How well do you know birds?

What kind of bird is this?
Mourning dove
House sparrow
Greater grackle
American robin
What kind of bird is this?
Grey heron
European starling
Northern mockingbird
Collared dove
What kind of bird is this?
Blue jay
Blue bunting
Painted bunting
Eastern bluebird
What kind of bird is this?
Summer tanager
Brown-headed cowbird
Common grackle
Northern cardinal
What kind of bird is this?
Makalu mockingbird
Cliff swallow
American robin
Barn owl
Now it's getting more difficult. What kind of bird is this?
European bunting
European starling
European kestral
European jay
What kind of bird is this?
House sparrow
Pilated sparrow
Gouldian finch
House finch
What kind of bird is this?
Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Snail kite
Scissor-tailed kite
What kind of bird is this?
Harris' hawk
Northern goshawk
Red-tailed hawk
Sharp-shinned hawk
What kind of bird is this?
Brewer's blackbird
Red-winged blackbird
Greater-tailed grackle
Rusty blackbird
Even more difficult now. What kind of bird is this?
Baltimore oriole
American goldfinch
Bullock's oriole
Scott's oriole
What kind of bird is this?
Western tanager
Northern cardinal
House finch
Summer tanager
What kind of bird is this?
Grey-capped social weaver
Tufted titmouse
Juniper titmouse
Black-crested titmouse
What kind of bird is this?
White-tailed kite
Red kite
Whistling kite
Swallow-tailed kite
What kind of bird is this?
Grand manniken
Spice finch
Lady gouldian finch
Lesser goldfinch
Even harder now. What kind of bird is this?
Anna's hummingbird
Magnificent hummingbird
Rufous hummingbird
Costa's hummingbird
What kind of bird is this?
Downy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
What kind of bird is this?
Mourning dove
Inca dove
Rock dove
European collared dove
What kind of bird is this?
Little blue heron
Great blue heron
Tricolored heron
Green heron
What kind of bird is this?
Arctic tern
Spectacled tern
Common tern
Forster's tern
Bonus question: Name this bird for an extra five points.
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