Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong in?

You just recieved your letter! When will you be visiting Diagon Alley?
Maybe tomorrow. I've got to finish this DIY I found online!
Are any of my friends going today? We should meet up!
In a couple minutes. I also would like to be escorted, I DO NOT WANT TO GET LOST.
You stop into Ollivander's Wand Shop where your wand chooses you. What is its core?
Thestral tail hair, just like a rather amazing wand I heard about...
Unicorn hair.
Dragon heartstring.
Phoenix feather.
Yippee! It's September 1st, and you've got to board the Hogwarts express- but you've missed the train! What do you do?
Send an owl to the castle and see if the professors can arrange a way for me to arrive there safely.
Have a panic attack. They're going to kill me! What if I miss the sorting?
Try to catch up to the train, but with no luck. Your parents will ground you for six months!
Hmm.. Let's see. What if I whip out a grappling hook and glide towards the train...
After getting to Hogwarts one way or another (and enduring a whole heck of a lot of Howlers from your parents) the Sorting Hat is placed on your head. Which house would are you hoping to hear?
The next day, you've encountered a sixth year Slytherin that's been bullying your friend. How do you react?
Hey! Don't bully them. I'll report you to Snape if you continue!
Stand up to the bully and punch em in the gut.
Whisper "Protego" (the shield charm) and watch as all of the other student's hexes bounce off the magical shield. Good thing you knew that one!
Exchange some choice words with the bully, then go anc comfort your friend.
After a long day full of semi boring classes, what do you decide to do?
Go wherever Dumbledore told everyone not to go on a dare. What do you mean it was stupid?
Catch up on your homework. If you keep it lying around, it's just going to pile up and you don't want Snape angry with you.
See if you can get some food from the kitchens, and hang out in your common room.
Go see whether that 'dangerous area' can actually keep students out. If a Gryffindor keeps playing the hero, we'll never have any diversity in this place.
Let's say you decided to venture out into the forbidden section of the castle (even if you didn't choose to). You encounter a locked door. What do you do?
Jiggle the lock a bajillion times before concluding that you're hopeless.
See if one of your friends has got any idea how to pick a lock. What? It's only a Muggle thing?
Fiddle with two of your bobby pins in your hair. You saw this thing online about how to pick a lock...
"Alohomore? Allomora?" What was that spell you saw in a book the other day?
You almost unlocked the door when suddenly you hear a "Meoww!" around your feet. Uh oh! It's Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat! What now?
Try to act like one of the statues and see if anyone knows a spell to turn you stone-colored.
Hide frantically underneath a table.
Isn't there a secret passageway up here? Oh well. Is that everyone?
Thank goodness you escaped! Those House points could've been reduced to nothing by now if you'd been seen. It's dinner time in the Great Hall. What are you most excited for?
Pumpkin juice.
I hope they have pudding.
Mmm! That sounds good! After dinner, you head back to your common room and one of your Housemates who is in their third year brought you back some sweets from Hogsmeade! What will you eat first?
Chocolate Frogs, all the way!
Cauldron Cakes are pure bliss.
Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans are too fun to turn down!
Sugar Quills are pretty cool.
Which traits do you value the most? You don't have to have them, just *value* them.
Loyalty and dedication to what you do.
A drive for learning and creativity.
Friendship and bravery.
Resourcefulness and cleverness.
{"name":"Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong in?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You just recieved your letter! When will you be visiting Diagon Alley?, You stop into Ollivander's Wand Shop where your wand chooses you. What is its core?, Yippee! It's September 1st, and you've got to board the Hogwarts express- but you've missed the train! What do you do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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