, bratty, and idek anymore
Which of the following was NOT a compromise essential in writing and ratifying the Constitution of the United States?
Bicameral legislature with proportional and equal representation
A strong executive branch of government
The Bill of Rights
The Three-Fifths Compromise
The end of English salutary neglect in 1763, soon led to which of the following?
The repeal of the Townshend Acts
A turning point in the Colonies' relationship with England
The French and Indian War
The formation of the Minutemen militia led by George Washington
Crispus Attucks became a symbol for liberty in the Colonies after which of the following?
"A Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms"
The Boston Massacre
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Battle of Bunker Hill
Which of the following was a preface to the French and Indian War?
Colonial encroachment on land west of the Appalachian Mountains
England's policy of mercantilism
The Proclamation Act of 1763
Pontiac's Rebellion
The lack of England's ability to fully enforce the Navigation Acts on the colonies is a direct example of which of the following?
Salutary Neglect
The French and Indian War
The Spanish threat from Florida
Lack of royal governors in the Colonies
The last major battle of the Revolution was the Battle of Yorktown. Which of the following played a major role in forcing General Cornwallis to surrender?
Cornwallis' lack of knowledge of the Chesapeake terrain
Redcoat incompetence
French support of the Colonists
The superior skill of the trained Colonists soldiers
On principle, the Colonists resented Parliament's passing of the Sugar, Stamp, and Tea Acts because of which of the following?
They shouldn't have to help England protect them
"No taxation without representation"
They shouldn't have to pay more for goods than people in England paid
The western territories were their right to settle
The Paxton Boys' attack on Native Americans in Western Pennsylvania was an example of what would be a direct defiance of which of the following?
The Intolerable Acts
The Proclamation Act of 1763
The writs of assisstance
The Townshend Acts of 1767
Which of the following accurately states the cause and effect of the Intolerable Acts?
French and Indian War (cause) - Native Americans losing territory (effect)
The Boston Tea Party (cause) - Repeal of the Tea Act (effect)
Protests of taxes (cause) - More unity among the colonies (effect)
The formation of the Minutemen militia (cause) - The formation of the Continental Army (effect)
Which of the following plans presented in the drafting of the Constitution established a unicameral legislature supported by small states?
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
The Second Continental Congress met in May of 1775 for which purpose?
To create the Continental Army
To write the Articles of Confederation
To create the Minutemen militia
To agree on complete independence from England
An association of independent states
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
A weak national government
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Unable to pass taxes into law
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
3 branches of national government
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Checks and Balances
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
A Bill of Rights
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
{"name":"USH Ch 2 & 4-5", "url":"","txt":"What does South Carolina, Georgia, and the Caribbean colonies all have in common?, Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the Navigation Acts?, New Amsterdam, later becomes the English colony of New York, was first a colony of which of the following?","img":""}
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