So You Think You Know All About Health And Dieting?

Do you think your circle of influence (friends, family, environment) can affect your weight?
No. I will not blame others or circumstances.
Yes. Life gets to me.
Do you believe it might be an "inner" problem?
Yes. I deal with personal self-esteem at times.
No. I just love to eat.
Do you believe you CAN lose weight?
No. I like being obese and I don't care.
Yes. It might take work, but I know it is possible.
Do you know about how much you can consume in calories per day?
Yes. About 1500-1800 calories per day
No. I think I can find away around counting calories.
Are you willing to investigate and learn about dieting?
No. I have had all the knowledge that I can take already.
Yes. My knowledge data base will turn into wisdom to lose.
Are you willing to lose it slowly?
Yes. As long as it is permanent weight loss.
No. I would rather drop it fast and be over with it.
Do you believe support increases your chance of success?
No. I don't believe the hype and I'll do fine on my own.
Yes. I know two are better than one and believe it.
Are you ready to lose weight, or are you still straggling the fence?
Yes. I feel encouraged.
No. I don't know when I'll get motivated.
{"name":"So You Think You Know All About Health And Dieting?", "url":"","txt":"Do you think your circle of influence (friends, family, environment) can affect your weight?, Do you believe it might be an \"inner\" problem?, Do you believe you CAN lose weight?","img":""}
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