Incarceration Test - Rate your life in these 9 areas - Copy #1

I have a highly balanced schedule for optimal sleep, work and play.
My time is reasonably under control.
Life is hectic. I'm scrambling a lot of the time to keep up.
My life is chaotic. I'm exhausted and perpetually late.
A. I have a healthy relationship with money and I have a safety net with a secure financial future.
B. I’m working my plan. Not highly stressed about money.
C. I’m moderately stressed. I experience more ups and downs than I like. Would like more security.
D. I have significant debt and/or am facing bankruptcy.
A. I’m vibrant and energetic. My health standards are in line with my age.
B. I’m holding my own, but could be in better shape and could eat better.
C. I am “reasonably overweight”. I really need to exercise more consistently and watch my calorie intake.
D. I have some chronic health issues and/or significant addictions I need to face.
A. I love my job/career so much that I would do it for free!
B. I’m in line with my skills and passions about 75% of the time and I’m adequately compensated.
C. I’m only in line with my skills and passions about 50% of the time, but it’s paying the bills.
D. I’m miserable and just doing what I must do to get by.
E. I’m unemployed and under significant financial stress.
A. I have multiple close relationships, a good marriage and good support systems with family, friends and colleagues.
B. I have good acquaintances and 1-2 close friends. I really should carve out more time for intentional connection with my spouse, friends and family.
C. I’m not feeling particularly close to anyone. My marriage is on the rocks. Things will get worse if I don’t do something about this.
D. I’m divorced, isolated and/or alone.
A. Life is a blast! I can find fun in most everything. Things very rarely “rattle” me.
B. Life in general is pretty good. I just “go with the flow”.
C. I have good days and bad days. Life is harder than I’d like it to be.
D. I see nothing but what is wrong with the world. I’m probably bordering on clinical depression.
A. I am full of energy and excitement. My motto is: “Life is too short to waste. We need to make the most of it.”
B. It’s not perfect, but I experience enough moments of excitement that keep me pushing forward. Life is good.
C. I feel bored and unsatisfied more often than I’d like.
D. My days feel more like drudgery. I often have to pry myself out of bed. Blah.
A. I love who I am, what I do and what I have become. I am confident with how I show up in the world.
B. I feel pretty good about myself most of the time.
C. I experience moments of angst and self-doubt that keep me feeling stuck and missing opportunities. I wish I felt better about myself.
D. My self-confidence and self-worth is in the toilet. I have a hard time coming up with anything positive to say about myself or to myself.
A. I enjoy what I have but “stuff” doesn’t control me. I manage my schedule and commitments well so I have margin. My motto is: “Say no to the good to say yes to the best.”
B. I’ve accumulated a lot of nice things, but half of them are collecting dust. I need to simplify a bit.
C. I often sign up to commitments, only to question why later. I over-extend myself more than I should.
D. Stuff and tasks rule my life. Do + Buy + Do = Exhaustion.
{"name":"Incarceration Test - Rate your life in these 9 areas - Copy #1", "url":"","txt":"TIME MANAGEMENT, MONEY and FINANCIAL SECURITY, HEALTH","img":""}
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